
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition Review | The Game Scouts

Palmer Sturman: Duke Nukem 3D is a title most seasoned gamers are already familiar with. What with its dozens of re-releases across multiple platforms since its initial debut on PC in ’96, one has to talk about this title with a certain amount of familiarity. But what exactly constitutes PlayStation Vita’s new Megaton Edition? Aside from the fact that it’s on a handheld the answer is: not much. If you’re familiar with the XBOX Live Arcade version that released a few years ago on 360 and you enjoyed it then you’re bound to find yourself right at home with the Vita release. Love it or not the original’s fast-paced gory gameplay and womanizing behavior are still prevalent, and though the latter may not have held up as elegantly in modern times the title is still a blast to play.

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OmegaShen3441d ago

Game crashes to, it does that for me.

Snookies123441d ago

Love some good old Duke. Even better on the go!

PoSTedUP3441d ago

sick on the vita. $10 you cant beat that, not with the amount of content it has.

Darkwatchman3441d ago

You realize it's free with playstation plus this month, right?

PoSTedUP3441d ago

yeah, this one's gonna be mine forever tho. i havnt bought ps+in a ton of months, no ps3 atm so its not worth it for me.

MasterCornholio3441d ago

I'm having a blast with the game on my Vita.


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Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition - The Finest Duke Package

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition modernised the Duke Nukem 3D presentation a decade ago, and the Duke has never been better.

Duke19456d ago

Lol @ “the game change’s absolutely nothing”…


Yui_Suzumiya453d ago

Bought Duke Nukem 3D when it first came out on PC and still play the 25th Anniversary Edition on my Switch frequently.


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F gearbox. They destroyed duke nukem.


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