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E3 press conference timetable shows packed schedule

All times are PST.

Monday, July 14

* 10.30am - Microsoft press conference
* 12.30pm - Square Enix press conference
* 1.00pm - Shane Kim roundtable
* 3.00pm - EA press conference
* 7.00pm - Gears of War 2 reception

Tuesday, July 15

* 9.00am - Show floor opens
* 9.00am - Nintendo press conference
* 11.30am - Sony press conference
* 2.30pm - Ubisoft press conference
* 4.30pm - Capcom press conference

Wednesday, July 16

* 9.15am E3 Keynote by Gov. Perry
* 10.00 am Sony roundtable
* 10.45am Take-Two press conference
* 1.00pm State of the Industry keynote
* 2.30pm Konami press conference

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pwnsause5826d ago

can anyone confirm if each conference is 2 hours long? last year's conference was too short.

Lucreto5826d ago

I doubt it will be 2 hours each but thats the time slot they were given. That is enough time to get people to their seats, do their final checks, start and finish the conference and empty the room for the conference.

ruibing5826d ago

Are these the timetables for a single conference hall or just when they are expected to start in their respective locations? How can Square Enix and Sony roundtable only use half an hour?

gaffyh5826d ago

Anyone know where we can watch most (if not all) of these conferences live somewhere. Usually Gamespot (yeah I know everyone hates them) lets you stream, but I don't think they are going to do it this year :(.

I don't mean Live blogs, and as far as I know IGN charges you to watch...

UnSelf5826d ago

Save the best for the last day

Torch5826d ago

I'm not sure where you are around the globe (gotta love the Internet, eh?), but if you have access to G4 Tech TV, they'll be carrying exclusive coverage.

That's where I watched all the three major keynotes last year.

gaffyh5825d ago

Thanks Torch (bubbles up), I'm in UK by the way which is 7 hours ahead from the E3 local time

Naucious5825d ago

What's the reason why sony and Ubisoft have a span of 3 hours could they leave room for a lunch I guess? but that's a lot of time for lunch, I believe sony is going to be about and hour or so but not 2 or even 3 hours long.

Either way can't wait to watch it on G4 tv thank god for DVR lol

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jamesrocks31475826d ago

konami's conferance is the last one. i no alot of things sayin xbox 360 wont get mgs4 trust me but i always fear it for some reason

aiphanes5826d ago

50GBs bluray vs 9GB DVD9...that says it all..

Lucreto5826d ago

It they are going to announce it I am sure Sony bought a long exclusive period it will be more like next year. My 360 friends are starting to crack and getting a PS3's

dachiefsman5826d ago

why do you fear it? why does it matter if it gets released on the 360 and how does that affect you?

Especially since you have already played the game. If anything you should feel privilege, I am at least.

InMyOpinion5826d ago

The Square Enix press conference is right between MS and Shane Kim. Not saying that it means anything but it sure looks funny.

fox025826d ago (Edited 5826d ago )

if only they're more people like you on N4G *sigh*

I hate fanboyz

I hope to see more videos of the upcoming PES

SixTwoTwo5826d ago

I know what your thinking. It ain't happening. Thats final.

Lucreto5826d ago

By your logic Jenzo Capcom will announce Street Fighter 4 will be PS3 exclusive and Prince of Persia for Ubisoft.

OC_MurphysLaw5826d ago

50GB Blu Ray VS 9GB DVD argument is a bit of a moot point. Especially when you factor in all the cutscenes and the 2-3 min load screens inbetween acts and you could EASILY make the argument that multiple disc's would be more than fine for this game. It's completely linear in gameplay and cutscenes so there is no real reason why the game couldn't come out on say 6 discs and just do disc swaps versus the 2-3 min load screens.

InMyOpinion5825d ago (Edited 5825d ago )

You guys seem to know it all. Your crystal balls must be huge(as for compensation maybe?). Please tell me what's going to happen on E3 since I apparently got it all twisted(without suggesting anything at all).

And Lucreto, please explain to me how my logic works. It must be a coincidence since SquareEnix have announced a bunch of 360 games the last months like Star Ocean 4, Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant. All of a sudden they are supporting the 360 like never before.

Who would have predicted this would happen? Not you and not me. Most of us thought Mistwalker was MS RPG source and that Square Enix saved all their big RPGs for Sony, like they have done in the past years. Seems like it's changing.

