
Will Firmware 2.4 Make Super Stardust HD a Top Seller?

If you haven't picked up Super Stardust HD yet, it's a one heck of a good shooter. It flew under the radar and is one of the better PSN games out there. Sony announced that Super Stardust HD will be the first game to receive Trophy support, literally within hours of the firmware v2.4 release. With gamers clamoring to be the first to get their Trophies, will sales of the game spike this week?

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princejb1345927d ago

you bet
i know ama buy this game 2nite
just to get it ready for 2morrow

taz80805927d ago

I think you and many others my friend. Super Stardust gonna be an overnight success. Great move by Sony.

drunkpandas5927d ago

Yeah this is a great game to begin with. A lot of people missed out on it, especially those who just got PS3's. Definitely worth the purchase.

Drekken5927d ago

I have the game, but I will be buying the addon tomorrow!

drunkpandas5927d ago

No buying needed... it's a free update to the game to add trophy support. All you have to do is fire up the game and download the update and you're golden.

Pornlord5927d ago


I think he was referring to the HD addon that is on the PSN now. At least, that's what I think he meant, maybe.

PSTAVY5927d ago

I had already planned on buying it but once they showed the video with trophies for it yesterday I bought it.

Seraphim5927d ago

it's a solid game once you get into it. At first I thought it sucked but a few months later I decided to check it out again, and really got into it. Now it's easily my favorite PSN title. I can't wait for the trophies to be implemented so I can play it again. It's about time to sit down w/ an arcade title so this gives me fuel to actually do it...

As for the topic at hand. I think having trophies will certainly help sell the game to those who haven't bought it yet. Not that they should have to have a reason to buy this great arcade game but it'll certainly persuade some to. ;)

LJWooly5927d ago

I would recommend this game to anyone who hasn't played it yet, it really is a fantastic game, and my personal favourite PSN game.

Gish5927d ago

Gotta love the Euro version of spelling favorite :)

OgTheClever5927d ago

Gotta love the US version of spelling favourite. :)

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5927d ago
taz80805927d ago

I am curious as to how long we begin to see the first Trophy Whores popping up? lol

drunkpandas5927d ago

My guess is minutes after the firmware is released when they keep checking for the Super Stardust HD update. Haha

Chubear5927d ago

Well when you consider the flood of ex-360 fans that the PS3 gets jumpin off and playing beyond every couple of months, I'd say there will be ALOT of new PS3 gamers from the 360 side that will certainly eat this up like candy cause it's even better than what they initially had.

AznSniper5927d ago

I'm considering purchasing it as well. But I'm waiting for the PSN cards to come because credit cards won't work for me.

drunkpandas5927d ago

They're slowly leaking out into stores. I'm surprised Sony hasn't gotten them out there full force into Walmart, Best Buy, etc.

taz80805927d ago

The mythical PSN cards that are like unicorns to find.

Nitrowolf25927d ago

there on Ebay but im not paying $60 bucks for a $20 dollar card
i hope i find them at the retailers near me

uckitsayitchbay5927d ago

You don't need a credit card to put money in the ps wallet all you need it paypal and the paypal plugin/toolbar..it is what i use for wallet. it generates a one time or multiple use mastercard number and exp date and the money just comes out of your paypal account which is tied to my regular SAVINGS account(sorry but a friend tried to tell me you needed checking for paypal grrr he was so sure he was right to) so just generate a multi use card write down the number and exp date and use that in account management on the ps3..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5927d ago
Hapimeses5927d ago

Well, I have it and I recommend it. Great game. It rocks. I will have SSHD Trophies soon.


fiercescuba5927d ago

How fast until someone gets the Platinum trophy? 5-6 hrs tops?

drunkpandas5927d ago

No platinum trophy in this one. Small scale games can't get a platinum, only large scale (ie. disc-based or big download games like Warhawk, GT5:P, etc)

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3 Classic Housemarque Games Worth Playing Through Before Returnal

If you've been hankering for an intro to Housemarque's brand of adrenaline-filled action, then here are 3 awesome titles you should try.

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Knushwood Butt1256d ago

I plan to snag Stardust VR soon. It is on PSN sale for cheap.

FTLmaster1255d ago

Do it! It’s a seriously addictive experience. Housemarque is the master of modern arcade classic gameplay. Curious to see how Returnal turns out tbh.

Knushwood Butt1255d ago

Thanks. Downloaded it and will be playing it shortly.

Pre-ordered Returnal too.

P_Bomb1256d ago

Loved Alienation. Good co-op!

Knushwood Butt1255d ago (Edited 1255d ago )

Yep, had a lot of fun playing it with my kids. Although they always fight over the drops.

ArchangelMike1252d ago

Dead Nation is a classic, Definately one of their best games.


Housemarque licenses Unreal Engine 4 for a new and unannounced title

Finland’s longest standing game development studio, Housemarque, today announced that it is licensing Unreal Engine 4 and moving away from its own in-house technology for future projects, including a soon-to-be-announced title.

TheOttomatic912482d ago

Damn it sucks they won't be doing any SP games anymore.

arkard2482d ago

Agreed, I found d their games to be fun and enjoyable... To bad I seem to be the minority.

TGG_overlord2482d ago

Well, I haven't played all of their games, but "Nex Machina" is pretty darn cool imo.

BrianOBlivion2482d ago

I didn't read that. I've read that while they are planning to expand into multiplayer, the only thing they've decided to give up on is the top-down arcade shooter style of games because the last couple have sold in decreasing amounts.
Too bad for me as I've enjoyed most of their games. Now I feel bad that I didn't buy Matterfall but I just didn't like the addition of platforming into the mix.
I haven't read anywhere that those MP games wouldn't include SP.

TGG_overlord2482d ago

"I didn't read that. I've read that while they are planning to expand into multiplayer, the only thing they've decided to give up on is the top-down arcade shooter style of games because the last couple have sold in decreasing amounts."

- Ah, now I got what @TheOttomatic91 meant with "Damn it sucks they won't be doing any SP games anymore.". Well, to be fair, "Matterfall" isn't exactly one of their better titles...

Einhander19712482d ago (Edited 2482d ago )

Um don't expect anything good from these guys anymore.

Atticus_finch2482d ago

IDK what to expect. Me and my GF love HM hopefully they keep making couch coop games.


PS Plus March 2016 Lineup Makes Another U-Turn In North America, Brings Back Super Stardust HD

You can now enjoy one additional free PS Plus game for PS3 in March 2016, if you managed to get it earlier.

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