
Terror Threat Targets Video Game Critic Anita Sarkeesian at USU

"Anita Sarkeesian, a prominent video game critic, is the target of a terror threat."

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-Foxtrot3532d ago (Edited 3532d ago )

Here we go, one guy is going to make us all look bad.

Although with Anita I can't really take what's true and what's not since the majority of her PAST threats she sent her self...proved by twitter users.

Who knows this guy might be on her side and making our side look bad giving Anita more victim cards...we'll never know.

Godmars2903532d ago

If it is "some guy" and not a false flag.

Though with all these accusations and threats flying around its only a matter of time until someone is caught.

annoyedgamer3532d ago

The majority of serious threats so far have been shown to be sent form duplicate accounts that Anita made herself. Others were her claiming she notified the FBI when she really did not aka lied. Not much different from what the Quin debacle involved.

annoyedgamer3532d ago

The majority of serious threats so far have been shown to be sent from duplicate accounts that Anita made herself. Others were her claiming she notified the FBI when she really did not aka lied. Not much different from what the Quin debacle involved.

radler3531d ago

Yup, she's a fraud. I don't believe for one moment that there's been a "terror threat" of any kind whatsoever, she's just repeatedly pulling these stunts to act as PR. It's shameful.

Griever3531d ago Show
badz1493531d ago

seriously, the gaming media is giving this Anita troll too much of an attention!

I don't think I'm the only one that really don't care anything about her or anything she said, right?

TheGreatAndPowerful3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

Anita Sarkeesian, Teleseminar Success Story

Kidmyst3531d ago

Is she going to be like a Kardashian of gaming? trying to get attention on herself however she can like making up false accounts to threaten herself with?

DragonKnight3531d ago

See, people like Anita are very quick to bash on law enforcement for not accommodating what she thinks is proper procedure to handle these things.

However the one thing I'll grant law enforcement, and I don't grant them much, they do seem to know what is a legit threat, and what is a troll online, most law enforcement agencies have a proven track record when it comes to things like this.

The thing about GamerGate is that anyone can claim to be a part of the movement and actually not be. This is why GamerGate is being constantly accused of threatening LiterallyWho (ZoeQuinn), LiterallyWho2 (Anita Sarkeesian) and now LiterallyWu (Brianna Wu).

It's been proven several times that GamerGate has no link to the harassment and threats, but in Anita's case she has pissed off so many people that she sees "the same users" in GamerGate and draws conclusions in there. She's upset that LiterallyWu has been taking her attention away recently and has been tweeting more, and this is just another way she's going to try and gain attention.

Now I'm not saying she wasn't threatened, but she's choosing to make a bigger deal about this than law enforcement or the University is because she can draw on that attention and re-insert herself in the vision of GamerGate. Neither LW, nor LW2 have been spoken of directly for weeks and LW3 received threats that had nothing to do with GamerGate either, but all of this is being pinned on GamerGate and now there's StopGamerGate based on absolutely no evidence.

These are the people trying to change gaming folks. I've been ridiculed for talking about LW2 many times, which is perfectly fine, but day by day people like her are proving the points that I and many many others have made about them.

All threats are wrong, which is why I personally reported a vile twitter account that made some very graphic threats against Anita today and that account has been suspended. HOWEVER, one should generally refrain from consistently poking a beehive if one doesn't want to eventually get stung.

FriedGoat3531d ago

Strange how when everyone forgets about Anita, she gets a new "death threat".

Griever3531d ago Show
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3531d ago
thorstein3532d ago

"Anita Sarkeesian, a prominent video game critic"

Let me correct that for the article's author.

"Anita Sarkeesian, internet troll"

stuna13531d ago

Seems to me like she's using the Internet, media and us to boost her own self worth and importance! Something the gaming community doesn't need from a proven lier such as her. She's just trying to stay in the spotlight as long as she can, because she realizes once the bulb burns out, she'll be left in total darkness.

Palitera3531d ago

Well, as bad as this so called "media" is, surely we would see people capitalizing from its immature and actual extremely stupid state.

