
Inside Xbox One: the interview with Brad Wardell and clarifications on DirectX 12

GDC 2015 will truly be an event not to be missed. Microsoft will show a lot of interesting things on the PC as on Xbox One. Cross-play future games, cloud computing, DX12 work on Xbox One and more.

The prolific boys of The Inner Circle have released last week, more precisely Saturday, February 7, a tasty interview talkative Brad Wardell, Stardock boss, software house very operational in respect of the 3D engine and development tools for video games...

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ThinkThink3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Great interview and very informative. I expect two weeks worth of news articles to come from this on n4g.

Software_Lover3453d ago

2 weeks........ You obviously haven't been here long.

I say a full month.

xx4xx3453d ago

....and since it's Microsoft, regardless of content, nobody will read the articles but will still post negative comments.

JMyers3453d ago

So negative comments are reserved for MS only on here?

UltraNova3453d ago

Hmmm I can recall just from the top of my head about 155 negative pieces JUST for the order 1886 let alone the whole ps4 ecosystem.

JMyers, let it go dude.

MadLad3453d ago

I'm sure Gaming Bolt will pick this up, slam their hands against the keyboard for a couple minutes, then make about ten articles on this one interview, spanning about 14 pages each.
One or two sentences per page, of course.

user55757083453d ago

hmm he states that with dx12 the 900p issues should end. maybe fans can finally stop getting the short end of the stick now

UltraNova3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Yeah you are right its about time PS4 owners stop getting the short end of the stick by this parity bullshit. See what I did there?

Both sides will benefit if indeed DX12 makes a tangible difference.

Automatic793453d ago

Inner Circle is truly for the Xbox community I love it.

BallsEye3452d ago (Edited 3452d ago )

rather a month of articles saying how xbox one is weak and how dx12 does nothing. Just to cover up the good news.

"In short, Wardell says openly that the use of old engines are limiting especially on Xbox One, a hardware "different kind" (perhaps because it was designed with DX12 in mind?) who struggles to support tool not modern. Hence the resolution-gate"


NerdStalker3452d ago

"rather a month of articles saying how xbox one is weak and how dx12 does nothing. Just to cover up the good news"

We've had a few years of you blabbing on about how you hate ps4.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3452d ago
kevnb3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

That hurt my eyes, ancient frostbite 3 engine... Come on.

Cherchez La Ghost3453d ago

In a nutshell for those who don't want to click for the article...,

In summary then:

-Xbox One launched ahead of schedule, to avoid giving too much advantage to Sony PS4 with which he had already planned everything in detail, however, being the result of a project, however old, closer to the PC market than on the console.

-Xbox One was deprived of adequate tools and APIs. Just think that only recently with the arrival of the latest DX 11.3 and new development kit has arrived to have titles of a certain thickness (2 Forza Horizon, Sunset Overdrive) and many identical counterparts for PS4. Why Ryse is, today, one of the titles most impressive technically? Because of CryEngine, as well as for proprietary tools Microsoft, such as FH2 and 343 Industries (have seen Halo 4 on One?).

-One APIs are anything but low-level, and still trudging to exploit adequately the console hardware.

Hmm, I guess DX12 was the reason for MS slogan "Built for the future" slogan back in '13. I hope we can see some more at GDC coming up.

mkis0073453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Ryse isn't technically impressive, just visually. No physics system and when you swing your sword it goes through the environment, the world around you doesn't know your there. Saved a lot of performance by leaving those out. I bought it for the setting.

TheRedButterfly3453d ago

The technical hoops that Crytek had to jump through in order to achieve such graphical capabilities on the less-than-low-level API the XO had at launch are the impressive technical aspects.

Software_Lover3453d ago

I said it when the Xbox One launched that it only launched when it did because Sony caught them off guard.

I was of course disagreed with and bubbled down but whatever. N4G doesn't affect my real life lol.

gangsta_red3453d ago

Yes, I am starting to learn a lot about how this bubble system truly works.

It was pretty obvious that the Xbox One was launched way ahead of schedule and for that matter even Sony's PS4 to a lesser extent.

But the X1 most definitely, we can see with the all the updates and even DX12 coming so late in the game. I wonder just how early MS had to launch Xbox One and what was their original expected launch date?

jhoward5853453d ago

Good read.
Based on this article, tiled resources is the key to making DX12 work more efficiently. The reduction of textures memory size sent to the ESRAM will help in a big way. I guess that what the decoder LZ77-compression suppose to do.

halfblackcanadian3453d ago

I think the speed of GDDR3 will utilize this API well, but I think Azure processing is where the tiled resources will shine

halfblackcanadian3453d ago

Sure, yeah. Sorry.

