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Eurogamer: DualShock 3 Hands On

Eurogamer writes: "Speaking from experience, there's a lot you can do in nine months. You can make a baby, catch up on every single episode of 24, Sopranos, West Wing and Alias, and grow a mighty beard. Or you can make rude origami hats. Or, if your name's Sony, you can release the DualShock 3 in Japan and then make everyone in Europe wait for it. But like Jack Bauer during his year-long Chinese torture episode, or Sydney Bristow buried alive, we're simply not going to break. We've had decades of experience waiting for everything, which is probably why your correspondent loves Glastonbury so much: it offers endless queuing opportunities."

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SixTwoTwo5824d ago

Go buy a DS3 the minute they release then curse your SixAxis as you throw that POS out your car window on the drive home.

Ben10545824d ago

40pounds ($80).
im still buying it though lol

byeGollum5824d ago

even if it cost the world, we would still get it :D anything for our preciouSsSs

UnblessedSoul5824d ago

My sixaxis analogue sticks are mucked up, the right stick keeps facing left instead of staying in the center, looks like I'll have to buy a Dualshock then

coolfool5824d ago

that the journalist wrote that article with a distinct tone of cynicism. Like "this has been out for months, why have I been asked to write about things everyone already knows?".

Still it was quite funny. I get the feeling that he doesn't really like the DS3 as the only positive thing he said about it was that it rumbles!

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Stop Complaining: PlayStation 4 Doesn’t Need DualShock 3 Support

In this article Jon Ireson of RealGamerNewz takes up the discussion of DualShock 3 support for the PlayStation 4 and goes over the many technical as well as logical reasons why it is not necessary and if anything, would only hold innovation back for the gamer.

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Hitman07694130d ago
PhiMattic4130d ago

I agree! I welcome a new controller. The dualshock has been around since Playstation 1. I think it is time for Sony to try something new.

Just_The_Truth4130d ago (Edited 4130d ago )

It makes sense seeing how different the new controller is and the extra features so I don't mind that the DS3 won't work. The only thing that gets me is what is that light bar for. Is it just 6axis? And if so why could they just but it in the controller like the DS3?

FunAndGun4130d ago

From Shuhei Yoshida on the PSBlog:

"On the front side of DUALSHOCK 4 is a light bar with LED that illuminate in various colors to match the color of the character in a game as a simple way to identify players. The colors can also provide useful information to players, such as when their character has taken damage during a game. DUALSHOCK 4 was developed alongside a second peripheral, a dual camera which can sense the depth of the environment in front of it and also track the 3D location of the controller via its light bar. The new camera incorporates four microphones capable of accurate sound detection and source origination, and it will support the PlayStation Move motion controller with more precision than ever before."

aCasualGamer4130d ago

I don't understand why people would complain. It's basically a DS3 but upgraded and better. It hasn't changed that much so fans won't recognize the controller. The buttons are all there, the analogue sticks are there in the same place. They've just refined it and made it better:

-Reduced latency
-Better rumble
-Speaker integrated
-Lightbar LED (enables Move support of some sort)
-Touchpad for (additional input)
-Headphone jack
-Better triggers for shooters
-More ergonomic
-More texture on the device for better grip
-Share and options button

All that, while still keeping the traditional DS3 design which is familiar to millions of gamers. The only thing they removed was start and select buttons, which honestly were a bit unnecessary to begin with. I haven't pressed Start and Select to get out of a Tekken game in ages, nor have i pressed Select to trigger a taunt since Devil May Cry. These can all be integrated with touchpad.

JRivera924130d ago

Oh the smell of butthurt fan in the morning lol... It was announced like TWO months ago that the DS3 wasn't gunna work on the PS4, I don't know why everyone seems so surprised now...

Ikkrt4130d ago

for a while I was interested in the PS system because you could use it to play older games... but I agree now that newer systems will have updated/ altered functions so backwards compatability is not always going to be viable...if the new controller is going to have more options on it then using an older one does not make sense to me... as the article stated if you buy the newer system it does not mean you have to discard the older one if I had access to a working PS1 I would still use it today even if I had the newer systems too.

