
Why Gamergate Was Inevitable

Geeks Under Grace writes:
"This isn’t a post to agree with any side of Gamergate, nor is this a comprehensive article that will cover every aspect of what is going on in Gamergate. This is simply my side of the story and why I think that, regardless of when or who would have initiated Gamergate, it was bound to happen."

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thorstein3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

On journalistic integrity:

I am wondering...if it is possible that publishers and developers are "paying" for positive reviews and press, is it also possible for the same thing to be done for bad reviews and press for the competition?

We know that advertising companies have employees whose only job is to use social media to promote products and pose (and post) as just an average user that likes a product (guerrilla advertising). It is certainly possible for these same companies to bash the competition online, stoking fanboy wars and clickbait articles. Viral advertising can work against the competitor.

It would certainly explain some of the hate towards gaming lately.

9mmPreacher3605d ago

That's an interesting theory on competition paying for bad reviews. It seems feasible but unlikely in the ssense that a site that gives a bad review would run the risk of not receiving product from the developers of the product in the future

Deadpool6163605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

Not too shabby, but I would like to point out something on the feminism aspect of the article. Feminist aren't against you just because of your beliefs. No, no, no. It goes farther back that than that. Thousands of years before any human documentation of history. They're against you just because you're a man. They're against you because of your "male privilege".

You have no weaknesses in their mind. A poor man living on the streets has more "privilege" than a woman that's a millionaire living in a beautiful mansion. Everything bounces off of you because you're a man. Not only a man...but a toxic man. You may ask "What's so toxic?" and well..heheh...the answer is your masculinity you dumb dumb head. Your Masculinity is offensive and the main cause of violence in society. Duh!

If there's a shooting anywhere in this country, where a nut goes on a killing spree or a war erupts. It doesn't have anything to do with his mental health or political/economical power struggles in feminist's minds. Oh no. It's the macho masculinity causing the killings. Do you see how scary that thinking can be?

Not all feminist are like this though. Some are good and have good intentions for equality. But there are some that lead the pack to promote vitriol towards men. Even using men to strike down other men. It becomes less about equality and more about setting a new standard to subjugate any male at the whim of a word. IF that word is true or false, it doesn't matter. The ends justify the means of gaining that power. Which is pretty sick stuff.

How do I know all this information? Google Geordie Tait's recent meltdown....*shivers*


15 Hardest Games for the Super Nintendo

Who doesn't love a good challenge? If everything was easy, there would be no joy in getting it done. In the realm of video games, the late 1980s and 1990s were the perfect era of "get good" gaming with multiple big-named titles that put a player's skills to the test. The Super Nintendo, one of

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Gamingsince19816d ago

Didn't the snes come out in 1990 in Japan

Profchaos6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Sure did I can only assume the article is talking about old-school games in general

Also the thumbnail used in the article for super Mario bros the lost levels is a screenshots of the Famicom game


Italy's Crackdown on Counterfeit Retro Consoles Highlights Industry Failures in Game Preservation

In a major crackdown, Italy's financial police have dismantled a ring trafficking counterfeit vintage video game consoles, highlighting a severe issue within the gaming industry. The operation underscores the industry's failure to preserve classic games, driving gamers toward illegal alternatives as legitimate options remain scarce and prohibitively expensive.

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Knightofelemia10d ago

Even if they do crack down all a person needs is an Everdrive and a regular old school machine. Or modify a disc based console that has a dead laser to boot off an SD card. Some of those illegal devices look neat and some of them are just plain crap.

XiNatsuDragnel9d ago

This won't stop it unless you have a great service.

Inverno9d ago

What a stupid thing to be wasting time, money and effort. Aren't these guys literally drowning right now? Maybe y'all should focus more on that instead trying to stop people from playing old games no longer being sold.

Inverno8d ago

Pretty sure I've read and seen parts of Italy experiences/ing pretty bad floodings. Id argue that's more important than trying to prevent the sale of emulation devices.


Fallout fans mourn loss of loremaster 'The Storyteller' with touching tributes

Fallout content creator The Storyteller has passed away after a year-long battle with cancer, reveals daughter.

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TheNamelessOne11d ago

It's sad to hear. Really enjoyed the guy's stuff.