All I'm saying is that the faster RAM will make good use of all the draw calls and such going from CPU to GPU

UltraNova3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )


If you increase the speed limit(i.e draw calls)on the highway that leads in the city (i.e GPU) while the city's entrance (GPU controller)speed limit cannot be changed will the number of cars that get in the city increase? No you will end up with a bigger bottleneck.

If we assume that the bandwidth and potential draw calls are underused then yes we might see some increase in performance but as we all know console coding is already close to metal meaning that most of the data that can be sent to the GPU are already been sent.

I'm not saying it wont help the XB1 on the contrary DX12 will make it more efficient in running a better optimized code but it will not do miracles some people are so naively rushing to believe.

senis_kenis3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Textures are not sent to sram, they are directly fed to gpu tmu's from ddr3. Render targets or most of them are in esram and dx12 will not fix small sram size, low resolution or inferior gpu. Even microsoft admitted that dx12 will have low impact on xbone, most gains will be on pc. And forget about tiled resources being exclusive to bone, ps4 has it too it just called differently - Partially Resident Textures (PRT). It has the same GCN based GPU remember? And by the way prepare your self for halo an QB at 720p, MisterXMedia brainwashed poor souls.

LoydX-mas3453d ago

its as though you didn't read the article at all.
-the Xbox One is dual lane and has two graphic compute processors and two command compute processors......something the PS4 clearly does not have. So the "inferior" GPU argument is not relevant, it is a GPU built specifically for DX12 and the benefits it will bring.

OR- do you honestly believe that MS built a brand new gaming console at the same time they were developing a new API(DX12) and forgot to make the console take complete advantage of the new API?? It is called Xbox because of the original name DirectXbox.

No_Limit3453d ago

Great find LoydX,

DON'T forget that MS spent over 3 billion Benjamins to have AMD to built them the custom GPU chips and no doubt all the dominos will fall when DX12 and Windows 10 arrive.

TheRedButterfly3452d ago


You know, I always kind of hoped that your breed of fanboy would actually be willing to... you know, acknowledge when a fact had been presented to you...

What a fool I was to think that you'd be willing to deviate from your agenda, even when you know what you're saying is a straight-up falsehood. *sigh*

senis_kenis3452d ago (Edited 3452d ago )

@LoydX-mas ps4 has 2 gcp's and 8 ace's, while xbone 2 gcp's 2 ace's. Stop commenting on something you don't have clue about. This thread has gone fool retard, keep waiting for secret source... xbone gpu is inferior in every way. period. No api will fix that, because ps4 can already do everything dx12 will offer via GNM.

THEDON82z13452d ago Show
Dewitt3452d ago (Edited 3452d ago )

Dual lane versus single lane which is what I was talking about back when the specs were revealed. Since it can both pull and feed information if DX12 took advantage of that it would be able to increase the bandwidth of data sent through the GPU calls. Since this is basically revealed in the AMD talk, it shows that the XB1's optimization tools are not able to be properly leveraged. Can't wait for GDC to hear their plans.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3452d ago
LifeInNZ3453d ago

Basically we have yet to see what the X1 can fully do. Well, as always I will let the software do the talking so I await eagerly for the next gen releases on X1. Just no more screen tearing and framerate drops please developers!

u got owned3453d ago

Agree, at this point we are hearing lot of good things about DX12 and XBO but all we can do is wait and see if all this talk is true.

gangsta_red3453d ago

This is what it basically comes down too. All this is well and good but I would like to see it applied to the games.

Until I see actual use then I'm going to hold back my excitement and enthusiasm. Hopefully at GDC we will get further explanation and come E3 actual full on games using this tech.

MSBAUSTX3452d ago

The article said it wouldnt be released to third parties until November of 2015. We probably wont even see any real gameplay from a Microsoft studio created game at E3 if that is the case because of the timeline of the release.

Phil played down DX12's capabilities for the XB1 because he knew it would give a %10 to %20 increase to current software on XB1 at the launch of DX 12 and he didnt want the hype train to be full steam ahead for something so small. This would point more to 2016 before we see any game really built around the benefits of DX12.

Definitely wait for GDC but dont get your hopes up for something amazing this year at E3 using this new tool. It is very encouraging to see exactly how all of this is starting to play out and How MS is getting all their ducks in a row. Going to be a very interesting 18 months. I enjoyed this article. Finally some credible and realistic light shed on this subject.

JorboTron3452d ago

Phil understands gamers. Under-promise and over deliver. You go the other way and gamers will eat you Alive.

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Microsoft Appoints Former Forza Boss As New Xbox Game Studios Head

Pure Xbox writes: "Microsoft has appointed Alan Hartman as the new Head of Xbox Game Studios. If you're not familiar with Hartman, he's been part of Forza Motorsport team at Turn 10 Studios since 2005.

