
Americana Dawn Explores American History via an RPG

Marcus Estrada writes: "The RPG genre is full of tons of great games and concepts, but weirdly, not many choose to place themselves in a historical landscape. Americana Dawn is a historical RPG based around the history of America from the 18th century. If the name sounds a bit familiar to you, then perhaps you remember the original 2012 campaign. What's different between the two is that the first campaign was for a freeware version of the game which was made via many public assets. This new campaign features a full staff devoted to making a polished, purchasable product. Please note that if you did pledge way back when then you're still on track to receive a copy of the upgraded Americana Dawn."


Despair: Americana Dawn's Kickstarter failed to reach its goal

Japanator: "Oh my. I never expected that it would come to this, but I'm afraid that Americana Dawn's Kickstarter couldn't achieve its $70,000 goal, since they were only able to rake in $28,239. While this means that Foster's journey through America's colonial era won't happen for now, I'm hoping that this isn't the end of Bit Bonton's title."

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Kenshin_BATT0USAI3430d ago

Good? I'm sick of all these kickstarter projects with heads that will definitely mismanage funds and shit out utter garbage.


Kickstarter Weekly: Americana Dawn, Crossing Souls, and Hollow Knight

Garrett from The Koalition writes:

The common consensus is that gameplay takes priority over everything else, including graphics; however, I often need something extra to pull me back into the game, and I usually find that quality in the setting. Silent Hill is a fun game, but I don’t think I’d continue to revisit it if the town wasn’t interesting. Likewise, I’m drawn to Kickstarter games that offer interesting settings, be they something different or just well thought-out; so, I’ve decided to focus this week’s Kickstarter Weekly on games with breath-taking settings.

Americana Dawn takes Suikoden and places it in colonial America. Crossing Souls somehow makes the 80s feel fresh again. Finally, Hollow Knight takes players underground for a whimsical setting with gorgeous 2D animation. Which game’s setting most appeals to you?

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SwiffEpics3455d ago

This guy does a great job highlighting these Kickstarter games. Good work Red.

yamelmegames3455d ago

Always pointing out some good stuff, man. If I had the cash to fund all the Kickstarters you mention, the wold would be a better place. Maybe.

jaydonbatb3455d ago

Awesome job man. Hollow Knight looks amazing to me.

rbailey3455d ago

Definitely some great picks here and i'm digging the artistic style in both Crossing Souls and Hallow Knight. I'll be sure to support these projects while I still can.


Americana Dawn: The Three Year Struggle Of An American History JRPG

Siliconera speaks to seltaire about her three year struggle to create the American history JRPG of her dreams, Americana Dawn.

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