
Review: Resident Evil HD Remaster | Destructoid

"Playing the original Resident Evil was an experience. The mansion, the campiness, the mystery of it all -- before walkthroughs were easily accessible from all corners of the internet, getting lost was practically a given, and it was a blast.

Secrets were traded between us gamers, telling of hidden rooms and items, and most of it was true. The Spencer Mansion was a veritable treasure, and that couldn't have been more true for the subsequent GameCube remake, and now, the recent HD edition."

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lipton1013535d ago

Hopefully it sells well. My one gaming wish over the years has been for a legit RE2 remake in the same vein as this particular one. Fixed camera is a must. Some newer gamers might not like it but it's like an IV shot of nostalgia for me

CorndogBurglar3535d ago

I'm right there with you. Everything you said is exactly what i want.

I would also like them to redo Code Veronica also. Or, how about a new Resi franchise that is made like these? I wouldn't mind if they just rebooted the entire series, to be honest.

At any rate, I have this pre-ordered through PSN already. Can't wait to play it tomorrow! (Thats how much faith I have in this. I Pre-Ordered through PSN. Something I NEVER do.)

FullmetalRoyale3535d ago

Same here my friend.
I love that I am going to get to experience this very soon. I loved the psx RE, never played REmake, and have nothing but admiration for how it was designed.

I only played it once, actually. So I know I won't remember much of it. Just that door opening animation, and that I gotta find me some ink ribbons.

I have it already installed, and seeing that tile is killing me.

tigertron3535d ago (Edited 3535d ago )

The more this sells, the more this will hopefully pursuade Capcom to abandon its "CODification" of Resident Evil.

PaleMoonDeath3535d ago

My first putchase of 2015, Very, very good start.

--Onilink--3535d ago

its definitely a "safe" remaster, nothing too mindblowingly changed in the graphics department, a few gameplay changes, but most importantly... its priced as such. Good move Capcom, ill definitely get it

St0rm_Cr0w3535d ago

Serious gamers owe it to themselves to pick this up! What a freakin' steal!

CorndogBurglar3535d ago

lol, I like your Jason Avatar.

That game was so terrible, but I played the hell out of it when I was little, lol.

St0rm_Cr0w3535d ago

My 11 year old brain thought it captured the films perfectly, and the difficulty just had me hooked :)


Looking Back to 2015 and the Atmospheric Resident Evil HD Remaster

Edgar writes: "Let's take a look at the Resident Evil HD Remaster, how it significantly improved upon the original and became one of the best horror games ever made."

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Resident Evil HD Remaster is Still a Nearly-Perfect REmake on Nintendo Switch

Despite some signs of its age, Resident Evil is still as scary as ever with the remake's recent release on Nintendo Switch.

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Resident Evil HD Remaster receives a new AI-enhanced Texture Pack, improves more than 1600 textures

DSOGaming writes: "These past few weeks have been really interesting as we've seen some truly amazing AI-enhanced texture packs for older games. Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 9, Half-Life, Max Payne, Morrowind and Doom are just a few of the games that got new high-quality textures that were produced via AI Neural Networks and today, modder ‘Shiryu’ released a new AI-enhanced Texture Pack for Resident Evil HD Remaster."

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MasterChief36242059d ago

I'm not really convinced by this AI Neural Networks thing using this as an example. I know you can't ask for much when it comes to pre-rendered stuff, but you can barely see a difference with most of these. At its worst, there's an imperceptible difference. At its best, you can see it cleared up some jaggies and looks a liiiittle less blurry.

I will download it of course, but based on the screenshots, this doesn't improve things a whole lot.

2059d ago
starchild2059d ago

It does make a difference. Mods in general are just awesome. They've helped make so many of my games look better. The HD reworked texture mods and other mods for The Witcher 3, for example, made it look way better.

dcbronco2059d ago

This may be small improvements now but it could be huge for gaming's future. AI with a ryzen based chip programmed to use the neural network to determine to the metal coding might allow programmers to focus on high level coding. That means games get done really fast and the budget goes into things like story and production. Once you have an ai that understands its given hardware it can decide how to run the code to maximize frames and resolution. AI will revolutionize gaming.