
Frictional Games On PS4's GDDR5 Memory: No Latency Issues And Not A Bottleneck

Plus, new features of HPL Engine 3.0 detailed.

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Neonridr3555d ago

“Afraid I have not worked to closely to the PS4 side to answer that in any detail. As far as I know, we have had no issues,”

so in other words let's take his guess as factual.

While I don't forsee any issues on the PS4 side of the game, is this how we report facts now?

3555d ago Replies(2)
miyamoto3555d ago

Its Gaming Bolt for you, kid.

hkgamer3555d ago

seems more like a failed interview but they still wanted to publish their results.

OB1Biker3555d ago

These articles are getting old really. People still don't see the bait?

1nsomniac3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

Wow the spin on that quote is insane. GamingBolt further shaming themselves!

I quite like Sony but their fanboys make me want to quit gaming all together!

Spotie3555d ago

How do you relate Sony fanboys- as if they're any worse than anybody else's fanboys- to gamingbolt's hit-grabbing article?

dantesparda3554d ago

Spotie, he's just a Sony hating fanboy. He complains about Sony all the time. But im the same way, I own a 360 and thought I was going to buy the X1 before we knew the specs (and that the PS4 was going to be superior). But I feel the same way about the MS fanboys, they make me not want anything to do with MS. Think about it, how is this ridiculous, junk article say anything about Sony fanboys.

uth113555d ago

At gamingbolt, whatever comment a developer makes about working on PS4 vs Xbox One becomes the headline. It is so predictable that I knew this was a GB story before I even clicked on it!

No_Limit3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

Not surprising Gamingbolt uses another click bait headline to to its shady journalism work. Thanks for the link Neonridr as I wouldn't have giving them a click either way but somehow you got disagree for posting hard evidence is really a fact that N4G has a lot of narrow minded gamers that would hit disagree whenever they deemed a comment (desn't matter if it is true or false, good or bad) is bad publicity for the brand they support. Very unfortunate.

GameDev13555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

I know Gamingbolt is clickbait so tbh no one should take the site seriously but you missed this from the quote

"However in a follow up with a programmer from Frictional Games’, Thomas stated that “RAM is not a bottleneck for us.”

Basically he stated first he hasnt worked with the PS4 to know, then after a FOLLOW UP, which means he was asked AGAIN possibly after he has worked with the PS4, then he said RAM is not a bottleneck (SOMA is on PS4 and PC)

Dont take this as me supporting Gamingbolt as I know how terrible the site is, I just felt if you want to accuse of something, use the full quote of what you read and not take out a bit to slam them with

DonFreezer3555d ago

I'm sorry but this article is damage control to the ESRAM improvements article we have seen yesterday.It's quite clear that n4g ps fanboys are feeling insecure and are bringing hypothetical statements as actual quotes now.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3554d ago
Rearden3555d ago

It's been years since developer have been saying this about the PS4. This isn't news.

DougLord3555d ago

Why would GDDR5 be a bottleneck? The bottle neck is that AMD tablet CPU. The one in the Xone is isn't that great either, but at least it's going to get a moderate bump from DX12. Combined with the overclock and Azure, that will give MSFT a hefty CPU advantage. Crackdown and Halo 5 will both demonstrate this.

SuperBlur3555d ago

"Forza Motorsport 5 is an example of a game that pushes the Xbox One to the limit with its fast-paced photorealistic racing experience. Under the hood, Forza achieves this by using the efficient low-level APIs already available on Xbox One today. Traditionally this level of efficiency was only available on console – now, Direct3D 12, even in an alpha state, brings this efficiency to PC and Phone as well. By porting their Xbox One Direct3D 11.X core rendering engine to use Direct3D 12 on PC, Turn 10 was able to bring that console-level efficiency to their PC tech demo."

