
The Xbox One: A Year in Review

CheatCC says - "The Xbox One just finished its first year on the market as a sort of underdog in the new console wars. For the whole year it sold worse than the PS4, only overtaking it for a brief period before the holiday season. It certainly had some interesting console exclusives to brag about, and featured console features that the PS4 hasn’t even come close to, but it’s also still working off some bad blood from the console’s original release. Let’s take a look at how the Xbox One shaped up in 2014, and look at where it is going in the future."

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Will Microsoft's new strategy foster a happier gaming community?

MWEB GameZone writes: "If your choice of gaming platform is an Xbox One or Windows 10, you are in for a treat this year. Microsoft wants to foster a happy community of players with one goal; to make the Xbox and Windows 10 platforms a fun place to play.

Here is how Microsoft will attempt to achieve their goal in 2015"

plut0nash3466d ago

I have one request: bundle more items in a base console. Play and charge kits need to be there by default.

SonZeRo3466d ago

agreed, getting a controller that takes AA batteries and no charging cable is sucky.

Sillicur3466d ago

Goood point ! one more thing they can do :)

Stiffler3466d ago (Edited 3466d ago )

Great point, I fully agree. It's a bit of a nuisance considering everything else is included in the package. Just a minor con.

I believe Microsoft are onto a nice fresh start since their release screw ups and are now doing great and have their products to now show for it. Win10 and DX12 is gonna be tops!

Sillicur3466d ago

Their fresh start could not have come at a better time. New year, new hope for MS and the Xbox

blackout3466d ago

And the f#×king headset adapter. Come on

Khajiit863466d ago

Haven't owned a Microsoft console in 3 years, totally forgot about that stuff. Spent so much money last gen on the crap, and it would die within the first year.

NuggetsOfGod3466d ago (Edited 3466d ago )

If I have steam why would I want xbl?

Sure xbl is free but so is steam. Lol

Unless xbl will have exclusive games on it then I don't see the significance.

Dx12(console efficiency on pc, easy porting)/free Windows 10 thanks MS that is all.

Playing with xbox gamers is kinda open platform within the bubble of windows.

But would be funny to play with people who are paying to play on a server I get to play on for free at higher performance.

Don't mad at me it's just the facts not my fault.

Kind of comical when you think about.

Xbox streaming to pc meh.

Pc streaming xbox @ 1080 60fps would be nice.

But why buy xbox if I can stream pc to tv using steam link for $50?

Best thing they could do is just port xbox games.

Dx12 seems to be mostly focus on pc and xbl features for xbox gamers with low end pc's.

Imo pc gets all the cool stuff now.

Xbl right now offers pc gamers what exactly? Unless they bring some crazy must have games or features then meh again...

Lennoxb633466d ago

Why would I need steam when I have graphics like this coming to the X1? http://www.icxm.net/team/up...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3466d ago
HanCilliers3466d ago

I like to think so. Good approach from MS, I would just also work on that silly parity clause as well.

Sillicur3466d ago

Indeed, that should be one of their focuses in 2015

DK2L3466d ago

If Microsoft/Windows can pull of any sort of cross-platform integration, seamlessly, I'll be well impressed.

Revvin3466d ago

Once Don Mattrick left Phil Spencer has done a very good job in re-engaging with gamers and promoting the XBOX One as a gaming device and not a media centre that just happened to play games too. His approach has been refreshing to the point its made me re-think about buying an XBOX One after originally deciding to just go with my gaming PC and a PS4 this generation. I have a feeling Microsoft will have a very positive E3 this year.

lord zaid3466d ago

Phil has been killing since he tool over, mainly because he recognised the Xbox One for what it is: A video game console.

