
Play like a girl: Why women gamers must own “casual” gaming

"Look closely at your typical girl gamer, however, and you’ll see that our expression is almost… haunted. A disquieting spectre seems trapped behind our eyes, a terrible, latent force primed to burst from our bodies like so much alien out of Kane. We are repressing, burying deep down, an unspoken, monstrous side of ourselves. A dark side – or rather, a light side.

Casual gaming".

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thorstein3426d ago

I'm a man and I have no problem playing casual games as well as hardcore. It is like music. I just ask myself what I am in the mood for. Same with books.

I don't think what is betwixt one's legs matters a whit when it comes to enjoying games, be they casual or non(?) casual.

Mutant-Spud3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

Some days I like to play Plants vs Zombies while listening to Dark Fortress or Immortal, other days it's Endless Space and Five Seconds Of Summer ;)

VJGenova3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

I'm a proponent of the argument thay a gamer can make any game "hardcore" and the game, and the player are not necessarily "hardcore" or "casual". For instance, a gamer may "casually" beat supet mario 64 with getting "just" 70 stars or that same gamer may do a speed run and get all 120 in record time, in true "hardcore" fashion.

As thorstein said, it will depend on the mood, and potentially experience of the gamer.

PoSTedUP3425d ago

im with ya. i can go from MGS extreme/european extreme or playing with a great disadvantage in an online shooter, to the casual benevolence of taking care of a farm animal in harvest moon. its really about how you play, not always what you play. because harvest moon could be hardcore as well as COD.

PoSTedUP3425d ago

i dont like my books hardcore, they use words ive never heard of in my life that i have no interest in making a part of my vocabulary. an E-reader is like a gameshark for books with big words, i want one.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3425d ago

This is just more social justice warrior bs ruining everything it touches.

Blues Cowboy3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

So a gamer writing about their personal experiences in an opinion piece is... social justice?

Come on. Let's try to speak out the bigger problems ruining our hobby (broken games, crazy RRP, deceptive marketing, pre-order cons) before worrying about stuff like that.

360ICE3425d ago

Please elaborate. No, really. What exactly is social justice warrior bs about this and what does it ruin?

Should girls be ashamed when they occasionally play casual games?
Is every gaming choice not valid?

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3425d ago

I will when you elaborate on the correlation of gender and casual gaming....

360ICE3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )


That's a dodge and has nothing to do with what I said, but ok: The correlation is that women tend to play more casual games and less hardcore games.


Now, elaborate.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3425d ago

Your reply had nothing to do with what I was talking about either. No one has to feel ashamed about playing casual games they're great. But the practice of categorizing peoples hobby's by gender is ridiculous.


"You're a girl so you must mainly play casual games."

IcicleTrepan3425d ago

whenever you say 'x group of people should do y', you have become an idiot.

360ICE3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

Parents should refrain from murdering their children.

Oh, damn. Saying that made me an idiot.

DragonKnight3425d ago

Why do women gamers have to "own" casual gaming? Why limit themselves just to fit an ideological agenda based in no actual facts and wholly based in opinion?

Gamers, male or female, do not have to "own" any kind of genre to make a place for themselves in a community that has been open to everyone for 40+ years. Play what you want if you enjoy it, let others do the same.

Christopher3425d ago

I agree with this, but must say that the other side of people who keep trying to put all women into the category of "non gamers" or "casual" just because some attention whores who want attention give off a bad image (example: some hot woman in a picture with a XBO controller saying she's enjoying playing The Last of Us).

I see a lot of comments, on N4G alone, of people saying that women are casual gamers and that the statistics of them as "hardcore" gamers doesn't matter because they're placed into the casual crowd so quickly. It seems weird to tell women to enjoy gaming how they want, and then see others (and sometimes the same people, but not at you on that DK) lump them all into a group so as to deflect their place alongside what those people believe are "hardcore" gamers.

Roccetarius3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

''I see a lot of comments, on N4G alone, of people saying that women are casual gamers and that the statistics of them as "hardcore" gamers doesn't matter because they're placed into the casual crowd so quickly. It seems weird to tell women to enjoy gaming how they want, and then see others (and sometimes the same people, but not at you on that DK) lump them all into a group so as to deflect their place alongside what those people believe are "hardcore" gamers.''

I think you became confused somewhere along this thought. People don't believe statistics that are trying to favor women for a more 50/50 balance. It's putting false statistics out there, because the reality is maybe somewhere about 20% or less. And no, personally i and many others don't count toilet / train wasters like Candy Crush valid. It all boils down to a lot of people trying to be gamers, but they really don't belong in the group.

Christopher3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

***I think you became confused somewhere along this thought.***

Reread it and I don't think so.

***People don't believe statistics that are trying to favor women for a more 50/50 balance. It's putting false statistics out there, because the reality is maybe somewhere about 20% or less.***

1. No one has said things should "favor women for a more 50/50 balance" other than extremists. Those who cite the percentage increase in female gamers don't make any presumptions on the data presented. They just share the data collected.

2. They're not false statistics. More women are playing video games. It's just not clarifying the type. A false statistic would be one that utilized made up numbers. That isn't what is happening here.

But, even light that the majority of these women play mobile games and the like, and as I said above, people tend to ignore the small percentage of women who do play "hardcore" games because of the much larger percentage of women who play "casual" games. Rather than recognizing the one, they lump them into the greater in order to exaggerate their claim that "girls only play casual games."

***And no, personally i and many others don't count toilet / train wasters like Candy Crush valid.***

They are video games. They are valid in determining the market make up of the industry as it relates to developing video games. Maybe they're not "hardcore" video games, but they are video games.

So, while you don't count them, the massive increase in them is a result of the increase market share of potential gamers.

***It all boils down to a lot of people trying to be gamers, but they really don't belong in the group.***

No, it all boils down to people finding and playing what they like as well as the evolution of video games into mainstream media. Go back 20 years and you'd be hard pressed to find a super hero movie in the theaters. But, now we have a plethora of TV shows and movies because of the mainstream acceptance of the genre as a whole. Similar thing with games. What was once a niche hobby is now just as mainstream as professional football and basketball.

DragonKnight3425d ago

Agreed with you as well. Personally speaking, I only have ever used the "groups" argument when discussing disingenuous studies that are purposely vague in their end results. It's all part of the unfortunate reality that gamers have unwittingly been put into the Gamer vs. Player identity argument and involves what people define a gamer as being and the same thing with a player. Personally, I define a gamer as someone who loves the entire culture of video games. From reading up on announcements and development, playing games as more than just a passing interest you do in off time, and interacting with people of like minds and like interests.

I define a player as someone who will play Candy Crush on the bus trip to work but never really get into games much more than that. It seems that I'm not alone in that kind of thinking as I can see how these two sides relate to the agendas being pushed where people in favour of lumping women into casual gamers need the term Player to be acknowledged more than Gamer, and people trying to defend gaming culture call out these attempts and need the term Gamer to remain as the norm.

Preferences exist no matter your sex/gender. Neither male nor female need to "own" a particular demographic because that's never been what gaming is about. Not to sound like a broken record but, play what you enjoy whether it's considered to be casual or core, that's what it's always been about. I personally feel that culture involves more than performing a simple act, it's actually being a part of something and taking part. But at the same time, trying to create market behaviours based on vague or faulty studies doesn't do anyone any good.

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