HighResHero3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

I wouldn't put it past 'em foxtrot.


All these damage control articles popped up after they began to be EXPOSED. The websites and individuals are trying to shift the blame, make themselves look like innocent victims, and anyone who questions them the offenders.
They are scared, hence the acts of desperation. They will do ANYTHING to protect themselves.
We have the upper hand and shouldn't forget it as they continue to be exposed. Let them expose themselves also.

-Foxtrot3531d ago

Yeah, as soon as Milo's article went up a week or so back exposing the Google group all these journalist use to discuss what they are going to tell us together they put up articles about how Anitas GDC conference had a bomb threat.

I mean two Bomb threats...come on that's front page news, yet it's no where to be seen.

Next thing your going to see is

"BREAKING NEWS: Ebola has made by Gamers to kill all women, Anita is first Gamer to be infected"

rainslacker3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

That's what annoys me most. If these reports were credible, they'd be making mainstream news outlets, because lets face it...a bomb threat against a school(or shooting threat in this case), is a huge deal in America's media today.

The fact that this(and other similar threats) against gaming "celebraties" has not been mentioned leads me to believe that the regular mainstream news outlets can't verify the reports at all. Let's face it...this is a threat against a school, examples of a patriarchal society, "strong woman" overcoming diversity to be heard, and shows gamers in a bad light...Fox news would be all over it if it had any credibility. Despite how much I am annoyed with mainstream news outlets, they will try to make sure their facts are straight...most of the time anyways.

When are the people that support people like Sarkeesian going to realize she's just using gamers for her own reputation, and has no interest in improving anything for our beloved hobby. Agree with her stated purpose or not, she is just poison to the community.

ginganinja3531d ago

Is the BBC a big enough mainstream news outlet, or maybe you could visit The Guardian, Metro, Daily mail or other national newspapers which are/have also covered the threats.

rainslacker3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )


Yes. That is actually a very good report on the subject...and it's how journalism should be done. Tells both sides of the story, and doesn't just take the word of one person like most of the gaming media does.

Here's the best part

"USU police, in conjunction with several teams of state and federal law enforcement experts, determined that there was NO THREAT TO STUDENTS, staff or the speaker, so no alert was issued," it said in a statement.

"The speaker, Anita Sarkeesian, cancelled the presentation. She was concerned about the fact that state law prevented the university from keeping people with a legal concealed firearm permit from entering the event."

See...AnAnita was concerned about the threats, but the university wouldn't cancel the talk(which they would have if they had concerns), so now it's about the fact that anyone can carry in a concealed weapon, thus making it her choice...so she can get the notoriety of it, which would far outweigh any publicity she gets from a speaking session.

Note how many times in that one article Anita blames GamerGate for all the troubles? Just because one guy claims to be from gamergate. That's like blaming all gamers for some guy that goes on a shooting spree. We laugh at that, but people accept that one rogue is representative of all of gamergate?

I assume all those other publications you listed are from the UK. Here in the US, where this talk would have taken place, I haven't seen anything from it. It certainly hasn't made the 24-hours news channels...although they're preoccupied with ISIS and Ebola right now.

Edit: BTW, thanks for posting that. I went looking for some good reports yesterday, but only could find ones that were reporting based on what Anita said.

Halo2ODST23531d ago

-Foxtrot ""BREAKING NEWS: Ebola has made by Gamers to kill all women, Anita is first Gamer to be infected"" How can she be infected, she is not a Gamer!

ginganinja3531d ago

The university didn't cancel the talk but they did feel the need to contact both state and federal experts first. I'd suggest that would mean they thought the threat was manageable rather than non-existent.

And it's an article, not an interview. The amount of times AS mentions GG is down to how many times the author feels like writing it (twice in this case).

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3531d ago
rainslacker3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

I read this from a posting on facebook yesterday, and apparently the person who sent it used an actual email address, so if true, it wouldn't be hard to track him down, which makes me wonder why she'd cancel her appearance. The FBI takes the kind of threat she received pretty seriously, so I would expect an arrest report soon...how much you want to bet we never hear of that though?

