
The Dark Truth About Super Smash Bros. Will Blow Your Mind

Super Smash Brothers seems fun, right? Except it has a sobering and morbid side that will make you question what you've known about the series all along.

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dillhole3545d ago

This is not facebook and you are not buzzfeed. Please stop promising to blow my mind.

LightDiego3545d ago

Game Theory it's awesome, another great video, i really recommend also the Majora's Mask theory.
Poor Sakurai. :3

Tctczach3545d ago

The"Five nights at Freddies" one was amazing.

SpiralTear3545d ago

"Smash Bros. is representative of creator Masahiro Sakurai's struggle to further development of the series and contend with various reactions to its changes."

SYAC. Clickbait headlines are not cool, brah. My mind is not blown and will continue to remain unblown as long as headlines like these are used.

If you want to get deeper into this, just watch the video or go to MatPat's channel. Game Theory are good at what they do.

heychrisfox3544d ago

The video is linked there, both on N4G and the article. :) Game Theory gets your view regardless of where you view if from. Nobody is making you click anywhere except onto the great video.

wonderfulmonkeyman3545d ago

Sakurai deserves a nice long break, to deal with his calcific tendonitis if nothing else.
Man's a genius, but jeezus, still human. He should take some time off to release stress and come back to game development fully recovered.
And maybe even with a sketch book filled with new ideas he envisioned during his break.XD

DarXyde3545d ago

You'd be surprised how unsupportive the community has been of his injuries. Basically saying, "it's his job" and what not, neglecting to realize that, if they were injured at their jobs, they would expect time off too.

I agree, he deserves a break and should be free to start new projects. The new Smash has awesome longevity, so I think we can do without a new one for a while. And if not, he needs a protege that shares his passion.

Loadedklip3544d ago (Edited 3544d ago )

While he doesn't want to do sequels ... I would love Kid Icarus for Wii U

N4g_null3544d ago

He should just hire pro players and normal play testers to fight them.

It would be nice to get kid icuras again or at least get his help with star fox. His issues come from playing fighting games right?

I believe this is why the wii mote was created also along with the touch screen. To avoid that injury.

The video was good. The jokes not so much but hey its expected now that is youtube.

shaw983544d ago

I hate Gametheory so much. He steals theories from other people with no sources and gets all the credit for them. Then you have all the GT fans that expect you to think that a lot of "his" theories are fact. I have refused to watch or comment on any GT video for over a year because I found out the truth about this monster.


Mortal Kombat hits 80 million sales, here's how it stacks up against competition

NetherRealm confirms its Mortal Kombat franchise has sold over 80 million copies in the last 30 years, and here's how it competes against other fighters.

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Kakashi Hatake495d ago

Don't care what anyone says, Smash isn't a traditional fighting game. May as well call Powerstone and Playstation All Stars fighting games. They're more of an arena fighter /party game.

NotoriousWhiz495d ago

You don't have to care what anyone says. It's not a traditional fighting game. But it is a fighting game.

gerbintosh494d ago

Not according to the creator, Sakurai. Link below


493d ago
CrimsonWing69495d ago (Edited 495d ago )

I mean what makes them an arena fighter than say something like Tekken? Because there’s platforms?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21495d ago

because theres a bunch of pokeballs and other random stupid stuff on stage that you can use at your advantage and flying ultra super power ball that you got to chase on the stage to get your ougi LMAO.

CrimsonWing69495d ago


I mean what it sounds like is they took a fighting game and “added” unique mechanics to it to me.

When I think arena game I think of things like Spawn: In the Demon’s Hand or Virtual-On.

Smash to me is a fighting game, they have fighting game tournaments for it. It just doesn’t jive with me to call it “not a fighting game” because you have poke-balls and platforms or because it has 4 players at once duking it out.

Power Stone I’d consider a fighting game as well. Hell, if you google what it is everyone calls these games “fighting games”. So yea, they’re fighting games…

Immagaiden495d ago

What’s next, you gonna say Mario Kart isn’t a racing game?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21495d ago

oh its a racer but its not a realistic one like GT or Forza. only kids check for mario kart and smash .

Immagaiden495d ago

I didn’t say it was realistic. I said racing game. Does Burnout not being realistic make it not a racing game?

What does a demographic have to do with a genre? Do kids playing CoD make it any less an FPS? You see how ridiculous bringing up that subject is?

repsahj494d ago

"Only kids and kids at heart check for mario kart and smash".


FallenAngel1984494d ago (Edited 494d ago )

Nobody said it was a traditional fighter. Everyone acknowledges it as a platform fighter

PSASBR & Power Stone are fighting games, the former being a platform fighter and the latter an arena fighter

gleepot494d ago

You're correct, it isn't traditional. It's a fighting game though.

repsahj494d ago

Because if cute and lovable characters are fighting it's not a fighting game? XD As long there's a versus fighting, it is a fighting game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 493d ago
MrNinosan495d ago

Including Smash Bros in a list of fighting games, is like including GTA in Racing games.

NotoriousWhiz495d ago

I hate to break it to you but smash bros has fighting game tournaments so it qualifies.

MrNinosan495d ago

"and here's how it competes against other fighters"

No, Mortal Kombat doesn't compete with games like Smash Bros? It's a different genre for a different audience.

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21495d ago

Anybody can host a tournament in their garage it doesnt mean it qualifies.

NotoriousWhiz495d ago

I'm going to assume you're not part of the FGC. However, I am, and I can tell you that there is a ton of overlap between people who play smash competitively and those who play other fighting games competitively.

