
Microsoft clarifies free Xbox One Limbo eligibility

Microsoft has clarified the terms of its free Limbo promotion, confirming that those "who played their Xbox One the first weekend of launch" were selected to receive "early, free access to the game".

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Gazondaily3589d ago

Nice. Never bought this even though I played the demo quite a bit.

tgunzz3589d ago

Got my code,and looking forward to playing this cool looking game.

Yetter3589d ago

yep, me too. Just got my free copy and I'm enjoying it now

MrFit3589d ago

Pretty generous of MS to give out a $15, 4 yr old game to people who pent an extra $150 for the system and played it immediately. Way to go.

Gazondaily3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

They weren't obliged to give away anything.

Many Day One edition bundles came out with copies of free games like Forza 5 and Fifa 14 too.

But obviously, with the sense of entitlement people have these days, people would moan if they got 14 games, a ticket to heaven and a massage from Mila Kunis.

GoPanthers9993589d ago

No, I would probably think 14 games, a ticket to heaven and a massage from Mila Kunis was freakin awesome. Now you make getting Limbo sound pathetic, thanks.

danowat3589d ago

The entitlement is strong with this one.

kstap333589d ago

I can get Kinect with an Xbox one for $350? Oh, you're just trolling... or can't do math?

3589d ago
TimeSkipLuffy3589d ago

No one was forcing you to buy the console on launch day. Of course it makes common sense that the console will be cheaper or offer more value for the price AFTER it is launched! Simply because there is Sony and MS fighting each other for console dominance.

If you want the best value just wait. It will get cheaper and cheaper with every year.
If you can't wait, then just spent the money but that is totally up to you.

marlinfan103589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

"people who spent an extra $150"

extra $150 over what? the kinectless xbox that has a $50 price cut for the holidays? the kinect bundles are $450 right now which would be $50 less than we paid on launch day and if I'm not mistaken, they also put that $50 price cut on kinect bundles for the holidays. i know you don't care about facts or anything like that so just keep talking about people spending $150 more.

im guessing your a ps4 guy so here, ill leave you a link to what ps4 gave all of us for the one year anniversary.


we all get to reflect on how many sales and ps+ subscribers they picked up this year! awesome right? how generous of them! i know most ps4 gamers care more about sales than anything so i guess they know exactly how to please their fan base.

meatysausage3589d ago

Sorry, what did sony give me?

ScorpiusX3589d ago

I have a day one Xbox one , no complaints about cost , or what was missing cause all I wanted was to play the games on it .As for limbo , a game no matter how old is still a great game especially when it's free.

dantesparda3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

That's it?! that's all they are giving their biggest supporter? And damn, MS fanboys are so touchy and defensive.

christocolus3589d ago


Its a free game for xbox one owners and you aint one of them so why does it bother u? You don't own the console neither are you an xbox fan, so im wondering your reasons for coming in here to make negative comments. Its a free game for xbox owners. This doesn't concern you in anyway.

Svinya3589d ago

Dante - did you get lost and wander into an xbox article by accident or on purpose to troll?

MrFit3589d ago

I'm not saying PS+ is better,and I never even mentioned the PS4. I don't have PS+, and I actually love the XboxOne.
The reason I seem bitter is because I wanted the XboxOne and the Kinect was mandatory day 1. So I've had the Kinect that I didn't want and haven't used it since I got it. They didn't release the Kinectless one until later, then dropped the price to $350.

And it does seem kind of cheap to give the game only to people who played it the 1st weekend. I get the free game, but what about the people who bought it day one and gave it as a Christmas gift?

Foehammer3589d ago

I use my Kinect EVERY day

But I'll bite, if your Kinect is good as new then why don't you sell it?

They cost $150 new.

gamer93581d ago

$150 kinect is laughable, they did that to maintain perceived value in the kinect + xbox, cheaper than buying both separately. If someone gave me 60 bucks for it, it’d be gone in a heartbeat. It’s plugged in and I use it to invite friends to party that’s it, which I can do with controller. The next Mass Effect better have damn good voice controls, because until then it is quite useless.

Yetter3589d ago

Just to clarify, we spent an extra 50$ as our console includes the Kinect, and considering my XB1 is in use 12 -14 hours a days since I bought it, I consider it money well spent

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3581d ago
ShowanW3589d ago

I already got my Limbo code about 3days ago or so.

Still a great game too.

No_Limit3589d ago

Have this on x360..really a gem of a game. Have fun to the early xb1 supporter.

kstap333589d ago

Wonderful. Mine was purchased as a gift, so didn't get played until Christmas day. MS already had my money though.

Volkama3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

You should probably go and see whoever got you that Christmas present so you can tell them what a p**** they are.

It's only a little indie game though, you aren't missing out on anything hugely valuable.

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JagX22406d ago

Wouldn't the answer here be ... all of them?

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VenomUK416d ago

It's now time for somebody to go up to Xbox Live Gold whilst it's fast asleep, then hold a pillow tight over its mouth until it stops breathing.

crazyCoconuts416d ago

This is game pass though. Doesn't seem that much better right now.

Profchaos416d ago

Looking at the quality of games mixing the two up in this case it's an easy mistake to make

BrainSyphoned416d ago

I forgot Everspace 2 released so I'm happy with this month.

Profchaos416d ago

Well I guess we know where all that gamepass money is going right into a giant s labelled bucket

ChasterMies416d ago

Microsoft is spending $70B on Activision. That doesn’t leave a lot left over for other AAA games.

monkey602416d ago

I've really wanted to play A Short Hike and Airborne Kingdom for a while now so it's cool they've been added but yeah I don't see this exciting the masses

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