
Civilization Revolution Review - A Revelation More Than A Revolution (XboxOZ360)

XboxOZ360 writes:

I wouldn't call Civilization a revolution at all, but rather a revelation. It brought me back to the hours of my life I spent playing the original on my old 486 watching little icon-squares that represented units move around the low res screen, hoping to be the one who dominated the world.

However, this new console version of the game, is not merely a trip down nostalgia lane better suited to Xbox Live Arcade with the other retro-titles, or a port of a newer Civilization PC version trying to appeal to the console masses. Rather, this Civilization is a more refined, shorter, and easier to play game that stands on its own and is perfectly suited to the variety of console gamers, casual and hardcore alike.

The Xbox 360 has often been accused of being deluged with shooters and racers and the strategy genre itself is usually dismissed as impossible on consoles. Here is a title that challenges those perceptions; it provides a successful strategy game both in single and multiplayer on a console that may need something a bit different.

With this game, as I discovered, Rome can not only be built in a day, but also lost in that same day. Re-write world history your own way and have a good time doing it. This is a must have for any game library; it is a unique gaming experience in a sea of copycat games...

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gaminoz5918d ago

Wonderful game....So glad they made a console version...even avid PC gamers can't deny this one worked well on a console, perfectly simplified for casuals as well as civ lovers.

XboxOZ3605918d ago

Never really given it a thought until now. Reading the review while I was adding art got me thinking about at least getting it out for a day or two from Civic and trying it out.

leeeeed5917d ago

I agree OZ - I don't know if I could sink money into this game (as I've already got so much Civilization on my PC) but maybe it's worth a night or two?

Immortal Kaim5918d ago


Once I start with this game I just can't put it down. I agree with the review, it's certainly a 9/10 game.

Rama262855918d ago

I tried Civilazation before on the PC, but never really got into it. So when I tried this, I was treating it as a new game without comparing it to anything else.

I had some in-store credit and decided to give it a go after liking the demo and I have to agree it's very addictive! I play this game much more than any other (including GTA, MGS, COD, etc) and it's the only game that has me thinking about it when I'm not playing it either. Whenever I start playing it, 2-3 hours always pass without me knowing and it doesn't ever seem like I've been playing it that long.

I'd definitely recommend this game, but I just know that some people don't like these sort of games.

elitewh0re5918d ago

couldn't agree with you more. It's an absolute charm to play, the graphics are perfect for the console department, games are long but not too long and the A.I can keep you constantly planning on your next move, ( you'll have to send a few troops their way to stop them from threatening you each turn ;) ) a perfect game to play if you wanna kill a day or two.. haha

Superfragilistic5918d ago (Edited 5918d ago )

Yeah I love this game. I hope it gets plenty of retail love and they continue to tweak and offer fresh content in the future. The various scenarios, multiplayer modes and "game of the week" really keep it fresh and interesting (as do the random maps and 16 civs!).

Great review and the only one that's stuck in my mind other than IGN's which put it perfectly when awarding an 8.8:

"But Civ Rev is not just a straight port of prior Civilization games. Rather, it is a ground-up rebuild of the basic Civ idea, crafted with consoles in mind."

If you approach the game as such you'll recognise it as probably the best strategy title on next-gen consoles. But if you approach it with a PC mindset you will be disappointed, but more importantly sadly mistaken about the game's intentions.

Treat it as a console game and a fresh IP and you'll have a blast and mark it, as I have, as one of those rare games you'll still be playing in a year's time and are likely yo never trade! :)

gaminoz5918d ago

It's more of a challenge to get that Space, Economic or Culture victory isn't it? If someone attacks me, I'm slow to forgive....(usually gets me killed too..)

Godem5918d ago

Brilliant game, just they need to include a Save game option for multiplayer so you can resume another day!

Superfragilistic5918d ago

Yeah not a bad idea for private matches. As multi tends to last anywhere between 2-4hrs. Having said that the online multiplayer is great fun full of private chats, promises, backstabbing, alliances and lots of laughs (when I get revenge)!

gaminoz5917d ago

At least it doesn't go on and on like the PC versions...but yeah, it would be good to not have to worry about how much time you've got and just spend an hour then save and then plan your next evil move...

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5 Criminally Underplayed Games That Need More Love

Dorkly: "History is written by the winners, and that applies to games, too. While we hold up our post-apocalyptic wasteland adventures, period piece assassinations and Liberty City crime sprees on a pedestal, we would do well to remember the little guys. These underseen, criminally underplayed games didn't do well critically or commercially, but they were still wonderful experiences. Here's a small list of recommendations of unsung heroes of the PS3/Xbox 360/Wii era."

SaveFerris3503d ago

Alpha Protocol had so much potential. I'd really like to see another spy rpg.

Tex1173503d ago

Alpha Protocol has some fantastic ideas in its conversation and story progression due to choices. I really enjoyed my time with it.

A spy rpg can be done with amazing results if handled correctly.

InMyOpinion3502d ago

I would add 007: Bloodstone to the list. That game was criminally underrated.

WizzroSupreme3502d ago

Okami, Beyond Good and Evil, Chibi-Robo!, and Pikmin should be among these.

TWB3502d ago

God Hand

Partly because I just recently discovered it and its insane.

What a gold nugget.

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