NYC_Gamer4130d ago (Edited 4130d ago )

It would be useless for DS3 support since PS4 was built with the new controller features in mind

kingPoS4130d ago

It'd be nice if the DS4 worked on the ps3... I'd by it just for that.

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Is there more to this controller than it seems?

With only five days left until the (almost certain) announcement of the Playstation 4, this photo appeared and made the rounds of Destructoid, Kotaku and everywhere else.

Business at the front. Party at the back? A list of observations and questions regarding this prototype. From the front here it looks quite “normal” but the more you think about it the stranger it gets - could there be some unique features we're missing?

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DivineAssault 4137d ago

smh.. this WONT be the final build & im sure its gonna be great in the end

mixelon4137d ago

Smh back at you? Agreed, it's likely not the final design, and for the record I like the look of the weird prototype anyway. :) It definitely has a few visible improvements already in this form.


DualShock 4 on PS4 – Is it Time for a Change?

As the DualShock has been the consistent PlayStation icon for many fans, the question that seems to be raised is ‘what will happen to it with each new generation?’ As rumors have once again sparked about a different DualShock 4, the Daily Reaction crew of Seb and Dan address the potential for changing the DS for the PS4.

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doctorstrange4164d ago

Please no, I'm used to the DS3. Biometrics could be cool, but no touch stuff.

Foolsjoker4164d ago

Yeah, keep the main design but don't mess it up too bad.

theBAWSE4164d ago (Edited 4164d ago )

Definitely redesign the L2 & R2 triggers on the DS3...I hate the way they slant in..need them more like the dual shocks of old

Army_of_Darkness4164d ago (Edited 4164d ago )

I F$#KIN hate the L2 and R2 buttons on the DS3! such uncomfortable useless buttons and no matter how fast I push them, they still seem to go up and down really slow?!?!.

Outside_ofthe_Box4164d ago (Edited 4164d ago )

If they are gonna change the controller for PS4 then they should at least make the DS3 compatible with the PS4 as well. That way those that prefer DualShock can continue to use it.

decrypt4164d ago

Why not give console gamers a choice on which controller they want to choose.. its not hard.

DOMination-4164d ago

Guys, wait until you see the new controller before moaning. I know its been 15 years and i appreciate after that long, change is hard. But things move on.

Sony have a good track record with controllers. Whatever they come up with, Im sure it'll be good.

DeadlyFire4164d ago

Like the last one they came up with for PS3 and quickly threw out the window for DS3?

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yeahokchief4164d ago (Edited 4164d ago )

Here is a thought: Offer 2 variations of PS4 controllers!! Offer the standard dualshock 4, but then also blow us away with something new particularly for the bigger hands of adults.

I own PS1,PS2 and PS3 and I've always found the Gamecube and smaller Xbox1 controllers the most comfortable.

The Ps3 controller can cause pains in my hands after a few long hours of pressing in L3 while moving around in 1st person games. This is because the controller handles are too small and awkwardly slanted.

The joysticks need concave tops for more control so people aren't tempted to buy those little snap on things.

For shooters I believe the Xbox joystick placement is optimal, but i'm open to new layouts.

showtimefolks4164d ago

simple answer yes but change isn't always so good so maybe a make some changes but keep the main concept the same

everyone wants change till it happens than every day will be articles about how the old controller was so much better

i am happy with DS3 as i was with DS1 and 2

Blackdeath_6634164d ago

no, a new controller is good if they give you the option to use the ps3 controller on the ps4. that way you get the best of both worlds. see, change not always so bad.

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NovusTerminus4164d ago

NO! I use my DS3 for everything... Even my PC gaming!

Root4164d ago

They just have to update it, sort some things out here and there to make it even better and they'll be good to go

Relientk774164d ago

I love the Dualshock controller, and if they didnt change it, I would love it

boybato4164d ago

perfect controller in my opinion.. nice button layout (though I guess, its just because I am soooooo used to it.), nice form factor.

only change I would request to be had would be that they modify the part of housing that holds the analogue sticks wherein I wish it would be like whats in the vita(encased in a piece of metal to avoid chipping)

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