
PlayStation Experience Teaser Trailer Leads To Another Teaser Trailer Featuring David Jaffe

Sony has just sent out a tweet teasing something for the upcoming PlayStation Experience. The video in the link leads you to another video that is incredibly eerie, but features David Jaffe at the end of it.

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Abash3480d ago

Oh damn Im excited, David Jaffe!

NewMonday3480d ago

David started working on a new project a couple of years ago, no word on PS exclusivity then but it seems now that it is exclusive.

the same scenario happened with R@D when they finished working on the second GOW PSP game, they announced they were working on a 3rd person action game with no talk about PS exclusivity, but the Order ended up PS exclusive.

Palitera3480d ago (Edited 3480d ago )

If the game is amazing and strange as the trailer and the related material, with top notch gameplay as his games always have, I'm all in!




BTW, the game comes by The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency.

"The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency is a new game development studio located in the heart of San Diego’s Gaslamp District. The company is headed up by David Jaffe (God of War, Twisted Metal) and Nick Kononelos (SCEA) and the agency’s Technical Director is longtime industry vet and rockstar programmer Michael Riccio (SCEA, High Moon Studios). Our company is fully funded and is currently creating our first game- an action title based on an original IP. We are actively searching for talented teammates to join the agency (especially programmers with Unity and/or online experience)."

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/co...
Source for the source:
Remove "haunted" from the link written in the PS notebook trailer.

There is more info there as well. http://blog.bartletjones.co...

SoapShoes3480d ago

Yeah it looks to be published by Sony again. Can't wait his games always have great gameplay.

breakpad3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

ohh f..k ! NOT LAME f**ing David Jafee again....this man is completely untalented ..he is smthing like Peter Molyneaux (lot of talks no substance at all) ..Sony makes a mistake to bring him back

Palitera3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

^ Ok, you're trolling, right? Or maybe sarcastic?

The man behind God of War and Twisted Metal "is completely untalented"?!?!?!

breakpad3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

@ Palitera i m not trolling neither i m sarcastic ..this man created God OF War char- Kratos..except that i dont like the over simplistic GoW, the character itself could be a creation of 5 years old kid ..the same goes for Twisted metal chars ..because the technical aspect of these games was good doesnt mean they had good art direction or scenario or even gameplay mechanics

Palitera3479d ago

I know how annoying it is to dislike a game that is praised everywhere else, but I feel this is the only thing that can explain your "completely untalented" comment.

God of War is straightforward, streamlined. It is meant to be that way. When a game matches the vision of its creation, plays the way it is meant to, there are two lead guys you have to give credit for it: designer and director. Even if you dislike its creation, well, they did their job flawlessly.

And I'm talking exclusively about gameplay here. To me, the game adds A LOT when they give life to deities you are used to read about since childhood, the story is somewhat compelling, the graphics were a marvel from the very start, the controls are perfect etc.

I'm not saying your opinion is worthless, you are free to dislike the game, but the majority of gamers love these two franchises and that says a lot about its quality.

Try playing God of War (a linear action game, yes) with harder difficulty next time. The game opens up for completely different layers this way.

As for Twisted Metal, I only played it very casually (despite loving it since the "back in the days" time), so I won't comment too much on it.

nix3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )


I bought 3 games when i picked up my ps2. GOW, Prince of Persia and NFS.

I loved POP because I had already played it on PC. I tried GOW (bcoz some kid standing by the store told me to pick it up) and i didn't like it. Fixed camera, awkward moment. It felt limited compared to PoP. But i continued playing.. Just for the heck of it. And thank god i did because it's now one of my best game series.

I guess its simplicity is its biggest strength. The story is epic. Beats most of the Hollywood blockbusters. The characters, the story telling, the production is top notch.i think that's why ppl like GoW series.

dredgewalker3479d ago

Someone untalented will never ever make a successful game. It really takes talent to become successful and stay afloat in any industry. You may not like his games but a lot of other people do.

