
Assassin's Creed Unity Review: Paris Burning | Polygon

Assassin's Creed Unity has the weight of a console transition laying heavily upon it.

nX3604d ago

Pretty harsh words:

"It's not just that these problems exist. It's that every Assassin's Creed game has had them for so long that I can't remember not dealing with them. And while each Assassin's Creed has moved farther away from the core of the series, ... Unity's re-narrowed focus on a single city and vertical traversal makes these navigation problems even less acceptable. Unity relies the most on its basic mechanics than any game in the series since 2009, and it buckles under the pressure.

Assassin's Creed Unity buckles in other ways, making for the least stable, worst-performing major release I've played this year."

Confirms what I've said a few times already, Ubisoft didn't make a next gen AC... they just upped the resolution, the NPC count and the lightning while dropping the multiplayer mode, the performance and the originality. All of this while bashing Shadow Of Mordor and coming up with lame excuses for console parity.
From my point of view, Ubisoft has become a terrible developer during the last 12 months, it's hard to believe how 10 studios (approx. 1000 people) were working on this game for over 3 years.

Mikelarry3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

I normally dont agree with polygon on anything, I even feel dirty with what I am about to say but they seem to be the only one taking a critical look at what is expected for a AAA release.gamers please think for a second we are paying $60 for this game and some sites even with these technical issues are giving this game a 10

Kevlar0093604d ago

Have you seen Kotaku's review? It got a "NO" out of 10. The IGN review seemed pretty good as well (7.8)

Army_of_Darkness3604d ago

From the review scores I'm seeing so is that the more popular or well know sites are giving this game a bad score while the less known sites are giving it good to mediocre score...
Guess it's a flop like their parity attempt.

nX3604d ago

Yep I wouldn't recommend buying AC this year. With that money, you would support
franchise annualization
lazy game design
bad technical performance
bad business practises
lame excuses for parity (where was parity last gen?)

I'm so glad Dragon Age turned out amazing so my money goes to EA - give credit where credit is due.

-Foxtrot3604d ago

I'm glad they are they are being honest and other sites like IGN, Eurogamer etc but I guess Ubisoft didn't give them anything worth "changing their views" on the game...get what I mean.

Blastoise3604d ago

"Have you seen Kotaku's review? It got a "NO" out of 10. The IGN review seemed pretty good as well (7.8)"

Games with technical issues and bugs don't deserve 7.8. I hate this kind of thinking that 7.8 is a really critical and harsh score, it's not.

Yetter3604d ago

I think if you put your biases aside and give Polygon a chance you'd find most of their reviews are critical and insightful.

vishmarx3604d ago

its funny even ign made ac u review 3 times as long as dragon age and still failed to mention performance issues(all the while running ac u ads in the background)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3604d ago
Aleithian3604d ago

Finally, an objective review. Thanks for highlighting that snippet.

As I said on another thread, watching livestreams of this games has showed me that it really hasn't advanced much beyond previous iterations of the series. Combat in particular still looks stunted at the early-PS3 era.

I'm confused by the notion of "re-narrowed focus" on a single city, as if that was originally part of the series. That level of focus first appeared with Brotherhood - it's not part of the original style of the series...

Blastoise3604d ago

I've been watching a few streams myself on Playstation Live & whilst the graphics really are impressive along with the detail of the world, it's pretty buggy & in terms of personality in general it seems a big step back from Black Flag

Enmson3604d ago

The game was not ready, and developers relying on day one patches should stop!

Ubisoft is becoming worse with every new game.

I am now worried about Far Cry 4 & The Division :(

GarrusVakarian3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

Hahaha, man, when will Ubisoft learn?

You can't keep polishing the same turd every year and not expect to get called out on it eventually.

AC is a tired, over-milked mess of a franchise now. Ubisoft need to seriously break it down and start again from the ground up (which is what they said they did do for AC:U, but clearly that was BS), or they need to call it a day and let the franchise die (lol, yeah right).

