
PS4′s The Tomorrow Children in 1080p Will “Blow Our Mind;” Physical Release Undecided;More Tech Info

The livestreamed gameplay debut of The Tomorrow Children definitely made quite an impact, with many gamers floored and expressing appreciation for the game’s visuals across many social media platforms, but the director thinks that there's still a lot to see. The game's physical release is still not decided, and more info has been given on its tech.

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MrSwankSinatra3621d ago

I'd rather have a physical release of Rime. That game looks amazing.

GribbleGrunger3621d ago

I'd be shocked if The Tomorrow Children, Rime and Wild don't get a physical release at some point.

Haxamin3621d ago

a collection would be nice

Ninjatogo3621d ago

First thing I thought after reading your comment was how EPIC it would be to have all three on one disc. That disc would not leave my console :D

MrSwankSinatra3621d ago

Wild is free to play so I doubt that game will get a physical release. Defeats the whole purpose of "Free-To-Play"

badz1493621d ago

all 3 are looking promising! I'm most excited for TC, though! I really love the art style.

GribbleGrunger3621d ago


Thanks, I wasn't aware it was a FTP. Bubble.

JP13693621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

Who said WiLD is FTP? The developer has said that the game systems feel great, but especially when playing online. That would seem to indicate that you have an option to play solo.

"All these features combined, open so many new gameplay situations, especially when playing online. How you approach the game is up to you, what you do and even what you are – it’s all up to you."


fr0sty3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

Interesting... I never would have expected to see a game like this using a global illumination method that uses more light bounces per pixel than a Pixar movie (3 vs. 1) in real time... while bouncing that light around in more directions than Epic's UE4 demo did (16 vs. 9). It also renders reflected light from offscreen objects as well, unlike most games.

Spenok3621d ago

That would be an amazing collection. Hopefully someone important sees that and tries to make it happen one day :)

nX3621d ago

Lightning is probably the biggest graphical feature that we will see "re-invented" during this generation. Can't wait to see how Naughty Dog uses this technology if Tomorrow Children looks so impressive coming from a team of just 35 people.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3621d ago
MrSec843621d ago

I'd like to see a physical release of The Tomorrow Children, Rime and WiLD, they all look great and worthy of that too me.

scark923621d ago

Me too! I have a preference for physical discs!

DigitalRaptor3621d ago

Pretty sure RiME is getting a retail release.

The game is large, open-world, has multiple islands and is being first-party published by Sony. A retail release is probably dependent on how strongly Sony decides to market it.

HighResHero3621d ago

I would also like to see a physical release of both because it looks like they might belong in my game collection.

joab7773621d ago

Rime looks great but I can't wait for this game.

It almost reminds me of what I thought Media Molecule would make for this gen.

I figured it would be a 3D version of world or game building.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3621d ago
ramiuk13621d ago

looks lovely but i dont really get the want to play this

BitbyDeath3621d ago

I do, I'm getting sick of the same boring games. Bring on something new.

nX3621d ago

Yes this looks truly fascinating, could be Minecraft 2.0.
Too bad I missed the alpha registration >.<

Gravity_DoGG3621d ago

This is my most wanted game other than Fallout 4 and GTA V. Does anybody know if this is 30 or 60 fps?

Kayant3621d ago

Unknown although if it's 60fps that will be amazing. The footage on twitch was streamed at 60fps so take that what you will.

Gravity_DoGG3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

I will take that as half ways confirmed then :b

3621d ago
Special-Agent-Milo3621d ago

I prefer a physical disk but even it's digital only I'm buying the hoot out of this game.

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Eclipse: The Demo that Sold 3D to Nintendo - How a 17-year-old set the course for Nintendo's future

Throughout the history of video games, there have been titles that permanently shifted the industry. These games are generally not hard to spot, as their influence quickly earned them a place in our pop culture. Tetris, Super Mario 64, Halo, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, each of these games caused massive shifts in their respective genres and gaming as a whole. But for each of these, there are also games whose influence, though significant, is largely forgotten.

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The Tomorrow Children Ditches Free-To-Play Feature on Relaunch

The Tomorrow Children is going to be a one-time purchase game now after the decision of Q-Games goes through.

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Elda958d ago

No one is buying that tired game again.

Loktai958d ago

I'm glad to see it back. I was actually sad when it shut down

Eizhale958d ago (Edited 958d ago )

I enjoyed this game and was sad to see it go. It’s strange and satisfying all at once. I look forward to playing it again.


A second chance for The Tomorrow Children

From GI.biz: "Towards the tail end of 2021, Q-Games accomplished something very rare in this industry: it had reclaimed its intellectual property, specifically for PS4 exclusive The Tomorrow Children.

In the announcement tweet, the Japan-based company described it as "a historical move by Sony Interactive Entertainment" and it's hard to argue with that. The game was originally published as a second-party title, funded by PlayStation, and it's typical for the platform holder to retain the IP rights in such a partnership."

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