On another note, you're right, reading through the Kotaku comments on this, many people are already blaming those pesky gamergate hooligans as if that is what gamergate is all about. Like gamergate is all about silencing the female's voice in video games and not about corruption in our media sources.

I think I'm beyond the point of caring about all this crap until it actually has some effect on the development of actual games.

Anon19743531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

Having had a few speaking engagements, personally I don't care if police think the threat is credible or not...if I receive a death threat, I wouldn't show up either. You never know when crazy is going to rear it's ugly head, and who in their right mind, without security, would ignore a threat like this? I think this type of terrorist threat is despicable and I hope they hold someone to account for this.

Wouldn't you cancel a speaking appearance if you had no security and some crazy threatened a massacre at an event because of your presence? It seems the only sane thing to do.

No one, regardless of their views, should find themselves afraid for their lives from these types of threats. Just like the death threats devs received at Bioware because of the Mass Effect 3 ending, or the COD devs receiving threats because they balanced online play...no one should have to live in fear for their lives because of our hobby. They need to start nailing these people, like that guy who made threats over a League of Legends game over Facebook. There needs to be real world consequences for this type of harassment.

rainslacker3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

I respect that, but according to reports, they had already investigated the threat to see if it was cause for concern. The police and campus officials said they found no cause for concern. They found no weapons or bombs related to the person who made the threats, which leads me to believe that they know who sent the threat, and he's likely already detained.

If there was a credible threat to anyone, then yes, I would be more concerned with my safety, and that of others. But in the end, Anita's reasons for cancelling the event were not due to the threat as all the headlines say, but due to the fact that gun laws won't allow police to search for fire arms.

I respect that she may not want to speak in a venue that allows firearms, but she had to go and make it into something else, which I don't respect.

On a side note, crazy can rear it's ugly head at any time, threat or not. If I were being threatened, and that person was no longer an issue, and safety wasn't a concern, then no, I wouldn't personally back out of an engagement. If everyone did that, almost no one with anything controversial to say would ever make an appearance. One is much more likely to be harmed by those that say nothing as opposed to those that make a threat.

Quite honestly, if Sarkeesian is that concerned about all of this, then realistically, given how often she is threatened, she would never have another public speaking engagement again, because it seems she can't go anywhere without being threatened. She's like Angela Lansbury in Murder She Wrote. Everywhere she went someone dies. Everywhere Sarkeesian goes, she seems to get a threat.

hazelamy3531d ago ShowReplies(4)
2cents3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

Foxtrot... That original threat is under FBI investigation. I'm not so sure that she orchestrated that herself.

I don't think that children with access to twitter and facebook should be fighting the fight for us mature level headed gamers, do any of you?
There are too many idiots to count that are making us gamers look bad. If anything, we need a platform to be able to discuss our concerns about the infiltration of feminism into gaming.

I am of the belief that 'some' feminists are really trying to do damage to our industry, I also believe that some women may be being treated unfairly in the development workspace.

I believe that games should be made for women as the target audience.

I believe that games should be made for males as the target audience.

There is space in gaming for everyone. Lets just not step on eachothers toes shall we.

You leave us and our games alone, we will leave you and your games alone.

Equal rights in the workspace is totally needed and a justified argument.

There, how's that.

Edit: http://www.latimes.com/nati...

looks like the idiot who threatened her won. She has cancelled her talk due to the threat.

This is damn disgusting. Let her speak, but then form an opinion to counter her stance and speak back. Every gamer who is a gamer will defend gaming from any extreme views be it sexual, feminist, violence or anti social. We all love our games and we all hate people who don't understand it.

We really need a way to get a strong intelligent voice out to the masses that the MAJORITY of gamers fall well between the boundaries of being socially adept and able to form coherent thoughts and opinions to people who look into our pastime with total curiosity and confusion. We need to unite and start talking and stop threatening.

