
Team Ninja Devs Would Like a Current Gen Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball Using Soft Engine

Remember Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball series? It's been quite a while since the release of Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 on Xbox 360, precisely a little over eight years, but the folks at Team Ninja didn't forget about it, as mentioned by Producer Yosuke Hayashi.

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nyobzoo3506d ago

I'd rather instead of making a full game just add it as an extra mode for DoA6 or something

never4get3505d ago

A unique beach sandbox game, building sand castle, swimming in the ocean, fishing, sailing, building villa, online volleyball match, tropical island holiday simulator, which would make the fighting game looks like an extra mode.

SaveFerris3505d ago

Don't forget to add in a photo mode.

Scatpants3506d ago

I liked the old DOA Volleyball. I'd check it out.

Neo_Zeed3506d ago

I would like this too. I would also like for Konami to make another Rumble Roses.

DevilOgreFish3506d ago

"Team Ninja Devs Would Like a Current Gen Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball Using Soft Engine"

probably the reason why they're downplaying mods...they want to make an Xtreme Beach Volleyball game with soft body physics. team ninja is just as naughty!

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Rise of the Ronin Famitsu interview - Action is the culmination of Team Ninja

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shinoff2183276d ago

I know I'm probably the minority on this but I don't really care for many team ninja games. I can't think of one I actually really enjoyed. Ninja gaiden I liked but coulda did without, probably more a nostalgia thing on that.

276d ago Replies(1)