
The Last of Us 2 and Other Sequels That Don’t Need to Happen

CraveOnline: "Every video game release calendar of the past few years have been filled to the brim with sequels, as publishers are less keen on greenlighting an unproven, brand new IP over sticking with the tried and tested.

"However, with it looking increasingly likely that, following the release of Uncharted 4, developer Naughty Dog will hunker down and create The Last of Us 2 despite that seeming like a truly bad idea, it’s time to look at some of the other games that have left a large portion of gamers longing for a sequel, but which probably could do without one."

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JonnyBigBoss3517d ago

The first one had such a good ending. =\

destroyerz13517d ago

I think differently. When the credits show up I was extremely sad. I lost two friends. I just don't want to leave that universe. I want at least more three sequences, with Joel and Ellie.

Monkeycan83517d ago

I was seriously depressed for like a week after I beat the last of us...

theshonen88993517d ago

The Last of Us 2 wouldn't follow Joel and Ellie, which is great because the world is seriously amazing but their story is over.

BitbyDeath3517d ago

Their story isn't over. The fallout from the events of the first will be catastrophic. It was more of a too be continued than anything just watch Ellie's face and you'll get what I mean.

-Foxtrot3517d ago (Edited 3517d ago )

It had a good ending but it set it's self up for a sequel


That "Lie" Joel told Ellie is a forshadowing plot device found in many Films and especially TV shows.

When they are in TV shows and are shown to you like a character who is secretly alive or a character learning ones secret then you know it's going to be used as a plot device later on in the season because it's used to advance the story while giving you a taste of what's to come.

So the lie will definetly come back to bite Joel on the ass, Ellie gives off the impression she might know deep down but it won't be untill Joel admits it to her face and gives her 100% confirmation that she will become furious at him.

In my opinion I think it's something which will happen in the sequel where Ellie will storm off and will get captured or even try to survive by herself. Forcing Joel to follow her. The story will show both sides of the story, each level swapping between the two.

Fact is the game set it's self up for a sequel, these two characters are not done yet

DragonKnight3517d ago


And the thing is that Joel didn't really lie. The Fireflies DID try to use at least a dozen other people who were allegedly immune to the cordyceps in finding a cure. You find that out via collectibles in the game. None of those 12 people who died ever produced a cure so there was no guarantee that Ellie's death would have resulted in one either. What he didn't tell Ellie though is that he wasn't willing to take the gamble and she was. It's one of those really grey lies that's a truth but not a good one but that people would still accuse you of lying for.

Expertly written if I may say so myself.

Personally speaking, I'd rather a game where you live through the events of Tommy and Joel's life before Tommy left to join the Fireflies. That's 20 years worth of material there.

-Foxtrot3517d ago


You have a point but either way with what Ellie is like she's still not going to take it well

"Personally speaking, I'd rather a game where you live through the events of Tommy and Joel's life before Tommy left to join the Fireflies. That's 20 years worth of material there"

I'd rather see that as DLC and in Flashbacks

Hell if ND were brave they could get a good small studio to make a side game like "The Last of Us: We Survived" (example title btw) where the game would basically be a collection of short stories.

Tess at start of infection to where she met Joel
Joel and Tommy untill they parted ways
Joel and Tess after they meet
Sam and Henry
Frank and Bill - Bills descent into insanity
Tommy building the town up with his wife
David after the infection and how he became broken
Marlene at the start of infection and the rise of the fireflies

You get the idea

There is so much they could do Volumes

Chard3517d ago (Edited 3517d ago )

Ugh, all this talk of stories, short stories and volumes - am I the only one here who is primarily concerned with gameplay anymore?

Naughty Dog is pretty good now at third person shooting mechanics but I think they can take it even further. I'd be perfectly happy for them to tackle a new franchise if it allows them to implement new gameplay ideas, or to put a new spin on horror and stealth. I'd like to see actions fleshed out with less QTEs.
TLOU took a lot of people by surprise at a time when people expected more Uncharted, and I'm sure ND could do it again.