Over the past couple of years he's led as Corporate Vice President of Forza and Fable, and before this was the Forza Studio Head at Turn 10."

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Berenger259d ago

Seems like a solid choice considering Forza and FH have been the only high quality studio, consistently for Microsoft.

Berenger259d ago

*Forza and FH are the most consistent high quality and this guy ran Turn 10. Playground did FH but still high quality. Let's see if he can get some quality production out of the rest

Obscure_Observer259d ago

He´s been doing an excellent job ahead of both Forza franchises integrating those studios to work together by sharing knowledge, technology and manpower.

The new ForzaTech is amazing and I can´t wait to see what it can do for the new Fable.

Phil Spencer has been promoting a huge shake up at Xbox with new leadership hopefully full of fresh ideas!

I hope Alan Hartman as head of XGS to keep the focus on single player games and RPGs. Fable looks absolutely stunning, so we can expect Forza Horizon´s level of excellence for Playground´s first RPG.

I can´t wait!

Futureshark259d ago

What a nice reward for the latest Forza, which is probably the most mediocre of the lot so far.

amazinglover259d ago

That game was using a new engine and had to be rebuilt from the ground up.

Redgrave259d ago

So that gives it a pass to be a lesser entry than those before it?

amazinglover241d ago

@redgrave not an excuse an explanation for why this game has less features. Not my problem you don't understand how game development works or development in general. When you move to a knew platform some things need to be rebuilt from the ground up.

I am currently migrating one of our services we provide to our customers to the cloud version and having to rebuild a lot of the add-ons we had built for them over the years.

But go ahead and keep criticizing devs when no one here has any clue what it actually takes.

Disccordia259d ago

Still think Rod Fergusson would have been a good shout. He's got a track record of fixing stuff and I assume he's still at Blizzard.

Not heard of this guy but I feel like anyone is better than Matt Booty

I thought Dan Greenawalt was head of Turn10 though (although I noticed he didn't do the on stage stuff at e3 this year). Is he not there anymore?

Barlos259d ago (Edited 259d ago )

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This is the best news I've heard since the last piece of xbox news!

Go team xbox! Xbox will rule the world!

Lightning77259d ago

He's over overlooked The Forza games which have been consistently good through our the years. Hopefully he has the same eye for quality for the rest if the studios going forward.

babadivad259d ago (Edited 259d ago )

How can anyone deny that Forza has been a quality franchise for almost two decades?

Lightning77259d ago

They just downvote just to downvote they have no reason.

Jin_Sakai258d ago

“How can anyone deny that Forza has been a quality franchise for almost two decades?“

Forza Motorsport declined after FM4. And this release was one of the worst in the series.

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Ori and the Will of the Wisps crosses 2 million players

Ori and the Will of the Wisps has crossed 2 million players since its release. This news comes via an infographic shared by Moon Studios.

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GaboonViper1492d ago

Should be so many more, such a wonderful game.

CaptainHenry9161492d ago

They should release it on the Switch like the first game

Marquinho1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

Good news is that it will be optimized for XSX @120fps. I will get it a second shot then.

The game is an absolute wonder from the visuals to the music score and gameplay. It really is a console show off.

poleerollee1492d ago

this game its better than TLOU.

RgR1491d ago

Give hollow knight a try. Ori used to be my favourite metroidvanis side scroller but hollow knight has taken it's place by an enormous margin. For me.

King_Noctis1491d ago

Both games are from different genres, so they aren't comparable and shouldn't be compared quite frankly.

N4realGMRZ1491d ago

It's genuinely one of this generations most underrated games and in my book a masterpiece

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1491d ago
Automatic791492d ago

Congratulations this game is fantastic.

Gaming4Life19811491d ago

Agreed the game is great and i didnt think they would be able to outdo part 1, i was wrong. Cant wait for part 3.

Sciurus_vulgaris1491d ago

I think Ori’s story is over. Another game in series would likely be a spin-off.

sushimama1492d ago

That's kind of bad. When it's a multiplat and it's free on gamepass also. PLUS it's a sequel, it's not a new IP. The IP has already been established. Not to mention it's a quality game. Just kind of sad really.

RamRod881491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

Your concern trolling is kinda sad.

Kiwi661491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

"PLUS it's a sequel, it's not a new IP" you just described any game that has more than one game in the series, well done

RazzerRedux1491d ago

Well.....it is a metroidvania type of game. That isn't exactly the most popular genre these days so 2 million looks pretty good to me.

CBaoth1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

since you're referring to the genre, is 2 million players better than Bloodstained's 1 million sales?