WESKER20153466d ago

Microsoft employed a lot of snakes that sabotaged the xbox one launch, double agents don matrick and that bald british geeza who used to work for sony, this is fact, MS dont trust many people now

Sillicur3466d ago

Cant wait to see what they have in store for E3 as well

freshslicepizza3466d ago

what needs to happen is a microsoft all in one store. meaning you buy one licence for the game. that way you can play games like fable legends on the xbox or any windows 10 based system with just one purchase.

right now microsoft is still dangling a carrot because they still don't want the consumer to be totally free of the xbox. thats why people are asking if you can stream from the xbox one to the pc, not just the other way around.

in a couple of years we will have a much better idea of how microsoft is taking the pc platform seriously. one game is not enough. they tried this years ago with shadowrun and basically stopped after but microsoft is taking a whole new approach with windows 10 so we will just have to wait and see.

Revvin3466d ago

Just bought an XBOX One, Forza 5 and Halo MCC to go with my gaming PC and PS4

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HoldenZA3466d ago

I really hope cross-platform gaming becomes popular. I personally love the idea

Sillicur3466d ago

Yeh me too, Street Fighter has it too right? and MKX I think :)

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All Hail the Conquering Halo 5 Speculation

Gamerz Unite offers a few wild eyed theories and general speculation on what exactly the Halo 5 Guardians #HuntTheTruth campaign is getting at. Could it be something more grounded as ONI/UNSC power and greed? Or might it be something deeper involving cloning and the Forerunner?

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Rumor Control: a journey through Microsoft’s “hidden” intellectual properties for Xbox One

An insider gives its look to all the exclusive titles coming to Xbox One (and Windows 10), including some new rumors about new projects and IPs.

3468d ago
ThinkThink3468d ago (Edited 3468d ago )

Why did my comment get marked as spam? All I did was list some of the games mentioned.

Fireseed3467d ago

Because trying to undermine the viewers need to actually go to the site is kind of rude.

borneblood1233467d ago

In other words, it's all about the clicks.

Fireseed3467d ago

Yeah, basically. I dislike click bait articles as much as the next guy but let's be real here. If websites don't have the support of traffic to their pages then why continue to do it for free? The seething hatred towards the idea that someone is supporting themselves by doing anything in the real of video games is staggering and moronic.

jetlian3467d ago

thats stupid ! nobody cares about their site and it isnt even news its a rumor.

what does their site have to do with n4g? nothing. If you want clicks write something worth clicking for

StrayaKNT3467d ago

Anything with good news related to microsoft gets you bubbled down on this site.

OT: there is a tonne of unannounced new ip's microsoft is working on cant wait to see what is revealed at e3 this year.

Gazondaily3467d ago

No mate. It was marked as spam. You can't put the entirety of the article's content in the comments section. Thats why it got marked.

bouzebbal3467d ago (Edited 3467d ago )

"there is a tonne of unannounced new ip's microsoft is working on"
How do you know there are tons if they are unannounced? the article states 4 unannounced games from Rare, Skyboks Labs, Twisted Pixel, Good Science Studio. Did i miss something?

"Anything with good news related to microsoft gets you bubbled down on this site"
That's kinda normal because your claims are pure speculation from your side cause that's what you want to see happening.

i'm looking forward to what Rare have up their sleeves.

christocolus3467d ago (Edited 3467d ago )


Aussie is right. There's a lot more. the article isn't counting 2nd party or even likely third party exclusive projects and we know lionhead, rare, decisive games, soma, pressplay and lxp are developing new games. rare and lionhead have multiple projects same with 343i.

bouzebbal3467d ago

i'm maybe ignorant but can you tell me what these studios developed in the past? i never heard of them tbh...
Anyways, we'll see at e3. 2 months to go.

3467d ago
Why o why3467d ago (Edited 3467d ago )

To be fair. . . Wouldn't all camps have unannounced titles in the works. That should go without saying no?

whether these titles will bare fruit is another question. We can only hope and try not to prejudge.

In regards to the negativity around x camp. . . . .swings and roundabouts. . There was a time when. . . . . , arghh, old news, no matter

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3467d ago
BALLARD323467d ago

A spiritual successor to 1 vs 100? Please be true.

ScorpiusX3467d ago

Everything retail or Digital will find a home in my Xbox one. ...

hells_supernova3467d ago

I want a true age of empires, also Crimson sky was awesome bring that back.

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