
Assassin's Creed: Unity review | Thunderbolt

"While its myriad of technical issues are certainly detrimental to anyone’s enjoyment, it’s the lack of ambition in reinventing its aging mechanics and tired level design that leave Unity treading water. Black Flag showed that with a few key design changes this is a series that can still flourish and create fantastic experiences, often in spite of its core mechanics, but Unity’s reliance on them makes it feels like a step back when it should have taken a giant leap forward. The endless possibilities afforded by the series’ time travelling concept will continue to offer hope that Assassin’s Creed can still shine, but it needs to take a long, hard look at itself before that can happen. More of the same just doesn’t cut it anymore." - Thunderbolt

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DragonKnight3568d ago

"tired level design"

So the reconstruction of whole cities in a game is "tired level design" according to these people? LMFAO! This is just proof that the 4/10 is a joke score meant to call attention, not to be taken seriously.

dreamed3568d ago

The game is a pile of garbage.

Broken controls.
No whistle.
No human sheild
Not able to use hidden blade unless your stood in the right context sensitive position.
Cant fight with hidden blade,i h8 how arno always goes for his sword when fighting.
Turn based crappy,lock in fighting style(gotta be the worst yet).

The fact its supposed to be next gen,but falls short compared to ac rogue,which has all the stealth/counter moves included.

I could go on & on about how bad acu is but why waste my breath....don't get me wrong ive been a fan from the start,but if this fight/control style is the future then i'm done.

Biggest pos of the year award goes to ubi/acu.

I'm gonna call it now....rainbow 6 & division will be totally unplayable on launch and never get fixed FACT!!!!! ubi just dont have the talent anymore.

A bunch of drunk monkeys could do better than this laughing stock of company...lol

They really should just give up with game development coz they really dont know what there doing!!!!...lmao at ubi-shite!!!!!!

DragonKnight3568d ago

"Broken controls"

You mean the same controls as every other AC game only with the added parkour decent mechanics? Yeah, totally broken.

"No whistle."

I can only assume that you mean no calling your Assassin recruits to take out enemies for you? That's the point of co-op, plus Arno is just a regular Assassin, he's not a Master Assassin like Altair, Ezio, or Connor. Hell, Black Flag didn't have it either.

"No human sheild"

That's because there's dodge now. Press the dodge button when the cross-hairs turn red and you're good.

"Not able to use hidden blade unless your stood in the right context sensitive position."

Wtf are you talking about? I've used the hidden blade while running, from the air, against "boss" enemies. I have no idea what you mean by this.

"Cant fight with hidden blade,i h8 how arno always goes for his sword when fighting."

Nitpicking. Plus the revamped combat system would mean that Arno would never be able to parry with the hidden blade.

"Turn based crappy,lock in fighting style(gotta be the worst yet)"

It's literally the same as the other AC games with 2 minor differences. One is that you can only swing 3 times, the other is that counter is now replaced with Parry and you can't insta-win.

"The fact its supposed to be next gen,but falls short compared to ac rogue,which has all the stealth/counter moves included."

AC Rogue is literally just Black Flags but from the Templar side.

"I could go on & on about how bad acu is but why waste my breath....don't get me wrong ive been a fan from the start,but if this fight/control style is the future then i'm done."

So basically you just want the one-hit insta-win style back then right?

I think I've seen this exact post before. Pretty lame complaints.

DragonKnight3568d ago

I realize you meant no whistling behind cover now. That I agree with.

RichTB3568d ago

That is a mistake, should be "mission design". Corrected now.

nowitzki20043568d ago

Never played it, but hard to believe that its a 4/10.

Scatpants3568d ago

I give it about a 7.8 I'm on sequence 8 and been playing it several hours. It's better than people give it credit for.

dreamed3568d ago

Anyone who says unity plays like black flag obviously never played black flag.....theres a reason its getting bad reviews....its coz its the worst yet imo.

How anyone can say the combat isnt sluggish and clunky just blows my mind???...the dodge move just dosnt work,you can press it yeah and arno will roll..(after you mash A of course not just one press)..but you still end up taking 5-6 shots anyway due to the lockin effect in this new fighting style.

I see they tried to bring the ac1 fight style back but imo it was loads more responsive in ac1.

Imo its getting the reviews it diserves....5/10 imo.

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I Played Assassin’s Creed Unity Almost 10 Years Later. It’s (Kinda) Spectacular

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Skuletor194d ago

Do the NPCs still randomly levitate every now and then? Even years later I noticed they hadn't patched that out

andy85194d ago (Edited 194d ago )

Honestly I loved the PS4 ACs. I'd love next gen ports of Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate


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leahcim648d ago

I am playing the Batman Vita game, it is amazing really.


Why Assassin’s Creed Unity remains one of the best games in the series

GF365: "Since the first Assassin’s Creed game, there have been entries up until now. There are more than a few titles that are far from an ideal stealth game. Let’s discuss why 2014’s Assassin’s Creed Unity is one of the best games in the series."

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isarai673d ago

Glitchy as hell and flat story, nah this aint it. AC2, brotherhood and 4 were amazing games in every respective

Furesis673d ago

Yeah i would say brotherhood and 4 were the best for me. I have not played the new ones and Unity was my last one. Seems like i made a good choice.

DarXyde672d ago

I gave up after Revelations. Just couldn't bring myself to care anymore and I got burned out of the gameplay.

Definitely agree on 2 and Brotherhood though. Great games.

YourMommySpoils672d ago

A Ubisoft AC game that's not glitchy? That will be the day.

Knightofelemia673d ago

After constant glitches Arno being boring nah I am good I skipped Unity. I will always like the Ezio trilogy, Black Flag, Rogue, Odyssey, Syndicate. I use to love the franchise but now it feels stale and boring. But my list of favorite entries into the franchise will vary from other players favorite entries.

RaidenBlack673d ago

Odyssey is a really well-made RPG game ... but it ain't a proper AC game, even though its part of the lore

ToddlerBrain673d ago

It’s funny because, at launch, it was universally panned for being unplayable. It’s a great game that holds up today. I’m glad they fixed it.

staticall672d ago

The only good things i remember from Unity are pretty graphics and really good descending mechanics (even though it sometimes didn't make much sense, when your character can drop down from like 10 meter height onto a flagpole perfectly).

Game is glitchy to this day, i was playing in it years after the release date (with all the DLCs) and it's still broken. You had to reload missions too often for my taste (characters do not spawn, you fall through the floor, getting stuck in falling/sitting/aiming animation, hidden blade stop working, assassination target running away at the start of the mission). Story was meh, searching for all the treasures wasn't enjoyable at all. Coop was pretty much useless, i've beaten every coop mission in solo. Helix rifts were awful as well.

Not saying i hate this game or anything, but it got too many problems.

Assassin's Creed (i know it's a controversial opinion) and Assassin's Creed 2 are still great to this day.

anast672d ago

Unity was okay. I prefer Syndicate and Origins.

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