
The Evil Within 2 - The changes that need to happen

Kenny McDonnell:
"Last week,I finally got around to playing The Evil Within, eventually finishing it on one weary evening over the weekend. While I did enjoy certain elements of the game, if this is the road that the title's creator Shinji Mikami wants to embark upon, he's going to have to make some serious alterations for The Evil Within 2."

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-Foxtrot3438d ago

I feel like despite being a good overall game they would be better off making a new franchise with a clean slate.

Characters and the dialogue is something they have to work

DarkOcelet3438d ago

Highly disagree, this has the potential to be something amazing, they just need to hire better writers and have phenomenal graphics on par with today,s games. The gameplay could use zero action sections like chapter 6 and 11. But overall it was an amazing game that i highly enjoyed and welcome a second part.

-Foxtrot3438d ago

It was an amazing game but I feel like with problems surrounding the characters, dialogue, the structure of the story, character development, the plot holes etc they'd be better off wrapping it up quickly and making a new game based on what they've learnt

I think the best thing he can do as a massive middle finger to Capcom is make a game set in a mansion with vampires and a bunch of policeman are sent in. From Dusk till Dawn style

WombBat3438d ago (Edited 3438d ago )

Framerate should be 60fps with those graphics, no excuses.

60fps, and no frame rate issues
better graphics
overall faster movement
no stall if you run too much(annoying)
no weapon sway (annoying)
better hit detection
no black bars
get rid of the gore and get more into that
that formal/elegant scary (RE1)
Make the beatdown stronger
make cooler characters
more polished (little things like explosive not
-blowing up, stealth hard to use, etc)
cooler settings(beginning was hard to play

Roccetarius3438d ago (Edited 3438d ago )

One of the first steps would be ditching the engine they used. Technical issues was one of the main problems i had with the game, not to mention the fake black bars. All they did was slap on bars on a full image.

Oh, and the fact that they sold us a incomplete story as well.

2pacalypsenow3438d ago

take off those stupid black bars

Bennibop3438d ago

definitely scrap the black bars, you are left with about a quarter of the screen when close behind the shoulder.

Master-H3438d ago


The black bars, low framerate, and the too zoomed-in camera made for a really annoying combination. Sometimes I miss obvious things like ammo and matches because I never saw them on my screen (usually because of my character's body blocking them from my view).

Oh, and get rid of the damn zombies with fire arms. They're pretty lame.

Also, make picking stuff up, and interacting with things easier. You have to stand from a certain angle usually to be able to press X to pick up stuff and it gets pretty annoying at times.

Articuno763438d ago (Edited 3438d ago )

You typically need the camera angled to look at items you want to pick up (look at the directly). This is why the black bars actually work well in this game as it forces you to look ahead when running (to see where you are going) or look at the trap-laded/item-filled floors. You can't do both at once. The same with running from enemies vs framing your escape path, you can't do both easily because the camera moves slowly and your aim always snaps to camera-direction rather than character direction (again, intentional).

It's not like they took a game and then just slapped black bars on it (watch people play it without the bars on the PC version. It's almost like a different game and miles easier as a result). The bars were added deep enough into development to make a lot of the game work around them.

Now is that to say an Evil Within 2 couldn't work without black bars? Not at all. It could be brilliant, but it wouldn't be a simple case of toggling the bars off. Fortunately a sequel offers just the chance to re-work the way things work quite extensively.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3438d ago

Some of the games mechanics need to be changed like Main character's movement, upgrades need to be simplified or removed completely, voice acting needs work, the story needs to actually have a purpose because the Evil Within's story was all over the place and inconsistent. (I understand that the game tried to make it seem like the story was inside of on man's mind, but it didn't work)

jay23438d ago

Loved number 1, can't wait for the DLC.

Articuno763438d ago (Edited 3438d ago )

"The game seems to advocate the stealthy approach to killing off your foes, and yet the majority of sequences see a full room of enemies running at you the moment you walk in"

I'm not sure this is quite the issue the writer thinks it is. The point of the periodic enemy gauntlet sections is to occasionally wring you dry of your supply reserves, otherwise you'd be able to sit on an advantage of stock ammo/healing items/trap parts indefinitely. Currently playing Resident Evil Remake Remastered Redux and without the need to actually fight enemies in the first place I've got a box stacked with more ammo than I need and then some.

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Tango Gameworks employee shares pictures from the Xbox studio's final day

The Evil Within, Ghostwire: Tokyo and Hi-Fi Rush studio has closed its doors.

