
StarCraft Game Development, Interview With Dustin Browder

StarCraftWire.net recently posted an Fansite QA with Dustin Browder from earlier in celebration of their website launch, and have continued to post updated information from the Blizzard WWI 2008 in Paris. The most recent published article is an interview with Dustin Browder, where they talk about the Map Editor, map protection, modding, extra races, the complicated Mothership, the Queen and much, much more.

Anyone interested in the future of StarCraft II or the current developments of StarCraft will probably find it an interesting read. The drawback of the length is made up by the in-depth answers.

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Cogo5866d ago

I would be SO glad if we indeed get a map editor before launch! Like the spore creature creator!

Also, man, must be a lot of time the devs spend on interviews!

Leord5866d ago

I'm wondering if they might take them up on that, I mean posting the map editor before the game, either to the public, or to the modmakers out there. I think he talks of "mod makers" in a general term, like "map modifires" rather than ACTUAL mods, such as Total Conversion stuff....

SCFreelancer5866d ago

Well, that depends on how you define "before" the game. I think its quite likely that they will make it available with the beta. The only thing is, is that I am not sure if they did so with the Warcraft 3 beta, I would have to dig up that cd.

Leord5866d ago

Cool! You got a War3 beta CD?

That's wicked.

Yeah, sure, that's a point. I was kind of hoping for a tool like spore, released well before everything else =P

Cogo5866d ago (Edited 5866d ago )

Man, that's really annoying! Why is my standard set to "Open Zone"? I'm no "fanboy" that's preferring one particular media! =(


Ok, now I fixed the setting. Interesting, you get a full set of comments in each zone per news article? Wow!

Leord5866d ago

Indeed you do =)

I have never posted in the Open zone, so that was actually new for me as well...

SCFreelancer5866d ago

I am posting here for a while now, but I have no clue what you mean by "open zone"... would you, or anyone for that matter, explain to me what you are talking about?

Terrice5866d ago

@Freelancer, as I understand it the Open Zone is a more lightly moderated discussion as opposed to the Gamer Zone, which is aimed at "members who want a more friendly and civilized discussion".

kalos5866d ago (Edited 5866d ago )

Sadly no release date, so it isn't the platinium-coated dream interview of miracles :P Still worth a look, there's good info about the balancing concepts.

Leord5866d ago

Yeah, actually, I saw the Blizzard CM Karune give a comment on how ready the game was on the SCW.net WWI coverage as well... No dates of course though, they never give out dates =P

SCFreelancer5866d ago

@3.1: did you know that they used to do so in the past? I think the last game they did this with was... Diablo 2.

Edit: just checked it. Blizzard put up a release date for Diablo 2 in my Starcraft cd cover. Its not exact to the date it says: expected in 1998 :) We all know what happened next: the game was released in June of the they 2000! Its probably better the way it is now: no promises.

Maticus5866d ago

Tis why Blizz never give release dates anymore :)

Terrice5866d ago (Edited 5866d ago )

Yes, waiting can be the hardest part.

Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), players have gotten considerable more info about Starcraft II when compared to other games in development.

Leord5866d ago

Right you are. I do actually remember that...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5866d ago
Leord5865d ago

Testing to post here.

Wow, cool!


$15 horse for WoW made more money than StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty

Jason Hall, currently an indie developer and former Blizzard employee, has been sharing some really interesting stories from his long career in the industry for a while now. Some of them are truly insightful, while others may seem depressing.

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Sciurus_vulgaris255d ago

I’m a little shocked that StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty sold only around 6 million copies. The original StarCraft did over 11 million. Maybe Blizzard was too leisurely in releasing StarCraft 2? Starcraft 2 came out 12 years after it’s predecessor.

Plague-Doctor27254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

Im surprised too. Starcraft was still a huge name in 2010. It was kinda the only new RTS around and other genres like MOBAs hadn't really kicked off yet. I do remember at the time sentiment around the game was
pretty angry the game was being split into 3 but I doubt that would have impacted sales to that degree

Sciurus_vulgaris254d ago

For a long time I believed StarCraft II sold on par or better than its predecessor. There was so much hype for the game. Plus it had a pretty strong E-Sports scene for a few years.

Myself and half a dozen friends all bought StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and played it religiously for a full year. While I bought the expansions, most of my friends did not. RPGs seem to be a generally low selling genre.

Nerdmaster254d ago

I'm not shocked at all. This was an early example of Blizzard being greedy. Instead of releasing a complete experience, splitting Starcraft 2 in 3 parts so it could make us purchase it 3 times if we wanted to know the whole story and play story mode with the other races.

Sciurus_vulgaris254d ago

I originally had that stance. However, Wings of Liberty, was just as long, if not longer than StarCraft 1. The expansions were of decent length too and added a good amount of additional content.

il-JumperMT254d ago

and people wonder why we are having mtx in everything. i blame the people who actual buy them.

Nerdmaster254d ago

It's interesting he used Brazil as an example of the importance of regional pricing. Nowadays many companies on Steam are setting their prices in Brazil as high as, if not more than, their price in USA. I simply refused to buy a few games when I noticed that's the case.

Extermin8or3_254d ago

This right here is the fucking problem.

253d ago

20 Best Sci-Fi Games of All Time

The best sci-fi games ever made range from diving into the depths of humanity to finding hope among the stars.

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rlow11235d ago

Don't really agree on Dead Space being number one. But usually come down to preference. Alot of good games on the list. I was hoping to see Aliens vs Predator by Sierra on the list, as it was a great game. Anyways for me the number one is still Halo but Mass Effect was really good up to the infamous ending of the third game.

Rebel_Scum1235d ago

I would put Flashback on my list. Its got such a great tone and background design. The cutscenes were pretty good too.

1235d ago
Master of Unlocking1234d ago (Edited 1234d ago )

DEAD SPACE 2 as number 1? Really? I've only ever played DEAD SPACE 1 (without finishing it) and, sure enough I liked it a lot, and have been yearning for getting to grips with an hd remastered trilogy for the PS4/XBox One/PS5/XBox Series X/S, but what about Deus Ex Human Revolution & Mankind Divided? Alienation (to quench our thirst for twitching fingers' top-down dual-stick shooters)? Or even Cyberpunk 2077 (once the game has been re-released and all the kinks have been ironed out)?

If not at the #1 spot, it seems to me these games deserved to be on the list somewhere.

But what really strikes me as unfair is, if you're going back to the PS3/XBox 360 era with DS2, how could you forget to mention Killzone 2 & 3? The Resistance games? When it comes to Sci-Fi FPS, it's inadequate not to pay your respects to those stellar franchises! Heck, even the Crysis trilogy should've been there IMHO.


Starcraft Mass Recall is a Starcraft Remake in Starcraft 2, Version 8.0 available for download

A team of modders is working on a Starcraft Remake in Starcraft 2, and has released a brand new version of it.

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