3531d ago
hazelamy3531d ago

your proof on that return of kings site?
yeah, that's the site i was referring to.

let's see the sort of articles they post.









and that's just the first page.

you try to paint her as some man hating feminist, yet getting "evidence" from this misogynistic woman hating website like that.

wanna see what's on page 2?

the tagline under that?
"Because they won't either"

and this one's a real doozy.


apparently, women who say they've been raped, are liars.

and people wondered why i was so angry in my other reply.
because of idiots who claim feminists all hate men then quote from disgusting rags like that.

let's see what other gems these searchers for truth have on their site?

this one's a beauty.




i could go on, but honestly, that site is starting to make me nauseous.

3-4-53531d ago

* If real, that guy is a douche and doesn't represent anyone but himself. Nobody likes people like that.

* If it's another fake threat, well then she really has no shame.

mananimal3531d ago

It's a false flag and nothing else.

SeriouslyStop3530d ago

When we got word that ISIL was telling American Muslims to find military members and kill them and their families, that was totally just the military faking these threats to get attention. People on Facebook totally proved that fake accounts were made and blogs put up. Because that's the only reason why anyone would ever receive a death threat.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3530d ago
Big_Game_Hunters3532d ago

" Video Game Critic " wrong title, she is a feminist not a video game critic.

Zodiac3532d ago

That makes absolutely no sense. You can't be a video game critic if you are a feminists? It doesn't even matter if you like her or not.

Big_Game_Hunters3532d ago

What is the last game she reviewed?

TheCagyDies3531d ago (Edited 3531d ago )

She already stated that she wasn't a fan of games, that she didn't know much about video games and that she need to learn a lot more about them.

And then in a kickstarter video, she was like "Video games are so intriguing to me, I am a gamer and I enjoy video games, I love games"

She's a two faced b***h, I wouldn't be surprised if this threat is just a hoax that her group made up to make Gamergate look bad.

-Foxtrot3531d ago


Exactly, she got into videogames because she knew there was something she could stir up and exploit.

She is a CON ARTIST...how are people not getting that


switchpoint3531d ago

I have nothing against feminists nor do I have against peoples views if they choose to be a video game reviewer. Anita's so called game footage is not for review and even proven on multiple occasions to be game play footage from other people, that means she hasn't even tried the game but stole the footage from someone else and made her own biased opinion without trying it

Angerfist3531d ago

Go home White Knight :p

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masterfox3532d ago ShowReplies(1)
NixonMonoxide3531d ago ShowReplies(1)
johny53531d ago Show
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Why Games, Politics and Podcasts Don't Mix

Boogie2988 recently appeared on the H3 Podcast, and before long the conversation turned to social issues and politics. Unfortunately for Boogie, the internet took exception and he once again found out that no good can come of this.

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-Foxtrot2182d ago

I like how Twitter took a 13 second CUT of an answer which made him look bad yet everyone rolled with it.

coolbeans2182d ago (Edited 2182d ago )

I mean...let's not pretend those clips are just devoid of context. He's literally doubled down on his argument of gays should wait to receive equal rights under the law until the country was just more comfortable with it. And, even if in the abstract, trying to tie 'videogame feminism' of Sarkeesian to what some violent alt-righter did in Charlottesville by PLOWING into a group of peaceful protestors is straight-up loony. Who cares if the interviewers just rolled with it? Doesn't defeat how absurd he sounded in some of those highlights.

NewMonday2182d ago

His bad analogy doesn't erase the fact Anita Sarkeesian is part of the problem, her ridiculous positions and assaults on anyone who disagrees with here feeds the Alt-Right, many of them are famous because of her.

coolbeans2181d ago (Edited 2181d ago )

By this logic who isn't part of the problem that has some kind of a public platform? This implicates basically any "SJW" channels as well, just b/c certain figureheads of that movement constantly produce response videos to the worst ones. "Oh if certain people just stayed silent they wouldn't inflame this destructive, opposing ideology." Having a more milquetoast composure didn't do much for her when she simply announced the Tropes v. Women In Videogames series, so I'm not so sure how much would've changed had she stayed that course.