If forza pushed the Xbox 1 to its limit , it's pretty much as good as it'll get but if you own a pc , thats where things will get a drastic boost in performance without quality loss

Ikki_Phoenix3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

and the order already demonstrate what the ps4 can do
which btw piss you halo with eaze and style graphics wise

wont bother mentioning uncharted 4...we are talking about naughty dog

and in case you forgot....DX12 has No Turbo Magic, Reduces only Driver Overhead...stupid fanboy

also you forgot team ICE.

LamerTamer3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

Don't use "the Order" for an example. It has big black bars to reduce resolution and depth fog everywhere to hide reduced draw distance. Then it is only a linear corridor shooter. Sure it may appear decent on the surface until you realize how many tricks/compromises were used to get there. If anything it shows the weaknesses rather than strengths.

DigitalRaptor3554d ago (Edited 3554d ago )

Oh boy… another dreamer.

Here we go. Quick, Sony hide your ICE team, hide them away so DougLord can pretend they don't exist.

bneals3555d ago

I own a X1, but I don't recall hearing developers bitch about latency in regard to GDDR5 memory.

MasterCornholio3555d ago

Developers never complained about the PS4s ram. They praised Sonys decision to go with GDDR5 instead.

Anyways I dont know why people bother bringing up latency because the PS4 has proven that it isn't an issue.

HeMan763555d ago

In which world the GDDR5 memory doesnt create latency problems I dont know? GDDR5 memory type is the number one enemy of CPU thats why they cant hit 60fps easily on PS4 even the first party studios told that the CPU is bottleneck and the reason is mostly GDDR5 memory.Garlic and onion doesnt work properly at all.

"This simplified structure shows the GPU with the lion’s share of access to memory bandwidth. Both the Onion and Garlic interfaces are faster than they were in Llano, and they’re tied to much faster memory, but they function in the same basic way. This is the most logical design based on what AMD has done before, it incorporates the direct memory bus that Cerny discusses, and it would be the easiest system for AMD to design given the firm’s limited resources.

The disadvantage is that it’s not particularly efficient. This table of available CPU-GPU bandwidth in Llano based on the type of operation being conducted indicates the problem:"


3555d ago Replies(1)
LamerTamer3554d ago

Wow you are right, I knew I made a big mistake not choosing the xbone over the PS4.

Ikki_Phoenix3554d ago

just stop already...you become more pathetic with each passing day...go play your broken milked collection and stop posting craps like this...dam u have one bubble at least use it for something with meaning

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cthulhucultist117d ago

Very safe list of horror games. I would argue that Amnesia Machine for Pig was not that great. Dark Descent was much a much better game.

Far better games have been released in this genre (Dead Space Remake, Alien Isolation, Alan Wake 2 etc).


Five Horror Games Certain to Keep You Up 'Til Halloween

Spooky season is here again at last and time of the horror game has arrived alongside it. This year has seen the return of some the genre's greatest entires, but both tended to focus more on thrills than they did chills. So, those wanting a bit more of the latter this month would do well to check out at least one of these before Halloween rolls around.

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Leeroyw477d ago

Titan fall 2 was chefs kiss. For those of you who haven't played it go ahead. Brilliant. With each level being creatively different.

Yui_Suzumiya477d ago

Island, Steins;Gate Elite and Soma.

MadLad477d ago

Soma is an epic experience.

jznrpg477d ago (Edited 477d ago )

Does ISLAND have English subs ? I can’t find a copy that says it has English subs for PS only the Switch version which I rather not buy .

Love Steins Gate and Soma

shinoff2183477d ago (Edited 477d ago )

FRom what i could find. Nothing with English subs.

Yui_Suzumiya476d ago

I own a physical copy on Switch and it does have English subtitles so it's all good on Switch and Playstation.

Yui_Suzumiya476d ago (Edited 476d ago )

My bad. Steam and Switch have English but PS4 and Vita only have Japanese. Sony doesn't mess with many visual novels which is why I only own a Switch OLED and laptop for all my games.