1Victor3479d ago

@the dude what's eerie about quinoa and chia seed salad now Mac and cheese would make you poop your pants

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3479d ago
Borma3480d ago

Even though it doesn't "seem" anything related to his previous works, I would kill for a new Twisted Metal. One of my personal favorite series. And well it does have some creepy characters in the games...so maybe?

Abash3480d ago

Twisted Metal PS3 was one of the most fun games of last gen, it was a blast to play. David Jaffe definitely needs to make a new Twisted Metal on PS4 in the future

SoapShoes3480d ago

I could only wish. The PS3 version wasn't perfect but I think it's the best of the series gameplay wise and it features the best boss battles of the series by far!

Silly gameAr3480d ago (Edited 3480d ago )

The new Twisted Metal was definitely the best in the series, but my god that MP. They botched it soooo bad, but when you actually could connect to a game it was a blast to play. The campaign was pretty good at least so it wasn't a total loss.

I would be hyped if this was a teaser for a new Twisted Metal, but it seems like it's going to be something entirely different. I'm looking forward to the PSE even more now though to see what Jaffe has up his sleeve. But, this teaser made me laugh my a** off.

joab7773479d ago

My guess it that Silent Hills is a Playstation exclusive. Maybe it already was but I'm guessing that's what will piss everyone off.

Vandamme213480d ago

I think his teasing a horror game.

Gority3480d ago

His Twitter says it's not a horror game.

Non_sequitur3479d ago

Maybe he is poking fun at P.T.?

No_Limit3480d ago

A new Twisted Metal? I rather have a new game and I think that is where it is going. Looking at the teaser, it seems like a horror game.

BitbyDeath3479d ago

Normally I'd agree but there is nothing out there like twisted metal. I'd rather this than a new ip of a genre we already have available.

No_Limit3479d ago (Edited 3479d ago )

Don't know man. Jaffe and his company did released Twisted Metal for PS3 but I wasn't that impress with it so I am hoping he try something new for a change. The PS One Twisted metal was an instant classic but I don't know how it will be received at this day and age. Whatever it is, I'll have a close eye on it as I am a great fan of his work.

CervantesPR13480d ago (Edited 3480d ago )

i want a new twisted metal! PLEASE


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Sony Registers New Trademark for “PSX” (PlayStation Experience)

Could a new PlayStation Experience event be on the way soon? Sony has regsistered a new trademark for "PSX."

Antnee5341082d ago

I would like it if they did 4 quarterly big shows a year well 3 of the shows being state of plays while the last one being the psx conference. Still keep small state of plays to be an add for upcoming first party games like they have done.

Rimeskeem1082d ago

I like them doing State of Plays on specific first party games and getting a deeper look at them. It would be nice to have a big conference at the end where people can play the games etc and Sony shows specific things like release dates and has tons of indie games available on the floor for exposure.

RaiderNation1082d ago

I agree. I think the State of Play format works better when it focuses on one title and gives us a nice deep dive on that title. This worked so well for TLOU2, GOT, R&C:ARA, and HFW.

Have PSX twice a year I say. One in January that focuses on titles we'll be playing in the coming year and one in July that focuses on the long term "road map" games we'll be playing the following year and beyond.

1082d ago
MightyHealthy1081d ago

You have to admit tho, the majority of state of plays have not been good

RaidenBlack1082d ago

I like this idea.
I really wish they do a July event similar to one like Future of Gaming event of June last year.

itBourne1081d ago

Dang I was thinking a whole different thing from yall, was thinking more of a PAX like event or something. Went to the Playstation Experience in Vegas and it was such a blast. David Jaffe signed my PS Vita, got to interact directly with developers and provide feedback on their games (miss Killstrain), and got to chit chat with Scott Rohde like just hanging out after an event, and tons of small cool panels and other Playstation fans. Thats what I was thinking when i seen Playstation Experience.

excaliburps1082d ago

I can see this maybe being something end of year? Maybe for the PSVR2? Dunno. Could (and hopefully) wrong. I just see them doing State of Plays for Horizon, and a few more. Maybe they'll try and do a PSX in December since COVID in some parts are dying down?

jukins1082d ago

Thats honestly what im hoping deep dive into vr as well as tlou factions. And whats beyond god of war as far as playstation goes.

