
GTA: San Andreas HD is out now on Xbox 360 for £2.99

The Xbox 360 Games on Demand version of GTA: San Andreas is available to download now for £2.99 in the UK and $3.74 in North America.

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Software_Lover3620d ago

I really with they would've full remade it.

ArtificiallyYours3620d ago (Edited 3620d ago )

Rockstar needs to step out of their comfort zone and make an HD collection of GTA games 1-5 if even possible.

AliTheSnake13620d ago

If they bring this to Playstation, hopefully they also bring it to PS4 with PS3, not everyone still plays on PS3.

USMC_POLICE3620d ago

No that's silly why do that putting them on iPhone was a much better idea. Because GTA is a game you would love to play with no dam controller and a touch screen.

NukaCola3620d ago

Any achievements/trophies?

NukaCola3620d ago


Cool. This would definitely be an awesome game to get on Vita. *finger crossed*

Sashamaz3620d ago

@USMC_POLICE I don't think people got your sarcasm, try using the /s tag to help those slower in understanding.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3620d ago
spacedelete3620d ago

i would just be thankful if they even released it on on PlayStation consoles. its the 10th anniversary of San Andreas and they only give the Xbox 360 a port ? i'm seriously considering cancelling my preorder of GTAV. how disrespectful of the legacy of San Andreas. it just goes to show how important the games that made Rockstar where thet are today and they don't care at all. how hard could a port to PS3, PS4 and even Xbox One would have been.

nX3620d ago

Probably a deal with Microsoft to counter the GTA5 PS4 bundles. Stange to release it only on the X360 though.

LOL_WUT3620d ago

Doesn't Sony still have some sort of deal with Rockstar for GTA? Maybe it'll be included with GTA5 as theres really no reason for this to skip playstation ;)

user56695103620d ago

yea a full remake with gtav gfx would be great, but i rather have them move foward. i really really want some new on agent. like wtf is it. it suppose to be a ps exclusive but no word all gen.

OT i loving gtavc and sa brought it for android loving it. nothing like playing sa on the go.

3620d ago Replies(1)
HeavenlySnipes3620d ago

If I still had my 360 I'd buy it for the hell of it

San Andreas was amazing to play back then

Tsar4ever013620d ago

It should, after all Rockstar Had the playstaion version also removed off of PSN store. But It's pretty weird that they didn't even mention of the PS version yet.

ocelot073620d ago

Maybe its still being worked on? We only really found out about the 360 version last week. Maybe we will hear something about a PS3 and if where lucky a Vita/PS TV version this week.

vandal GAB3620d ago

surprised this game isn't 1080p on the 360 my phone can even manage that!

Elit3Nick3620d ago

I don't believe that the 360 outputs at 1080p, I think it's capped at 720p

Dudebro903620d ago

Wth hell are you talking about

zero_gamer3620d ago

There are 1080p games on the 360...

Elit3Nick3620d ago

@Dudebro I don't believe =/= I know, it was a mistake...

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SimpleSlave90d ago

Those games were pretty mid. In fact, I'm surprised they even put The Getaway: Black Monday. But they left out much better games like Way of the Samurai 1-2, Okami, Jak 2 or 3, Final Fantasy 12, Yakuza 1-2, or SSX 3.


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