I'm glad AC:U is scoring pretty low, hopefully this will give Ubi the wake up call that they so desperately need. Hire some better writers for your story, fix your buggy parkour system (that has been frustrating to use since the FIRST game), and try actually polishing your games before release, instead of releasing them with tons of bugs and framerate drops into the 20's when nothing is even happening.

And they expect us to believe this game was made by 1000 devs over the course of 3 years. HA!

breakpad3604d ago

unexpected honest review from Polygon ...impressive indeed..thats my score and a bit lower

Yetter3604d ago

whys is it unexpected? Polygon is legit, some of the best editorial staff in the industry

LightDiego3604d ago

@Bloodborn: Exactly, that's why i prefer to support games like Shadow of Mordor, i'm really tired of AC, it's already saturated.
Like Shadow of Mordor, i want to play now LittleBigPlanet 3, Dragon Age, Bayonetta 2 and Super Smash Bros.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3604d ago
sungam3d3604d ago

Let the well deserved hate commence!

markyboy21813604d ago

ive downloades this through psn do i have to wait for the whole thing to download b4 i can get past a certain point cuz when i go to story mission it says wait for install b4 doing this mission and im only in that village u start off in does any1 no????

GarrusVakarian3604d ago

"ive downloades this through psn"

My condolences.

SpinalRemains1383604d ago

Read the rest and then weep.

Plagasx3604d ago

Well...looks like all that's left for me is Far Cry 4.. Hopefully that lives up to expectations..

affrogamer3604d ago

I cancelled my best buy pre-order with in-store pick up like a boss!

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Skuletor194d ago

Do the NPCs still randomly levitate every now and then? Even years later I noticed they hadn't patched that out

andy85194d ago (Edited 194d ago )

Honestly I loved the PS4 ACs. I'd love next gen ports of Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate


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leahcim648d ago

I am playing the Batman Vita game, it is amazing really.


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isarai673d ago

Glitchy as hell and flat story, nah this aint it. AC2, brotherhood and 4 were amazing games in every respective

Furesis672d ago

Yeah i would say brotherhood and 4 were the best for me. I have not played the new ones and Unity was my last one. Seems like i made a good choice.

DarXyde672d ago

I gave up after Revelations. Just couldn't bring myself to care anymore and I got burned out of the gameplay.

Definitely agree on 2 and Brotherhood though. Great games.

YourMommySpoils672d ago

A Ubisoft AC game that's not glitchy? That will be the day.

Knightofelemia673d ago

After constant glitches Arno being boring nah I am good I skipped Unity. I will always like the Ezio trilogy, Black Flag, Rogue, Odyssey, Syndicate. I use to love the franchise but now it feels stale and boring. But my list of favorite entries into the franchise will vary from other players favorite entries.

RaidenBlack672d ago

Odyssey is a really well-made RPG game ... but it ain't a proper AC game, even though its part of the lore

ToddlerBrain672d ago

It’s funny because, at launch, it was universally panned for being unplayable. It’s a great game that holds up today. I’m glad they fixed it.

staticall672d ago

The only good things i remember from Unity are pretty graphics and really good descending mechanics (even though it sometimes didn't make much sense, when your character can drop down from like 10 meter height onto a flagpole perfectly).

Game is glitchy to this day, i was playing in it years after the release date (with all the DLCs) and it's still broken. You had to reload missions too often for my taste (characters do not spawn, you fall through the floor, getting stuck in falling/sitting/aiming animation, hidden blade stop working, assassination target running away at the start of the mission). Story was meh, searching for all the treasures wasn't enjoyable at all. Coop was pretty much useless, i've beaten every coop mission in solo. Helix rifts were awful as well.

Not saying i hate this game or anything, but it got too many problems.

Assassin's Creed (i know it's a controversial opinion) and Assassin's Creed 2 are still great to this day.

anast672d ago

Unity was okay. I prefer Syndicate and Origins.

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