Btw, I DO NOT THINK FFXIII IS COMING TO THE 360 SIXTWOTWO, as the deal has already been made between Sony and Square Enix.

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SmokingMonkey5826d ago (Edited 5826d ago )

is smack-dab in the middle!

i'm guessing this should be the PEAK of the whole show =O

followed by

ZONE OF ENDERS 3 is "hopefully" shown as the last video at E3 (50gb PS3 exclusive of course) leaving everyone's jaw on the floor.

Forbidden_Darkness5826d ago

More like the Climax of the show. Its built up a little bit, than BAM! Sony steals the show!

Ben10545826d ago

sony 3hrs - microsoft 2hrs

hunter215826d ago

hehe dont forget the lunch break. so i think they have all same time hours

SixTwoTwo5826d ago (Edited 5826d ago )

They have their 1st Party titles Resistance 2, little big planet, motorstorm pacific rift, socom, killzone 2, infamous, gran turismo 5, plus home and the video store. And thats just the confirmed stuff.

Forbidden_Darkness5826d ago

Microsoft conference 2 hours long.
Nintendo conference 2 and half hours long.
Sony conference 3 hours long.

That just goes to show that Sony has alot more to show off than microsoft, which concludes that sony will steal the show once more! Not even a Halo 4 announcement can stop sony now.

chidj25826d ago (Edited 5826d ago )

nothing cant stop sony

even if microsoft put the xbox 360 @ 10 usd

NMC20075826d ago

If these times are accurate lets not forget that Sony are the masters of wasting time with slide shows and graphs and charts of PS2 and PSP records and such, so don't go getting too excited. LOLZ!

Commandant5826d ago

Was that before or after they kicked Xbox's collective ***?
Because I think that they can show all the charts they want...It's their show. I just really doubt that that's all they'll be showing...

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Meet The Solo Dev Whose Sega Rally Tribute Could Become An Official Sequel

When the first footage of Over Jump Rally appeared online, it rightly caused quite a stir. Created using Unreal Engine 5, it offered a tantalizing glimpse of what a modern-day Sega Rally could look like, complete with super-realistic car models, breathtaking environments and – of course – the trademark Sega Blue Sky.

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Community2h ago
darthv7210h ago

Oh man.... this looks so damn good.


Scandalous recruitment standards in a Polish studio. A strip session in the background

Adrian Chmielarz, a famous game creator, revealed shocking details about recruitment in one of the Polish development studios. He shared a story on his Facebook that sparked community outrage among both players and industry professionals.

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Christopher1d 10h ago
gold_drake1d 9h ago

i dont see how that is so outrages.

Eonjay8h ago

"A woman looking for a job in gamedev was asked by the recruiter for a naked sauna session as one of the conditions of employment."

I don't know...

purple1015h ago

but they do sauna all the time in Finland, Sweden all those countries, right>>? hehe

CrimsonWing692h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Ok, say no and find a different job?


Yes, that's Kara in season 4 of The Boys

Been watching season 4 of The Boys and find Firecracker's face familiar? As a gamer, where you know her from might surprise you.

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Nerdmaster18h ago

I did have one of those "where do I know her from...?" feelings.
It's funny how a different hair style changes a person. I saw some pictures of her with short or blond hair and it made me remember Kara, but making her a redhead AND with long hair, just bugged my brain.
Here's hoping her character survives until the end of the show (even though her character is a horrible person).

just_looken17h ago

No doubt homelander will get pissed and show her his appreciation.

Episode 3 i was expecting a bitch slap death but it never happened he was zoned out then.

Would it not buy the boys still comedy she fight's back with that lame finger snap power he is like bitch really then just takes her out with one hit LOL

bloop6h ago

Thank you. Couldn't remember who Kara was and was too lazy to open article.

Tankbusta4011h ago

The only image from the show in my mind is the multiplying dudes eating each others butts in the sauna

VariantAEC11h ago

Valorie Curry is her name... not sure why that's not even in the short summary. Why is this gaming news though?

ZeekQuattro6h ago

I couldn't for the life of me remember what I remembered her from and then I saw The Tick in her acting credits. That's why she looked so familiar. I loved that short lived Amazon show.

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