JoGam3517d ago

This is how I see it. I don't "Need" a TLOU 2 however I want it. If it doesn't happen, I'm fine with that.

gamerdad3163517d ago

If mario maker takes off having shareable levels, I'm not really sure how future 2d mario is going to play out. Maybe with dlc?

98xpresent3517d ago (Edited 3517d ago )

Idk if tlou needs a sequel . It ended on a good note but I would like to see more of the world.

GokuSolosAll3517d ago

We need sequels or at least spinoffs. That way gameplay can evolve or diversify while maintaining our favorite fictional universes as backdrops.

iistuii3517d ago

There will be TLOU2, it was so successful they'd be mad not to.

Soulscare3517d ago

Not exactly true. Naughty Dog have a huge following, anyone who bought TLoU will most likely buy whatever they release instead.

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The Last of Us 2 Factions 2 Was in Development for 4 Years, Cancellation Resulted in Heads Rolled

The Last of Us 2 Online mode often referred to as Factions 2 was said to be in development for four years, with a team "in the hundreds."

TheNamelessOne41d ago

The original was so good. What was the issue here? All they had to do was basically recreate what they already did.

Lightning7741d ago

Not that simple Sony wanted a LS Factions. Not just a recreated Factions 1.5

40d ago
Cacabunga40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

All ND multiplayer were top notch!! Uncharted were so fun and engaging. Online coop was a total blast 💥

Maybe they were trying to release Factions 2 as a gaas using the name of the series as a selling point and didn’t work out?

StormSnooper40d ago

I think they simply were not happy with the end product and decided not to dilute a masterpiece of an IP with something lackluster.

Jin_Sakai41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

“The original was so good. What was the issue here?”

This issue is that Instead of making improvements upon Factions they chose to go big and chase GaaS.

shaenoide40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

@StormSnooper The game is dead. To be successful a Gaas needs regular content. And you need a lot of people for that. Palworld is another exemple not enough content the game is dead too.

StormSnooper40d ago

No, gaas is not the problem. There are good gaas games. Helldivers is an example.

Cacabunga40d ago


There are also so many trash ones.. what are you trying to say?

Crows9040d ago

Leadership....that's it. After 4 years...it's all on leadership.

isarai40d ago

Well with how much care part 2 had put into it, I think they just decided to put factions to the side to get that over the finish line. Then shortly after they wanted to expand the multiplayer which delayed it even more. And then they wanted to convert it into a games as a service title which I think changing gears that many times just shattered what was there and just wasn't coming back together well enough to ship

jambola40d ago

Even if they wanted a full version, I wish they could have put a smaller version in the game, even as a teaser
at least then we could have the same as the first game

jambola40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

dead? Palworld literally has 20k people playing at this moment on steam alone
that's huge, in what world is that "dead"

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41d ago
P_Bomb41d ago

Shoulda kept it simple and released a new Factions with the Remaster.

RaidenBlack41d ago

Incomplete Factions 2.0 is still >>> Concord

babadivad40d ago

What, you don't want to play as a robot with pronouns???

generic-user-name39d ago

This, the only heads that should roll are the ones who greenlit Concord while letting Factions get cancelled.

Chocoburger40d ago

They didn't need to go LIVE SERVICE route. Just release it as a standard multi-player game without the GAAS trash.
An unbelievable waste of time and money all for nothing.

attilayavuzer40d ago

Really an incredible bag fumble by Sony here. A sequel to a beloved multiplayer mode of a beloved franchise. This should've been a lay up that printed money for them. Only potential silver lining is that ND isn't stuck in GaaS development purgatory for the next 10 years supporting it.

Crows9040d ago

But they need competent people heading the studio....otherwise it breaks down...

Cacabunga40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

Herman and Jim decided otherwise..
i am actually glad the gaas obsession seems to have vanished from Sony plans with all these miss ups

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Playing The Last of Us Part II Is Different After Watching The Show

Has HBO’s The Last of Us show changed fans’ thoughts on Naughty Dog’s sequel, The Last of Us Part II? Maybe.

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anast88d ago

"Everyone in the world of The Last of Us sequel is miserable in one way or another. I mean, it’s the end of the world, we understand that, but there came a time when the game felt like it was written by Garth Ennis – and that’s not always a good sign."