Now for casuals, there is a lot less overlap between the two for sure.

PapaBop495d ago

While technically true, Leffen comes to mind, FGC and Smash community have always had a rocky relationship.

Thundercat77495d ago

And yet, If Smash Bros was over 80 million, you wouldn't be complaining. On the contrary, you would be bragging about it.

Immagaiden495d ago

Bad comparison. You do a LOT of things in GTA outside of a car while fighting is what you’re mainly doing in SSB

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 495d ago
Ezio2048495d ago

Given the volume of games released, I would say Tekken has sold the best.

lodossrage495d ago (Edited 495d ago )

Yeah, that's a good point. Most of these games have parts to the franchise outside of traditional fighting games.

Like for example, with Mortal Kombat, do Special Forces, Mythologies: Sub: zero, and the Kollection count?

With Tekken does death by degrees or the tag tournament games count?

With Street Fighter, are we counting all the iterations of 2, 3, and 4? how about the ex series or alpha series?

There are a lot of variables at play here

Ezio2048495d ago

Even after including Tekken Tag, they have less titles compared to all MK and SF games.

CS7494d ago

Yeah, i realized that too. Very interesting.

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Super Smash Bros. prototype revealed in new video

The designer of the original Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64 shows us the prototype that started it all.

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Nintendo will not allow Super Smash Bros. on the Evo 2022

Kim writes: "Super Smash Bros. will not be shown at Evo 2022, this year's biggest fighting game event. The Sony-owned sports organization announced the loss of the platformer in a statement on Twitter today, and seemed to blame the decision on Nintendo, which has historically tried to control how their games appear in the wild."

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ZeekQuattro941d ago

The moment Sony acquired EVO the writing was on the wall. A big loss for EVO.

blackblades940d ago

Sony acquiring them had nothing to do with it. Nintendo fault.

AnotherGamer940d ago

That has nothing to do with Sony though.

ZeekQuattro940d ago

Yeah I'm supposed to believe that Nintendo who has been apart of Evo since 2007 up and leaves after Sony acquires Evo is just a coincidence. Yeah okay.

Michiel1989939d ago

pretty sure Sony would allow them to compete. But nintendo has seen all smash bros tourneys as free advertisment from the community, instead of providing setups/games etc they demand that you play their adds on the tourney and put up posters with their newest game instead of actually supporting the competitive smash scene. They just piggybank off them. Now that Sony runs it they wont get free advertisement over there, thus fuck over their smash community by not allowing having it at EVO.

Brazz940d ago

Also big loss for smash community.

Vengeance1138940d ago

Huge loss for Nintendo, could have been huge PR for Smash and to further the titles reach and to gain even more players but Nintendo is happy to let it slip into nothingness. No new content is coming to Smash so literally all it has left is potential tournaments.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 939d ago
Knightofelemia941d ago

In away this hurts Nintendo Smash Bros has some dedicated fans. What better way to help build hype and sell more of the game then showcasing it at EVO.

Atom666941d ago


They wanted more control, which led to starting up their pro circuit. We'll see if it works out.

EVO's recent troubles probably played a part in the decision, but my bet is that they were planning this for awhile.

-Hermit-940d ago

Because it's Nintendo, they just don't get it. They are so ass backwards. At this point, they deserve to get left behind by everybody else. The only reason why they remain relevant is because they appeal to nostalgia.

Neonridr940d ago

except they are currently the most successful. Left behind, lol. Cute Hermit.

-Hermit-940d ago


I never said they are left behind, I said they deserve to be. Nintendo hasn't done a single positive thing for gaming for a very long time now.

They are anti consumer, release weak and overpriced hardware and shit out the same games to appeal to nostalgia. They don't put any effort into their "remasters" they go after fans for making fanmade games, they go after emulation when they don't give a damn about their older games.

They charge to play online for the Switch after it was free for a year and are behind every single company when it comes to online infastructure. They make it difficult to back up save games. They lock content behind those crappy Amiibos. They sell cardboard to people because they are too cheap to develop actual good hardware to go alongside their console. They go after people streaming Nintendo games.

I would argue that Nintendo are less consumer friendly than the likes of EA, and that's saying something.

whitbyfox940d ago

They just announced 48 new Mario Kart tracks for free with the expansion pass, that’s a whole new game for free.

You must have missed that one.

luckytrouble939d ago


"Included with the expansion pass" is not free. It's part of what you're paying for with your subscription fee. I get people try to call things included in subscriptions free to help rationalize costs involved with this subscription heavy model that has taken over, but the addition of something in a pretty unanimously agreed upon to be an overpriced subscription isn't Nintendo being nice; they're trying to incentivize people to finally see the cost of the expansion pass as a good value. In this case though they already established the cost of permanent ownership, which I'm sure was forced low to not over value the subscription, so you know that pack is actually worth $25. It's not free in any sense of the word, and Nintendo is only trying to do themselves a favor with this move.

whitbyfox939d ago


We never knew we were getting the Mario Kart tracks, we thought we were just paying for the N64 Megadrive and Animal Crossing DLC so it’s free to me.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 939d ago
Neonridr940d ago

Nintendo has their own events and showcases though. They will be fine.

CrimsonWing69940d ago

Nintendo’s a real party pooper, huh?

fsfsxii940d ago

evo about to smell a lot better

OhReginald939d ago

It's not a proper fighting game. Who cares.