
Trophies: Super Stardust HD

Want to see what the available trophies are? Andrew Yoon of PS3Fanboy says,

"The popular PSN arcade shooter now includes trophies. Download the free 4.00 patch and you'll be able to acquire these 17 trophies:

Bronze Trophies

* Hero of Lave - Complete planet Lave
* Hero of Coventina - Complete planet Coventina
* Hero of Nemain - Complete planet Nemain
* Hero of Taranis - Complete planet Taranis
* Hero of Segomo - Complete planet Segomo
* The Tokenizer - Collect 5 tokens with a single boost in Arcade
* Scrooge MacBoom - Get 10 bombs in Arcade
* Extra Ships Optional - Survive 7 minutes without dying in Endless*
* Close Encounters - Survive 45 seconds without shooting or using bombs in Survival*

Silver Trophies

* Token Hoarder - Collect 15 tokens with a single boost in Arcade
* Well Prepared - Get 20 bombs in Arcade
* Shield Blaster - Collect 5 shield tokens while already having a shield
* Scenic Route - Complete a planet without using boost
* Late Boomer - Get 15 bombs in Bomber*
* Shock and Awe - Destroy 10 nukes in Endless*

Gold Trophies

* Multiplier Hero - Get 10x multiplier
* Split screen Co-op - Get 3 minutes of continuous Co-Op weapon boost on Segomo*"

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Real gamer 4 life5868d ago

is this game worthy of a purchase?

Hulligan855868d ago

Thinking the same thing.

I might actually buy it anyway - Its only £4.99 for a full game, i paid more for the COD4 map pack!

RevN8r5868d ago

My wife and I only had the demo, but we enjoyed playing it together. Now with the trophies, I bought the full version, and it's been worth it, if you're into this kind of game, that is.

pwnsause5868d ago

yes its worth it if your into arcade shooters. its very fun. play the demo its on the PS store, if you like it, you can even buy the game on the demo

Bordel_19005868d ago

I'm so excited, I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it.

And I think it's a great classic arcade shooter worth every penny.

aceitman5868d ago

a big yes worth every penny

jadenkorri5868d ago

super stardust is worth it, very addicting, i just purchased novastrike, saw a preview and was like hell ya

mistertwoturbo5868d ago

Yes, SSHD is one of the best downloadable games available on the PSN. Highly addicting, and trophies just adds more value to it.

SL1M DADDY5868d ago

IMHO it is by far and wide the ONLY real arcade title on the PS3 that should be purchased first and foremost. Not saying any of the other titles should not get a look but if you do not already have this one then you are doing yourself a great disservice and need to drop the cash for this title. It is amazing to play and watch.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5868d ago
ThatCanadianGuy5868d ago

uhhhh..eerrruumm i guess i have to buy the full game to get these trophy's? i cant just get them off the demo can i?

PirateThom5868d ago

Correct. If you like the demo, you'll probably like the full game. It's more of the same with a steep learning curve.

RevN8r5868d ago

I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes, you have to buy the full version of the game to get the trophies. Even when you do get the full version, you still have to download a patch to make the trophies available, so I think that's the only way you're going to get them.

As an aside, it's worth the $10.

ThatCanadianGuy5868d ago

I just downloaded it.Played it for about 10 minutes.
It's actually pretty fun for a simple arcade game.Graphics and physics are well made.

I Guess i'll be buying it tommorow morning.Im gonna have some catching up to do with those trophy's.

Thanks for the info fella's.

..also any other games with "trophy-support" already?

pwnsause5868d ago

Demos will not have trophies, full games do. a Demo is a Demo man, remember that.

Mc Fadge5868d ago

The demo seems to unlock the ability to get the trophy's. They are listed under my trophies section. However, it is impossible to achieve them in the demo :P

ThatCanadianGuy5868d ago

Thats what i thought to about the demo,i downloaded it.And right away i got the 4.00 patch or whatever it was,so i figured..hey..maybe i can freebie this :P

but alas..sadly no..been playing it nonstop since 2 am.got nothing =(

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5868d ago
DrPirate5868d ago

I got them all except:

* Token Hoarder - Collect 15 tokens with a single boost in Arcade

Which I shall get in the morning :)

RevN8r5868d ago

That's funny because I'm new to the game and that was the first trophy I got XD Anyway, good luck!

crck5868d ago

Not sure how to get 15 tokens in one boost though.

RevN8r5866d ago

If you take down the numbered asteroids, it'll give you a bonus one, burst directly through the center and you'll get it.

Kami5868d ago (Edited 5868d ago )

there are a bunch of trophy whores in the Gamer Zone.

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3 Classic Housemarque Games Worth Playing Through Before Returnal

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Knushwood Butt1198d ago

I plan to snag Stardust VR soon. It is on PSN sale for cheap.

FTLmaster1197d ago

Do it! It’s a seriously addictive experience. Housemarque is the master of modern arcade classic gameplay. Curious to see how Returnal turns out tbh.

Knushwood Butt1197d ago

Thanks. Downloaded it and will be playing it shortly.

Pre-ordered Returnal too.

P_Bomb1198d ago

Loved Alienation. Good co-op!

Knushwood Butt1197d ago (Edited 1197d ago )

Yep, had a lot of fun playing it with my kids. Although they always fight over the drops.

ArchangelMike1194d ago

Dead Nation is a classic, Definately one of their best games.


Housemarque licenses Unreal Engine 4 for a new and unannounced title

Finland’s longest standing game development studio, Housemarque, today announced that it is licensing Unreal Engine 4 and moving away from its own in-house technology for future projects, including a soon-to-be-announced title.

TheOttomatic912424d ago

Damn it sucks they won't be doing any SP games anymore.

arkard2424d ago

Agreed, I found d their games to be fun and enjoyable... To bad I seem to be the minority.

TGG_overlord2424d ago

Well, I haven't played all of their games, but "Nex Machina" is pretty darn cool imo.

BrianOBlivion2424d ago

I didn't read that. I've read that while they are planning to expand into multiplayer, the only thing they've decided to give up on is the top-down arcade shooter style of games because the last couple have sold in decreasing amounts.
Too bad for me as I've enjoyed most of their games. Now I feel bad that I didn't buy Matterfall but I just didn't like the addition of platforming into the mix.
I haven't read anywhere that those MP games wouldn't include SP.

TGG_overlord2424d ago

"I didn't read that. I've read that while they are planning to expand into multiplayer, the only thing they've decided to give up on is the top-down arcade shooter style of games because the last couple have sold in decreasing amounts."

- Ah, now I got what @TheOttomatic91 meant with "Damn it sucks they won't be doing any SP games anymore.". Well, to be fair, "Matterfall" isn't exactly one of their better titles...

Einhander19712424d ago (Edited 2424d ago )

Um don't expect anything good from these guys anymore.

Atticus_finch2424d ago

IDK what to expect. Me and my GF love HM hopefully they keep making couch coop games.


PS Plus March 2016 Lineup Makes Another U-Turn In North America, Brings Back Super Stardust HD

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