
Screamride gets a release date

Frontier Developments have long been rollercoaster fans and their new title Screamride has been given a release date. North and South America can start building extreme rides on March 3rd. Two days later the Asia and Pacific regions can start getting the adrenaline flowing and finally on the 6th March it’s the turn of Europe to start pulling some G’s

marlinfan103475d ago (Edited 3475d ago )

I read it's gonna be $40, seems like a good price for the game. Can't wait to try it out

OC_MurphysLaw3475d ago

$40 definitely feels better for this game. I need to know alot more about it before I say $40 is good though. After the initial trailer I didn't expect it to be a fully $60.

I wish we saw more mid Tier games go $30 to $40 as a price point. There still seems to be this divide of $15-$20 or $60 with little in the middle.

Fro_xoxo3475d ago

These days you don't have to pay full price for any game.
All you have to do is wait...
patience is everything.

I got Sunset overdrive for €30, Ryse for €20. . I'll bet getting Titanfall soon..
and these are all digital purchases.

OC_MurphysLaw3475d ago

@theFro... I totally agree with you. Its just a bit frustrating as a consumer to see such an all or nothing divide when it comes to the perceived $60 game. Many games would benefit from starting at a lower price point instead of having consumers waiting a month or two for prices to drop.

MP only games like Titanfall are an example of games that should probably have launched at $40 not $60. I am sure their sales would have had a much longer tail with that start price vs $60 where so many stayed clear given it had no single player for a full $60 price.

xfiles20993475d ago

Complete rip off to me Thank god I did not get a Xbone They just do not have anything I want.

OC_MurphysLaw3475d ago

complete ripoff? Oh you must know because you have played it right? Thank God for you insight...we can all sleep better now. /s

xfiles20993475d ago

I'm sorry a game about roller coasters is just stupid to me.

ThinkThink3475d ago

Well it's a good thing you're here commenting about it.

xfiles20993475d ago

I did not know what it was till I came here when I found out I was very disappointed Still waiting on a reason to buy a Xbone Come on Microsoft give me one.

3-4-53475d ago

Yea most games are $60, so $40 is a great deal new.

Software_Lover3475d ago

eh, I was hoping for nothing more than $19.99

Might have to wait a little after release to purchase.

urwifeminder3475d ago

Cool this will be my next game looking forward to it day one.

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Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for July 2022

Xbox Game Pass Quests recently reset for the month of July. So if you try to collect as many Microsoft Rewards points as possible, there's a new set available now.

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MadLad749d ago

Like this system. Usually get a free $20 or more every month.


Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Details – 3rd-9th May 2016

Neil writes "It’s Tuesday again and that can only mean one thing – it’s time for another Xbox Live Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale. What bargains will be in place on Xbox One and Xbox 360 between the 3rd-9th May 2016?

There are a whole ton of them and surely this is the week for you to crack open the wallet?"

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oKidUKo3006d ago

Quite a big sale but not entirely convinced all are decent deals. Glad to see the 360 gets a few more offers this week. I wish Screamride was on sale by itself!

3006d ago
Volkama3006d ago

Gears Ultimate Day 1 Edition? I can understand picking up day 1 physical editions at later dates, that were stuck in the retail channel for whatever reason. Late "day 1" digital sales make no sense at all though.

Pastorfuzz3006d ago

State of Decay on Xbone is great.

OldGuyStillGaming3006d ago

This is the 5th or 6th time they've had Battlefront on "sale" in the last few months
Still overpriced imo


For Your Amusement – Screamride

Colm Ahern: "The phrase, “on rails”, is perfect for Screamride. The roller coaster, Xbox One exclusive, came out last year and is the latest title to get the once over, here on For Your Amusement."

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