EDIT: I mean what do you consider a better metric of success? I hope this mini resurgence of the genre leads to greater things but we'll see. I don't take stock in MAUs as a quantifiable measurement of success

RazzerRedux1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )


The real question is which generated more revenue, right? I don't see how we can answer that without having a better understanding of Game Pass internal economics along with actual Ori sales data.

Imortus_san1491d ago

Go and Cry to Sony to see if they make one.

ZeroX98761491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

one of the great MS exclusive that I bought on PC to play it and it is a fantastic game! Sony fans would've love it for sure.

King_Noctis1491d ago

2 millions for a small non "AAA" game. You tell me how many small game on Gamepass can achieve this feat.

SamPao1491d ago

man...not every game has to sell millions upon millions. Seems like they are doing very will with this one.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1491d ago
timotim1492d ago

Continued success Moon Studios, Ori is a fantastic IP and the game is one of the years best. Waiting for your next project reveal.

Youngindy211492d ago

Not bad. I haven't gotten around to playing it yet, but I really enjoyed the first game.

Fist4achin1491d ago

The sequel was great too. I preferred the first, but 2 is not far behind IMO. Enjoy!

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The PS5 and Xbox Two battle plan to repel Google Stadia advance revealed

Sony PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Xbox Two set to adopt elite battle tactic in these troubled times for traditional gaming consoles

Hardiman1848d ago

"Troubled times for traditional gaming consoles " lol a little dramatic wouldn't you say?!?! No I imagine if Sony continues what they are doing along with everything else that they are bringing to the table, they'll be just fine. Latency is a thing and it's the biggest hurdle for streaming.

You can't just magically say something and it happens. The Stadia is in for an uphill battle because of latency and the fact that quality games take talented people to make and it takes years to do this.

Film and tv are completely different animals compared to games especially games with the graphical fidelity that games have now.

Again it's not hard for me to see the PS5 being extremely successful because at this point Sony has so many talented devsdevs and those aforementioned studios and with it being BC and having a connected cross gen system they will be going into next gen strong.

ApocalypseShadow1847d ago (Edited 1847d ago )

It's just the usual doom and gloom articles Sony receives before every new launch.

Yes. The competition is higher. But Sony seems to handle their console business well with a proven track record.

I think Sony would be more worried about tariffs and world markets before Google Stadia and their legion of YouTube influencers.

And the fact that they sent their trillion dollar market cap competitor home with their tail between their legs that they can't even announce numbers unless it's useless metrics to look good instead of numbers that matter.

What's another near trillion dollar company to Sony? They eat them for breakfast. Then sit back and take a sip of sake.

lazyboyblue1847d ago (Edited 1847d ago )

Agree but you know Sony aren't a tiny underdog indie outfit dont you? They're a massive conglomerate.

Potnoodle9991847d ago

Hehe bit overboard but pretty much well said ☺️

traumadisaster1846d ago

Stadia is shit for me but imagine the wanna be gamer who can’t buy the next gen console and games for over $500 with games, I guess for cheap they can play day one.

AK911847d ago

Yup this definitely means Stadia wont be that successful.

bisunusimu1847d ago

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nucky641847d ago

so true. sony will have my money for ps5 as soon as i can preorder - i don't care about any of the other ways to game.

PhantomS421847d ago

All they need to do is cook up some popcorn. Stadia is going to crash and burn all by itself, I don't think I've seen anyone talk about it as a serious contender. Like the Ouya it's just a laughing stock.

AK911847d ago

They just need to make games that wont lag due to latency.

Ju1847d ago (Edited 1847d ago )

Which is a physical problem for the medium. There just isn't much you can do to cut down latency over long lines. Not even fiber. We are talking latency in the range of 33ms or below. All the services are above 100ms. I mean, I have the most advanced game streaming today - PS Now (yeah, it is, they are years ahead and a service you can actually buy today) but it has at least one frame delayed. And 60fps is not problem for PS Now at all..that is hardwired gigabit Ethernet on a fiber line into my living room. Google tries to sell stadia with a WiFi controller. This is hilarious. This automatically adds WiFi lag to every game, no matter how you wire it.

Tross1847d ago

They have had that for a very long time. It's called physical games and regular digital downloads.

lazyboyblue1847d ago (Edited 1847d ago )

I cant wait to stream games to my mobile device....... for free from my Xbox.
I know Google expect backlash from hardcore gamers but they're dreaming if they think casuals will buy full price games, pay extra for 4k and experience latency.
The whole thing is better pitched as a complimentary service to an existing platform like PS or Xbox.

Imo of course.

Tross1847d ago

What troubled times? Don't listen to the BS Google is spewing. They haven't even established themselves in the gaming market yet. I don't see their PoS with no exclusives selling very well.

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