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The first 10 minutes: Culdcept Saga got their hands on the Japanese version of Culdcept Saga and have posted a video showing the first 10 minutes on their site.

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MicroGamer6447d ago

with Japanese subtitles, so I would imagine that it will be released in the English speaking world. It would be a simple thing to remove the Japanese text and replace it with English.

bighed036447d ago

it sounds like a 12 yr old wrote the dialogue. if i'm gonna play a "next gen" rpg, i'm going to want an immersive story... not the same watered down crap that's been recycled into the same game over and over again.

Sphinx6447d ago

A huge Dane Cook fan. Anyway, I can't listen to it at work, so I can't say anything about the dialogue, but I'm always excited to get a new RPG to take a look at.

eques judicii6446d ago

this game just looks boring... nothing seems all the exciting... one battle took like 20 minutes.. ugh.. pass!

note: card games should be played with cards... not on a console


VG Clash! - Culdcept Saga (Xbox 360)

Koru from here with a brand new series, "Video Game Clash!" where I showcase match videos from all sorts of games. This is just a test episode. It may or may not continue.

Future episodes featuring different titles will not be nearly as lengthy, as matches in this game can last up to an hour or more. Any feedback would be appreciated, and if you have a game request, please comment or message me.

The game featured in this episode is Culdcept Saga, an Xbox 360 exclusive. For more information on the game check out

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Edward754497d ago

My friends and I played this game many o nights, loved it. Didn't like the fact that at least half of the times a person would get disconnected. Oh and 1 more thing that sucked...when playing against AI the game would seem to cheat, by rolling whatever what was needed to help in the computer winning!

Koru4495d ago

The computer does indeed cheat quite a bit. Which is why I typically never touch story mode again once I've gotten everything there is to get from it. Most addicting game I've ever played though.


KGR: Episode 5

Welcome back to Koru's Game Reviews. This is Koru from presenting episode 5.

Today's rounds are:

Culdcept Saga (360)

Minna no Rhythm Tengoku (Wii)

Sonic Colours (Wii)


Side note: be sure to watch the credits for links to the KGR Facebook page, as well as my twitter account for show updates.

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Koru4738d ago

Top 5 Most Overlooked Xbox 360 Exclusives

Although the Xbox 360 has the highest software attach ratio ever for a video game system, many exclusives don't sell as well as they should. Here are the top five most overlooked 360-only titles.

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Cylon5206d ago

Those aren't overlooked games, those are bad games.

Elven65206d ago

You forgot to add "In my opinion" to the end of your sentence. ;)

I agree with all of those choices expect for Culdept Saga and Earth Defense Force since I haven't played them. Blue Dragon wasn't that over looked persay, but it didn't sell 2 million or anything like that but it did well enough to get sequels.

Viva Pinata is a great game, despite the childish outlook it might be a bit too advanced for most kid gamers. Earth Defense Force from what I'm hearing is brutally hard!

Cylon5206d ago

Those are bad games. Blue Dragon was terrible, Viva Pinata was terrible, Chromehounds was terrible etc etc.

Banjo Kazooie, Lost Odyssey, Beautiful Katamari, these are overlooked games that were great.

GameOn5206d ago

Viva Pinata is a really unique and enjoyable series. It's like a little ecosystem simulator. I can tell you haven't played it and you're just running your mouth as trolls always do.

-MD-5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

Viva Pinata was great. I played Chromehounds online for like 2 months and had a blast with it.

I had a chance to get that Earth Defense Force game for like 5 dollars but I didn't know anything about it so I passed.

Bnet3435206d ago

I liked Blue Dragon's old school gameplay, to me it was a nice game. I think Cylon was just looking at reviews at determining if the game was good or not. Chromehounds is one of those cult games.

ThanatosDMC5206d ago (Edited 5206d ago )

Earth's Defense Force is one of the greatest 360 games. Did you ever play it? It's less than $20 at gamestop if you're lucky enough to find a copy.

Cylon5206d ago

It was mediocre at best. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts&Bolts was a bajillion times better than Viva Pinata.

mikeslemonade5206d ago

Viva Pinata is more overated than overlooked. Chromehounds is old and is a primitive game. It's not relevant to go back and play Chromehounds. Blue Dragon is overated but people who like anime, punk, and rock. Lost Odyssey is in all ways better than Blue Dragon.

GameOn5206d ago

What in your mind makes it a bad/mediocre game. I can understand people not liking it due to the type of game it is or its art style. But to out-rite call it a bad game seems unfair when it doesn't do anything bad. It's a unique game and in my books that already gives it an advantage in this age of "me too games".