1082d ago
itBourne1081d ago

Dude they have 40,000 seat stadiums filled in baseball and there hasnt been this terrible rampant instance going on... I think we are alright...

-Foxtrot1082d ago

If there's one of the way, then they need to bring it or set expectations low straight away if there's nothing groundbreaking planned.

After E3, they could use this well if they played their cards right.

1082d ago Replies(1)
Darkborn1082d ago

I think 10 or so PS exclusives were announced at E3, also like the amuckspider said, Sony has previously stated 25 exclusives are in development, and afterwords, hulst said there more games in addition with second and third parties.

1082d ago
Darkborn1082d ago

Look at the pre show with Geoff, also look at square Enix's conference.

1082d ago
King_Noctis1082d ago

People ask for you the list, so please tell them. I wonder as well, what are those 10 PS exclusive ?

DOMination-1082d ago

There might be 25 games in development but we either know what they are or they are a long way off from being shown. I've posted this studio analysis before but I think its important for some people to see. You can work out the majority of those 25 games are.

Team Asobi - Just released a game, at least 12-24 months away from announcing a new one
Polyphony - Have already announced GT7, will release in 2022.
Insomniac - One team working on SM2 which I'd have thought was a way off yet, other team just finished/supported R&C
Naughty Dog - We know they are working on TLOU remake and possibly a space game. The latter has been talked about for nearly 10 years and although exciting, there have been no rumours that this project is close yet.
Bend - We already know they are working on a new IP but is in early stages of development, at least two years away from reveal
SIE San Diego - Just released MLB The Show.. probably working on post-game support for that and next years game
SIE Santa Monica - We know they are working on God of War and won't be out until next year at earliest. At most, might be working with an indie teams as a support studio but history so far has suggested they only work on GOW titles for in-house developments
Sucker Punch - Only a year out from GoT release.. their next game will still be two years away at least
Pixelopus - One of the few unknowns - we know they are working on an Unreal 5 game in collaboration with Sony Animation although again it appears to be early-ish in development.
Guerrilla - We already know they are working on Forbidden West, release likely early next year. May have a "second team" but that's been said for five years now with no evidence of any such output. No rumours yet pointing to an imminent announcement but can't be ruled in or out at this stage.
London Studio - They have worked exclusively on support/shovelware for the last 15 years.. speculation on my part but they are probably working on generic PSVR sports/shovelware titles etc. Rumours of a AAA game in development have been around for years but I's still wager it would be a PSVR title anyway.
Media Molecule - It took them a whole generation to release DREAMS. I'm sure their next project will be quality but lets be realistic, it's years away.
Housemarque and Bluepoint - just released games, if their next projects are PS Studios titles, they will also be some way away.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1082d ago
darthv721082d ago

I could have sworn that there is something coming up in the next couple of weeks.

neutralgamer19921082d ago


i don't agree what did E3 achieve? the weeks after and the months after E3, ps5 would still sell way more than XSX. E3 hype helps when you have games coming soon after not games which show CGI/In engine trailers a without any proper gameplay/release date

Obscure_Observer1082d ago (Edited 1082d ago )


You better pray for Sony to show gameplay for those games or there'll be Hell to pay.

Microsoft presented more than 30 games and in-engine/CGI games for only 4 games. 3 out of 4 of those games were just announced like The Outer Worlds 2, Contraband and Redfall.

We shall see how Sony intents to counter all that with gameplay presentations. If they don't, It will be funny to see fanboys on mental gymnastics trying to spin and move the goal posts once again

neutralgamer19921081d ago


I have been a playstation gamer for a longtime and Sony knows what it's doing. Maybe you didn't notice Sony in the past 9-12 months have released

The last of us part 2
Demon souls
Spiderman MM
Ratchet and clank
MLB the show

Death loop
Tokyo ghostwire
God of war

Have been announced so whatever you want to say facts are facts. It's amazing because if this was Ms they would have delayed ghost and TLOU2 to be released alongside next generation

So you can keep thinking whatever you want

leejohnson2221082d ago

Don't be like xb and lower expectations

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1081d ago
Thundercat771082d ago

This is the event that will shock the industry.

