
Assassin's Creed Unity (PlayStation 4) Review - Push Square

Push Square: "With Assassin's Creed Unity, there's a great game buried somewhere beneath an unforgivable amount of technical issues, from annoying glitches to frustrating crashes. It's a perfect example of how Ubisoft's insistence to annualise the series has backfired, as it's clearly an unfinished product. While it manages to both refine and add to the franchise's formula with enjoyable co-op, missions that encourage experimentation, and a few accessible RPG mechanics, we simply can't guarantee that your experience won't be plagued by problems both big and small."

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The93Sting3509d ago (Edited 3509d ago )

Saw it coming, after all these bugs and glitches. the terrible frame rate drops. I guess that's a reasonable score because the game is unfinished nor its polished

XiYakushijuAkeginuXi3509d ago

Awesome. More people should praise these types of reviews that actually tackle the core of the problems. (And also addresses the positives too)

gangsta_red3509d ago

"Ubisoft's insistence to annualise the series has backfired"

This pretty much sums it up. Not MS forcing or paying for parity. It's all about Ubi rushing these products out to the consumer because they want to be the next CoD.

Why these BIG companies feel they have to run an IP into the dirt is beyond me.

Ogygian3509d ago

Well that's fine, but I hope this author does a re-review once the game gets patched. People need to know that it has issues now, but we also need to know how good the actual game is once it gets fixed.

5/10 makes sense for a buggy release (like Rome 2 or this), but Unity looks like at least an 8/10 probably a 9/10 once patched.

Gigaryu3508d ago

And from my experience (couple hours) it is a great game. The problem lies on when is it getting "fixed".

Ogygian3508d ago

I agree. I'm just saying that when people check metacritic scores when deciding whether to purchase or not in next year's summer sale, when it's all fixed, they're going to be looking at a rating which is lower than it should be, taking into account bugs which are no longer present.

At the end of the day, we need reviews which help us, and metacritic scores based on previous bugs do not (just as scores which ignore existing problems do not).

VileAndVicious3508d ago

Ive played around 4 and a half hours or so on the ps4 version...havent run into any glitches yet, other than the occasional frame drop.

As long as they fix that I'm good to go.

starchild3508d ago

The way it runs on consoles is terrible and people are rightly upset about that. But I can't hate the game because it is so much fun and looks amazing and runs well on my PC.

purp13m0nk3y3508d ago

No way. This game deserves the poor reviews for being released essentially unfinished. It's completely unacceptable and the reviews should reflect this.

To hell with ubi. They deserve this game to flop. Afterall the only thing these companies pay attention to is their bottom line.

We as gamers need to stop giving devs a free pass with shit like this. It's becoming an all to common occurrence.

Irrespective of how great the game will finally be after how many patches and weeks/months. Right now at released it is a buggy, laggy POS!

Ogygian3507d ago (Edited 3507d ago )

When did reviews become about revenge? I thought they were there to help us decide whether or not to buy games.

By all means tear it to shreds now. Just give credit where it is due when they fix it,

Angeljuice3508d ago

Welcome, and good luck (It takes a certain mentality to survive here for any period of time}.

cutthroatslim3508d ago

Thanks man 'preciate that :)

XiYakushijuAkeginuXi3508d ago

Oh yeah and do not forget to bring a shield with you

cutthroatslim3508d ago

haha will most certainly do lol

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I Played Assassin’s Creed Unity Almost 10 Years Later. It’s (Kinda) Spectacular

Shaz from GL writes: "Assassin’s Creed Unity is looked at as one of the worst in Ubisoft’s iconic franchise. But playing it nearly 10 years later reveals it may just be the best"

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Skuletor101d ago

Do the NPCs still randomly levitate every now and then? Even years later I noticed they hadn't patched that out

andy85100d ago (Edited 100d ago )

Honestly I loved the PS4 ACs. I'd love next gen ports of Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate


Five small but brilliant maps in games

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leahcim554d ago

I am playing the Batman Vita game, it is amazing really.


Why Assassin’s Creed Unity remains one of the best games in the series

GF365: "Since the first Assassin’s Creed game, there have been entries up until now. There are more than a few titles that are far from an ideal stealth game. Let’s discuss why 2014’s Assassin’s Creed Unity is one of the best games in the series."

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isarai579d ago

Glitchy as hell and flat story, nah this aint it. AC2, brotherhood and 4 were amazing games in every respective

Furesis579d ago

Yeah i would say brotherhood and 4 were the best for me. I have not played the new ones and Unity was my last one. Seems like i made a good choice.

DarXyde579d ago

I gave up after Revelations. Just couldn't bring myself to care anymore and I got burned out of the gameplay.

Definitely agree on 2 and Brotherhood though. Great games.

YourMommySpoils579d ago

A Ubisoft AC game that's not glitchy? That will be the day.

Knightofelemia579d ago

After constant glitches Arno being boring nah I am good I skipped Unity. I will always like the Ezio trilogy, Black Flag, Rogue, Odyssey, Syndicate. I use to love the franchise but now it feels stale and boring. But my list of favorite entries into the franchise will vary from other players favorite entries.

RaidenBlack579d ago

Odyssey is a really well-made RPG game ... but it ain't a proper AC game, even though its part of the lore

ToddlerBrain579d ago

It’s funny because, at launch, it was universally panned for being unplayable. It’s a great game that holds up today. I’m glad they fixed it.

staticall579d ago

The only good things i remember from Unity are pretty graphics and really good descending mechanics (even though it sometimes didn't make much sense, when your character can drop down from like 10 meter height onto a flagpole perfectly).

Game is glitchy to this day, i was playing in it years after the release date (with all the DLCs) and it's still broken. You had to reload missions too often for my taste (characters do not spawn, you fall through the floor, getting stuck in falling/sitting/aiming animation, hidden blade stop working, assassination target running away at the start of the mission). Story was meh, searching for all the treasures wasn't enjoyable at all. Coop was pretty much useless, i've beaten every coop mission in solo. Helix rifts were awful as well.

Not saying i hate this game or anything, but it got too many problems.

Assassin's Creed (i know it's a controversial opinion) and Assassin's Creed 2 are still great to this day.

anast579d ago

Unity was okay. I prefer Syndicate and Origins.

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