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ROQFrost (2) - 3423d ago Cancel
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Heroes of the Storm Will Dethrone League of Legends With a Few Simple Features

After five years playing League of Legends’ fantastic and balanced system, Blizzard has built a competitor that not only brings MOBA back to its Blizzard roots, but beats League of Legends in many ways. Changing some core principles to the MOBA standard, Heroes of the Storm takes much of the stress out of the fight that League of Legends holds, resulting in a better game with more less frustration.

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Community3423d ago
ROQFrost3423d ago

I am in the beta for Heroes of the Storm and I completely agree. Heroes of the Storm is leaps and bounds better than League of Legends.

JoeIsMad3423d ago

Honestly, if you're playing now you probably know - why go back?

3-4-53423d ago

Didn't like Dota when I tried it, played LoL for a few months and it was mostly fun, but kind of boring at times.

Hots is exactly what I've been looking for in a game right now, so for me it's the perfect mix of gameplay and nostalgia.

* It's definitely not any less complex than LoL, as it takes just as much skill to be good.

* Heroes has Blizzards IP's behind it, which is hard to compete with unless your Nintendo.

* The Endless amount of Hero Possibilities is what excites me, along with the fact that there are actually different maps, that make that game play different.

* Certain Heroes play more effectively on certain map types, so that brings it's own strats and balances.

* Playing the same map over and over again got old real fast in Dota & LoL.
- Might not matter for most, but it was bothersome to me as somebody who likes map variety.

* Most of LoL & Dota's Champions or Heroes don't appeal to me at all.

* I like the more solid clean look of Blizzard games and characters. It's an Art Style that has always appealed to me.

* The Skins. - You get 3 color variations with each, so that helps keep things fresh.

* You also get a Master Skin to work towards, each with their own 3 color variations.

* The skins for real money.....some of them are awesome, some aren't that great.

* The Quality of Blizzard's games and the support they give + the fan base & community around their games lets me know this game will be supported the way it should be for the entire time I'm playing the game.

* It's a game that is worth investing into, and is the most "full game" like Beta I've ever played in my life.

* Addition of Lost Vikings, + the future inclusion of Overwatch characters gives me hope that Blizzard is really willing to expand their Hero list further than I'd imagined.

* I'm personally hoping for any character from Rock n Roll Racing to make the cut eventually.

* Games are about 15-25 minutes long.
- When your losing, you don't feel like quitting because you A.) still have a chance or B.) the end is only about 3-5 minutes away so just stick it out.

* I've not once wanted to quit a game, even when my team was awful.

And that is huge for a Moba.

* I expect to see a lot of interaction between Overwatch & Heroes of the storm.

* Both new games, one a new Universe/IP.
- Heroes may intermix.
- This would help both IP's, as you could get the communities from each game to blend for one huge super community.

Just my take on things though....I was never a hardcore Dota or LoL player.

* I actually preferred Monday Night Combat & Awesomenauts to both of those games.

* Overwatch seems like a blend of Plants vs Zombies + Heroes of the Storm + Team Fortress 2 = Overwatch.

This ties into Heroes because it makes it easier for Overwatch characters to blend into HotS, and then eventually some Heroes from HotS possibly getting to be in Overwatch.

* Imagine Raynor in Overwatch....something like that.

I see big things for Heroes of the Storm. It's a fun game, and if it remains fun, it will stay active for a long time.

HammadTheBeast3423d ago

I disagree, it feels more team-based, but not as fluid. Also, individual mechanics are less-focused on, and certain aspects of the game feel too easy.

But, to each their own.

I just don't see it dethroning League at all.

3-4-53422d ago

It won't be a de-throning really as it will just be a game a lot of Dota & LoL players migrate too eventually.

All it takes is one of their old favorite Blizzard characters to be included or introduced and you get them into it.

* After playing Heroes, because of the shorter game time, I don't think I could ever go back to LoL or Dota.

The games would seem to drag on forever....

I do like that there are at least 3 heavy favorites in the mix.

Competition is really good for this genre.

Stevefantisy3423d ago

I might need to give this game a shot.

Jacktrauma3423d ago

I've been in since the alpha and I've had more fun with this game than any other moba. I never feel overwhelmed and win or lose I always end up having a good time.

JoeIsMad3423d ago

I played it in the Alpha too, and with the new maps they've released since the game is ever better.

pompombrum3423d ago

An article I read a while back sums up HOTS perfectly.. it's the MOBA for people who dislike MOBAs. I never could get into them but HOTS pretty much fixes most of my gripes. I imagine many dedicated LoL and DOTA 2 players will shun it but I think it's definitely going to carve out it's own path.

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