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Einhander19726d ago

This shouldn't have happened.

Who's next..

tay87016d ago

Ninja theory. Others will follow as well. The smaller studios MS owns should all be worried. Maybe MS will try and release some of their games day and date on ps5 to save some of these studios.

jznrpg6d ago

I can see Ninja Theory. At least Tango made a game that was reviewed well. Ninja Theory spent a lot of years to release a tech demo that didn’t do well at all.

repsahj6d ago

I get it that Hellblade 2 is a boring game, but I hope they are not the next to be closed.

ABizzel16d ago


Ninja Theory is likely on the chopping block too. They released Bleeding Edge which bombed, took 4 years to release Hellbalde 2 which doesn’t seem to be doing well, and still have Project Mara in limbo. They’re high on the chopping block.

MS was likely expecting their God of War / Uncharted quality game from NT based on Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DmC, and to an extent Hellblade 1, but NT hasn’t delivered since Hellblade 1 which was 7 years ago.

Sonic18816d ago

And Obsidian after Avowed releases

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Petebloodyonion6d ago

I rarely agree with you but on this I do!


3 trillion MS is worth, yet they do this, well Phil the shit bag did. No studio needed to be let go, when you are worth this much.

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anast6d ago

Sad, but I see characters and posters of either less than average or barely average games.

LoveSpuds6d ago

Have to disagree here duder, with respect. Evil Within was a good game and the sequel was fantastic, as was HiFi Rush. I'd concede Ghostwire was pretty average but regardless, shuttering a studio which just put out MS best game in donkeys years was complete shithousery on XBox' part.

Einhander19726d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Microsoft paid 8B to buy Zenimax then fired well over 1000 people from Zenimax between the time they closed the deal and they announced these shut downs.

People talk about the 1900 they fired most recently, but that was only one wave of three sets of layoffs from their gaming division so far this generation totalling around 5000 people this generation. Not counting the dozen plus studios they canned last gen including Lionhead the original Fable developers.

anast6d ago

By every real metric HiFi was an average game. I don't see an Evil within poster in the thumb, which is a shame, because if they threw their weight behind that IP, they might have still been around.

LoveSpuds6d ago

I don't understand how you can say it was average in every metric when it garnered the reviews it did?

romulus236d ago

Hi-FI Rush sits at an 87 on Meta with an 8.8 User Score. By every real metric that matters it's better than average and it's definitely a game made by a studio that should not have been shut down.

Fonsecap6d ago

Working people paying the price for leadership bad decisions, so unfair...

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Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami has established a new company

Veteran video game developer Shinji Mikami has established a new company.

That’s according to a bio of the developer on the new Shadows of the Damned Hella Remastered website, which claims that Mikami has recently founded ‘Kamuy Inc’.

No details further details on the company have been shared. There is also no indication of what the company will do.

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Dabigsiebowski88d ago

Shinji should never stop making games. Kinda crazy he left the funding of M$ though.

ApocalypseShadow88d ago

It's the enjoyment of independence since leaving Capcom that he probably likes. Your company, your rules.

Also, I don't think it's Microsoft's money that would have kept him around. The problem is their culture. We've seen more than once where individuals or teams wanted to leave Microsoft because of how they run things.

I don't think I've ever seen a developer at Nintendo or Sony that bought themselves out from being controlled. But we've seen it at Microsoft. Should be interesting what he decides to do next.

Chocoburger88d ago

I remember when it was announced that he was leaving Tango, someone on N4G claimed that he was old and it was time for him to retire.

I couldn't help but laugh at the ignorance. Mikami (like most Japanese people), do not want to work for Microsoft, they want their games to be played by their fellow citizens, which means Switch, Playstation, and PC. But this fool couldn't comprehend that. 🤣

Was waiting for his return announcement, glad to see that he's back! Please don't make mobile games.

-Foxtrot88d ago

I hope it's still survival horror

They should build on what they did with Evil Within for a new IP and take notes from the Evil Within sequel with those open hub areas.

Wouldn't mind if it was like Resident Evil but with a vampire virus instead.

potatoseal88d ago

Yeah this man's skills need a new start to thrive. Hope he keeps doing what he loves. Wonder what his next project is.


5 Terrifying Games on Xbox Game Pass to Play This Halloween

Xbox Game Pass continues to bring quality titles for gamers no matter the genre, but this time we here at CGMagazine have compiled a list of spine-tingling titles to celebrate the spooky season with.

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RavenWolfx240d ago

The Dead Space Remake gets added to GamePass 10/26, definitely worth playing through.