SullysCigar1082d ago

PSVR2 blowout please! There's loads more I'd like to hear about too, but I need to know more about that, as it sounds awesome so far.

rlow11082d ago (Edited 1082d ago )

That would be huge if they revealed it this year. I'm looking forward to seeing how they've upgraded the experience and what killer, must have games they have up their sleeves. If the price is right (no pun intended) it will sell like hot cakes.

Sitdown1082d ago

What exactly do you anticipate them showing that would shock the industry?

neutralgamer19921082d ago (Edited 1082d ago )

More gameplay for the games they revealed because don't you think seeing actual gameplay for starfield would be a huge moment? Don't get me wrong it was a good show so no hate on the show itself. Just wanted to see more gameplay from some of the games they revealed

1Victor1082d ago

You are right sit down Sony got nothing to show like high quality games that even the competition secretly say “it’s beyond anything available in consoles” better VR experiences,
Sony they’re in such a bad situation they had to delay their flagship title for a year 🤷🏿

Sitdown1081d ago

Do you even read what people type, or do you just immediately read valid questions and immediately go in Sony defense mode? Sony releasing quality games won't shock the industry, as it has become the norm. PSVR2, it's expected, and Oculus is covering virtual reality as well. Or perhaps you don't understand what's being claimed when someone says shock the industry.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1081d ago
jBlakeeper1082d ago

I think the next State of Play will most likely cover Forspoken which is their next big game after Horizon.

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Sony Should Reveal the PlayStation 5 at PlayStation Experience

Gaminrealm: Sony is making history, becoming the first major presenter to back out of E3. As the hype rises for their next-generation hardware, it may be more beneficial for them to reveal it at their very own annual year-end event.

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Kurisu1845d ago

I don't think they'd skip E3 if they didn't have some big plans of their own, but we'll have to wait and see. Who knows, maybe after the recent announcement Microsoft will also show up to PlayStation experience 😂

killswitch801845d ago

I dont think we will see them at E3 again

Rimeskeem1845d ago

I think we will see them during E3, but maybe not AT E3.

Ceaser98573611845d ago

E3 2020 Sony will be there...

meka26111845d ago

I think it's better to reveal consoles on their own, but E3 would be a good place for it. Let's see if my mystery down voter finds me lol.

meka26111845d ago

Lol reveal yourself to me stalker.

DigitalRaptor1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )

I prefer E3 to be focused on game announcements and demos than hardware blowouts. Seems like a bit of a waste to take time away from that when you can do hardware of your own accord.

I feel like Sony is partially not at E3 because they have PS5 games they're not ready to show and want to save it for another memorable conference. I would prefer them to announce PS5 proper at PSX this year with full specs, features, and teases for some cross-gen/launch titles and release it 3 months later in March 2020, like the Switch.

meka26111845d ago

Yea that's how I feel about it; always thought console reveals should get their own showing since there is gonna be a lot to talk about and show.

CrimsonWing691845d ago

Isn't it common knowledge that they're going to be unveiling this at the PS Experience?

xX-oldboy-Xx1845d ago

Common assumption - nothings for sure though, they could do a standalone event.

Mapai1845d ago (Edited 1845d ago )


1845d ago Replies(1)
Vanfernal1845d ago

I think it's smart to make these announcement on their own terms. Especially if the competition makes big announcements. They have a a chance to adjust and put themselves in a better market position.

Jman15531845d ago

I sort of figured the big reveal would be at PSX

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PlayStation Experience is no more - Power Up podcast

In this week’s Power Up Podcast, Taylor is joined by Mike and Joel as they discuss the horrors that is Bowsette.

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Army_of_Darkness2060d ago

It's all because of the hate and criticism from last year (smh) ... I had no problem with it...