
Q-Games:Can't Push Graphics Unless It's An Exclusive;The Tomorrow Children Is "Something Different"

Q-Games President said that the graphics can be truly pushed only with exclusives, while adding that The Tomorrow Children is something "completely different" from other games.

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Imp0ssibl33529d ago

This game truly looks unique, that's for sure. Let's hope that gameplay is fun as well.

PeaSFor3529d ago

i really dig the artstyle!

3-4-53529d ago

I like the art style, but is it me, or are those colors kind of a bit too dark.

Like they used a washed out filter or something.

Aurenar3529d ago

This project intrigues me a lot. Let's hope so.

FunAndGun3529d ago (Edited 3529d ago )

oh man, I hope they send me a message soon about the alpha and if I got in. so excited to check out the gameplay and what it's all about.

The trailer looks so fresh.

some gameplay:


It looks amazing visually!

DigitalRaptor3529d ago (Edited 3529d ago )

Graphics are not only "teh shinies" but the technology behind the game. Resogun proved this with its impressive voxel technology, and people still called it last-gen.

TTC looks promising and really drives on home how important it is to allow creative ideas to flourish no matter what kind of developer you are because these are the fantastic results you get. Can't wait to see more - it already looks very unique, pretty and the music is great.

user56695103529d ago (Edited 3529d ago )

there you go

even though people have been using gfx tech like this before. the tomorrow children still looks good

DigitalRaptor3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

That game looks beautiful - thanks for sharing.

Still wondering how that gfx tech is directly influencing the gameplay though. Doesn't seem to be any correlation. With TTC, there is.

Spotie3528d ago

If by "indie" you mean game you and other Xbox fanboys will downplay because you can't play it," then yes.

lolosgolos3528d ago

Na Dude you shot your load too soon. Indie as in small development team with small budget. But the backing this studio is getting from Sony, it looks like there is something special about it

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The Tomorrow Children Ditches Free-To-Play Feature on Relaunch

The Tomorrow Children is going to be a one-time purchase game now after the decision of Q-Games goes through.

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Elda865d ago

No one is buying that tired game again.

Loktai864d ago

I'm glad to see it back. I was actually sad when it shut down

Eizhale864d ago (Edited 864d ago )

I enjoyed this game and was sad to see it go. It’s strange and satisfying all at once. I look forward to playing it again.


A second chance for The Tomorrow Children

From GI.biz: "Towards the tail end of 2021, Q-Games accomplished something very rare in this industry: it had reclaimed its intellectual property, specifically for PS4 exclusive The Tomorrow Children.

In the announcement tweet, the Japan-based company described it as "a historical move by Sony Interactive Entertainment" and it's hard to argue with that. The game was originally published as a second-party title, funded by PlayStation, and it's typical for the platform holder to retain the IP rights in such a partnership."

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