TomShoe3767d ago ShowReplies(1)
Metallox3767d ago

This is the first gameplay, aside from the trailers, I have seen from these editions of the GTA V. Not a bad start, I guess.

XBLSkull3767d ago

Is it wrong I laughed super hard at the last 30 seconds?

strangeaeon3767d ago

Actually, yes, it is wrong.

darthv723767d ago

I actually felt sorry for the car. I mean losing a door in the process...

And it was such a nice car.

lipton1013767d ago

I remember doing this with my mom in my room back in the days of GTA 4. Watch this mom! Did the thing with the hooker as my mom looked on in horror. "And I can even get my money back!" I said as I shot her in the back of the head before collecting my cash and leaving / running over the body, lol. Reaction was priceless.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3766d ago
Pogmathoin3767d ago

The video is about a sex scene, which is about sex, Tomshoe points out the obvious regarding an immature article, and he is tagged immature.... Its stuff like this that keeps the industry, immature! We know there is sex in it.... There is sex in every movie almost, but you do not see articles about the sex scene! Wtf!

DanielGearSolid3767d ago


CNN is gonna go ballistic!!!!!!

SilentNegotiator3767d ago (Edited 3767d ago )

Both, not one or the other. You haven't been paying attention if you think it's just FOX or their political leaning putting up a stink about video games.

Video games have been more under fire lately by democratic politicians and liberal media, if anything. You'll note that the backers of a federal level enforcement of the ESRB were all democrats (and the states that attempted to pass such laws - but were dropped due to their being unconstitutional - California, Michigan and Illinois, are all quite blue). http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... Gamers are "dead" because some outliers of the Gamergate movement threatened some feminists. And then there are anti-gun democrats still holding on for dear life to the discredited idea that games cause violence ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... ).

It is NOT a "Fox" thing to attack video games.

ShiranaiJittai3767d ago

Someone already beat me to it but though CNN may not approve Faux news it the one who will blow it up of proportion.

DragonKnight3767d ago

This is gonna be in one of Anita Sarkeesian's next videos in which she's gonna say developers are making sexual violence against women more realistic in games. That will be parroted, ad nauseum, throughout the entire feminist internet and we will not hear the end of this.

That's way worse than CNN, or FOX News doing a segment on it and it eventually fizzling out.

PONTIAC08G8GT3767d ago

To all the people/networks complaining that this is "too far" or "too much", lets remember it's a video game in a virtual world. It's no different then going on COD and shooting someone in the face with a sniper rifle. Or using a chainsaw to cut someone in half in Gears. Saints Row you can beat people to death with a giant dildo. Games are supposed to fun and do things you can't do (or aren't supposed to do) in real life. How many people here would love to steal an exotic car or rob a bank with zero consequences? GTA lets you be ridiculous.

Ogygian3767d ago

No they won't. Once the feminists start attacking GTAV for being misogynistic for "promoting exploitation of street workers", the right wing press (Fox News) are going to be paradoxically fighting in favour of it.

I mean Breitbart has already gone there. Fox News is next.

user56695103767d ago

this is funny as f#ck you seen him clock the chic to get his bread back lmao. i know its only 1st person view but it was funny before now its down right hilarious

ChrisW3766d ago

The fact that this is currently the top story on N4G only adds to the potential media storm.

Come on guys! Put your pants back on and play the game!

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GTA 5 Enhanced PC Optimized Settings: Ray Tracing & Performance Guide

Grand Theft Auto 5 Enhanced Edition comes to PC as a free upgrade as Rockstar prepares to launch its next blockbuster (GTA 6). In less than a week, the upgraded version has garnered close to 200K concurrent players on Steam. Unfortunately, the game is far from perfect. W

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MrDead2d ago

It looks great, got everything running on ultra, have long shadows set to max and it's running silky smooth.

The ray tracing and lighting makes the game look amazing.

CrimsonIdol2d ago

The reflections are a noisy mess, particularly with DLSS. Shame they didn't have ray reconstruction, seems to work wonders for cyberpunk

MrDead2d ago

The reflections are like a mirror, I have no noise at all. Are you sure you have it set correctly?

CrimsonIdol1d 16h ago

I've everything maxed out. the reflections DO have a lot of noise in them in motion. When you stop for a second to look at them they look okay but when you're driving around there's a definite blur and sparkle to them that you often get from RT. Again, exactly the same as you get in Cyberpunk without ray reconstruction but is much reduced with.

MrDead1d 14h ago

I really don't have that, what you see here is what I have in motion even online vids have it completely clear. I'm running of a 5090 with everything set to the highest.


CrimsonIdol1d 2h ago

Ah I see. Well if you have a 5090 then I'm guessing are you're probably getting quite a high frame rate (I'm guessing hitting that 120 fps max), which will make a difference too, since the RT samples in the reflections accumulate temporally. I'm on a 3080 so I'm keeping my frame rate around 60-75 at 4K, and the low sample/high noise of the RT is definitely apparent… particularly on moving cars at night time I've noticed the most (makes sense given highest contrast between light and dark) DLSS amplifies the noise too, it's the big thing that sticks out as low fidelity when the rest resolves nicely

CrimsonIdol16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Just had a chance to watch this on my 4K monitor now. Do you not see the blurriness of the reflections in relation to everything else in motion? Like it's definitely better and less noisy than it is for me at 60fps with quality DLSS but it's still pretty bad compared to how crisp the screen space/cubemap ones were when driving about. fine when you stop for a second but driving around you're rarely stopped so it's near constant muddy reflections.

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GTA V PC Vanilla vs Enhanced Ray Tracing Comparison Shows Noticeable Improvement To Lighting

The Enhanced & Expanded ray tracing update for GTA V is available on PC, and we can now do a comparison with the vanilla version of the game.

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GTA V Enhanced And Expanded Best Settings Guide For PC

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