
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition Review (Strategy Informer)

From Strategyinformer.com: "Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition is exactly what it sounds like: a ceremonial remastering of the Sierra 1993 classic, by developers Pinkerton Road Studio and publisher Phoenix Online. Those old enough will likely recall the slick talking, duster sporting, motorcycle riding New Orleanean Gabriel Knight from behind rose tinted shades of nostalgia - it was a great adventure in its time. But what about those who didn’t catch the amatuer writer-cum-haphazard investigator first time round? Is there space for Mr Knight’s exploits some two decades since his first appearance on the point and click adventure scene; and some 15 years since his last? ".

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TFJWM3537d ago

Hmmm sounds awesome I'm going to have to pick it up. Also as for GK being a D in the first one and the slowly toning it down was a great character progression for its time

reaperman3537d ago

I'm really enjoying the game. It was a bonus for $50+ backers of Moebius on Kickstarter back in 2012 and its great to be able to play GK1 again with re-mastered graphics.
Jane Jensen and the team at Pinkerton Road have done a great job with this and I hope we will get more GK games in the future.

chippychan3537d ago (Edited 3537d ago )

So basically the reviewer is complaining that they don't like the main character because he's not your modern-day politically-correct clean-cut hero & it's not copying the gameplay mechanics of current Telltale adventure games.

This is a REMAKE of an old 'classic' adventure game, of course its not going to re-invent the genre & to think it would (or should) is setting yourself up for disappointment.

As someone who played the original in my youth I have to say I'm enjoying this remake a lot. The devs have made improvements over the original (not just graphically) and they've done a great job keeping true to the original material. They've also added bonus material that unlocks as you progress that shows original artwork, concepts, etc., which is great for a fan like me.

Basically, if you ever played & enjoyed the original you should find an appreciation for the remake. If you didn't and/or are too young to have experienced Gabriel Knight's adventures, you may or may not.


Top 10 Game Voice Acting Moments That Will Make You Go "Wait...WHAT?"

Keanu Reeves appearing in the trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 is far from the strangest celebrity video game appearance. Game Luster's Kate Mitchell highlights gaming's most unexpected voice acting moments.

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Pinkerton Road Closing Forums & Other Site Features

Pinkerton Road, developers of Moebius and Gabriel Knight 20th Anniversary are closing down their forums and other site related functions due to poor sales and reviews of their games.

garyanderson2972d ago (Edited 2972d ago )

Only a matter of time before the whole studio folds im sure.


Five Kickstarter Funded Games You Must Play

Moe Long writes: "It probably doesn’t help that sites GOG and Steam are constantly hosting various sales. Whether it’s a seasonal Winter/Summer/Autumn/Spring sale, weekend discount, or daily deal, but here are the top five Kickstarter funded games to pick up during any sale."

garyanderson3057d ago

Solid list, but some biggies are definitely missing.