It is not close to feeling like Garth Ennis's comic book style. Garth is a good writer and his writing isn't all tension either, and the same with Druckman's Last of Us II. In romantic comedies, there are comedic tension and rejection with bouts of misery. In dramas, there are bouts of comedic relief among tension, which are also in the game and this awareness is a good sign.

In the end, everyone dies and everyone is miserable at some point in time, even more so in an apocalypse. However, life is mixed with happy moments while entropy is moving in the background, such as a nice time with family and laugh shared amongst friends and so on, which are in the game.


The Last of Us Part 2 reportedly PC ready, and has been for months

The development of the The Last of Us Part II PC port has been complete since November 2023, according to a reliable insider

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gold_drake109d ago

probably waiting for the new season to air

just_looken109d ago (Edited 109d ago )

Your right as soon as the hype wheel is ready for that show there going to drop it on pc.

But the real question is will this pc port be able to run 1080p on a 4090 as the last naughty dog pc port they helped make it was a dumpster fire.

Like i said before the current naughty dog team is just a glorified port studio but even then they have a hard time actually doing it right.

Yes ps blind boys naughty dog worked on pc ports

neutralgamer1992108d ago


Your information is good but you need to stop calling names and start trying to have a real conversation. Fanboys of any product are extreme but that doesn't mean vast majority of gamers are just that "gamers"

RaidenBlack109d ago (Edited 109d ago )

... and the water's wet
But I'd prefer the Uncharted trilogy port over this one, tbh
Just porting Uncharted 4 and 4.5 to PC was not the best idea.

Inverno109d ago

Water isn't wet, but definitely want he Uncharted trilogy on PC.

truthBombs109d ago

Original Uncharted trilogy is my fav of the series. That is a worthy port to PC not 4 imo

just_looken109d ago

No doubt they need more help as the og's left the building so the uncharted 1-3 port would take actual skill/knowledge along with the source code/audio files/voice files.

If only niel D lost didn't loose over 80% of the team that made the company he is "running" and turned into a port studio.

Doge109d ago

It'll probably be announced and released on Friday.

Inverno109d ago

Yeah it could be a game fest announcement and release.

fsfsxii109d ago

Hope the PC crowd enjoy 4 year old leftovers lmao

DustMan109d ago

The PC master race looks down upon you mockingly knowing they are in every way superior gamers to you console simpleton.

ocelot07109d ago

Even the ones that have a £50 dell Optiplex and put in a 1650 that's weaker than a series S?

RaidenBlack109d ago

Atleast they dont make comments like the above.

truthBombs109d ago (Edited 109d ago )

for everytime you say that, the library of PS games on PC grows bigger. This year, Helldivers 2, Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima, GOW Ragnarok has a release date for this year and now TLOU2? Hmm.

Potentially 6 titles in one year. It keeps stacking.

Aphrodia109d ago

DON'T FORGET ABOUT CONCORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

Cockney109d ago

Pc guys are loving it right now, banger after banger its one hell of a year

just_looken109d ago

If only the new sony leadership was not hell bent on region locking down there pc games to avoid better sales and get more ps accounts even though pc players do not want a jank exposed ps account that has all there personal info ready for another data breach and or just gets sold off.

I still and will never link my old ps account to my steam account the sony tos is to strict i do not want to get my ps account banned because i left my vpn on or sony things rgb is a hacker tool or some other BS.

Tedakin108d ago

When TLOU2 is announced, Spider-Man 2 will be pretty much the only notable PS5 first party game not on PC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 108d ago
FPS_D3TH109d ago (Edited 109d ago )

Lmao you probably bought this twice because ps5 have nothing good to play. My backlog of games is too big for me to even care it exists on PC let alone how bad the first one launched on PC. Sony wouldn’t be releasing it on pc if they didn’t need $$$

PrinceOfAnger109d ago

Will you enjoy Gears 5 and Sunset over drive + Ori games on PS5 after 3/5 years?

109d ago
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Destiny1080109d ago

i might have to upgrade my gtx 560 to a gtx 750ti

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