Corepred45206d ago

so just because you don't agree with cylon's comment he's a troll? geez people are retarded nowadays. i hate the word troll. that sh!ts for nerds!

GameOn5206d ago

They certainly are corepred4, they certainly are. :)

HolyOrangeCows5206d ago

Is Earth Defense Force 2017 a downloadable title or is it on disc?

STK0265206d ago

Actually, both Viva Pinata and EDF2017 are great games. Viva pinata might not be for everyone, as those looking for blood and gore, or a deep plot, won't be satisfied. However, if you are looking for a game people of all ages can enjoy and features some pretty nice graphics too, most notably the artistic design, you will be hard pressed to find something better than VP.

As for EDF2017, the low production values and repetitive gameplay might be too much for many. but if you dig under, mostly if you are playing in co-op, you are certain to have a blast. Actually, this game had some bad review scores, however, if you actually read the reviews themselves, you will notice that many reviewers removed points for graphics and sound, while praising it's simple yet addictive gameplay.
Considering it's extremely cheap nowadays (can be found for less than 5$ at some places), I'd say you owe it to yourself to at least try it out.

vhero5205d ago

EDF is a great game but overlooked?? Not really its a very niche game thats all.. As for highest attach rate statement... That was a long time ago near the beginning of the 360s life and every console has a high attach rate near the start of its life. Its not longer the highest.

Raines of Onyx5205d ago

Blue Dragon was ok, but the rest were good. I still own them and play them. try it before you knock it. And i know you Ps3 users are just mad you dont have them lol


EDF is cool. Just don't go in thinking you're going to be playing Mass Effect or Gears or something, because you will be disappointed. The game made me laugh a little more than anything else. Yeah, play it for lols!

multipayer5205d ago

I think EDF may have lost a bit of its charm sense the early 360 days, before we had horde in gears of war... Also, that indie game called Creed Arena could probably take even more of its thunder away.

The rest of the games really aren't my bag, but I'd say viva pinata is the most polished and closest to AAA status.

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Cajun Chicken5206d ago

And herein at Number One lies my favourite 360 exclusive.

Elven65206d ago

They need to bring it out on Games on Demand or what ever they call it, the game is getting some buzz (mostly due to podcasts like Rebel FM, 1UP, etc) and the only place to find it now is the used market, it isn't easy either.

Inside_out5206d ago

Yes, bows head...EDF is all about fun...played that game many times with my kids via split screen...that game is a how to for collision's like a 1950's B movie you would watch at a drive-in theater...definitely a cult hit...I wonder if they would ever consider a remake...with on-line...I've traded in many games, can't trade that one in...not worth anything but priceless to the kids...Have all console with all the top titles...EDF one of the funnest titles...glad to see others enjoyed it.....

BeaArthur5205d ago

Earth Defense Force is crap. I played that game for an hour and was done with it.

Wizziokid5206d ago

I loved Blue dragon, didn't think it was overlooked?

Lionhead5206d ago

Earth Defense Force, hell yeah!

GiantEnemyCrab5206d ago

Totally agree with EDF and Chromehounds, both games deserve more attention.

Where is my EDF sequel??!!

Lionhead5206d ago

If only =(

I'm still optimistic though

Cajun Chicken5206d ago

I'm still waiting for Sandlot's Wii game, forgot what it's called now, you know which one.
But I seriously want a fourth instalment of EDF action!

If you know your EDF games, you'll know, if Sandlot just mine some of the ideas out of Global Defence Force (The second in the series), put the amazing skilful jetpacking Palewing in, add online. Instant awesome sequel.

thebudgetgamer5206d ago

i been looking for it, but they never have it at the stores i shop at.

Cajun Chicken5206d ago

I made a tribute music video for this game a while ago, to Prodigy's Invaders Must Die, I bought a game capture device just to do it and only did it a few months ago.

Contains spoilers at the end though, so y'know, don't watch unless you've played EDF2017 until the end.

SpoonyRedMage5206d ago

Zangeki No Reginliev. That's the game Cajun... and it looks awesome.

Cajun Chicken5206d ago

Thanks, I just couldn't be bothered Googling the name of it, it's a trick one, I have NO idea how to pronounce it either.
I actually hope, when and IF it gets localised that it'll revert to being 'Dynamic Slash' again, that was a great name and as simple as 'Earth Defence Force'.

If Nintendo fail to bring that game to EU (and US, of course) they'll be forcing a person to resort to custom firmwaring his Wii.

I'm really hoping this turns up under a new name at E3 and DAY ONE, no kidding, I say it a lot and don't get games 'Day one' but I've seen the Youtube vids and it looks just brilliant and enough to tide me until the next EDF. I want Sandlot to make my Wii melt with overload.

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