Friendly reminder: the optics of this aren't really in your favor. Still trying to parse blame on someone who's just been unfairly connected to the traumatic death of another person? It's true you acknowledge that boogie made bad analogy; however, hand-waving that part away and then subsequently going "but..." isn't the best approach. It's kinda despicable.

NewMonday2181d ago

"Oh if certain people just stayed silent they wouldn't inflame this destructive, opposing ideology"

see this is the problem, I didn't say anything like that, but you shove me into it as to put pressure on me. why would you do that? can we argue within the boundaries of our comments please.

"By this logic who isn't part of the problem that has some kind of a public platform?"

Anita Sarkeesian is consistently bad, Boogie is no Alt-right nut but she turned him into an antagonist because she attacked him for disagreeing with her, and her followers constantly target him since then.

respectable discourse is not much to ask and will help her cause and ignoring it hurts

Cueil2181d ago

no... he's saying you need to take this in steps... you don't convince people on your point of view by shoving it down their throats... Only a person who is to emotionally attach to the problem can't see that.

coolbeans2181d ago


-What are you talking about? My "Oh if..." rebuttal is taking the inverse of what you just stated previously.

You: "her ridiculous positions and assaults on anyone who disagrees with here feeds the Alt-Right."

Therefore: "...if certain people [such as Sarkeesian] just stayed silent they wouldn't inflame this destructive, opposing ideology." Even if being condescending, that is not an unfair rebuttal to present against your first response, especially when taken in the context of that whole paragraph. Still within the boundaries, just to boundaries you're perhaps uncomfortable with.

-"Boogie is no Alt-right nut but she turned him into an antagonist because she attacked him for disagreeing with her, and her followers constantly target him since then."

I don't condone how she conducted herself after that discussion. But to my recollection: it seems like they had a short spat then things cooled off and they went their separate ways. I know nothing of what harassment and/or criticism he's received from her fans since then; however, considering how he recently made this Anita/Charlottesville connection (EVEN IF just to abstractly discuss the fears of political escalation) on a popular podcast I'd expect her fans to rage. Also, how much responsibility should she have for what her fans do--IF not directly commanded by her to target him? If we're going to go down that rabbit hole, then so too must you acknowledge every other anti-SJW/alt-right/etc. channel for its nastier fans targeting her as well. It's a two-way street in which neither side is sinless.


...you just restated what I said in a different way, and it's still an ignorant take of how equal rights have been historically pursued. Read up on the Stonewall Riots for example. Countless parades and gatherings have happened since then, which has resulted in changes to law. Whether a large cluster of people are still uncomfortable with it or not, it's the principle that should matter. The argument for incrementalism was also something MLK faced from fellow clergyman back then ('we support equal rights for blacks but perhaps you shouldn't rile people up'). I think you'd find his response to that rather enlightening.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2181d ago
DialgaMarine2182d ago

Games and politics definitely don’t mix. Just make good games. Stop trying to use entertainment as a front to push political agenda.

Omnisonne2182d ago

Agreed. I'm not against devs making whatever they wish though, they are free to create whatever. But if it has that peculiar scent of forced politics to it, I don't want a part of it.

fiveby92182d ago

I agree. Make what you like but don't be surprised that people don't purchase your product. I enjoy video games mostly for escapism. The last thing I am entertained by is some game director pushing their own moral code regardless of whether I agree with it or not. Sure they're free to make social commentary but don't be surprised when customers stay away.

kneon2182d ago

Since the dawn of man, entertainment in all it's forms has been used to push a political agenda, get over it.

RainbowBrite2182d ago

Wow that dude loss a lot of weight

DialgaMarine2182d ago

He’s still going too. It’s crazy to look at some of his older vids, and compare to even now.

Kabaneri2182d ago (Edited 2182d ago )

Yeah he had a stomach reduction surgery, good for him.

calactyte2182d ago

I love how the author of the article says that Boogie shouldn't talk about politics since he runs a youtube channel about video games, whilst simultaneously commenting on Boogie's political commentary on a website about video games. Hypocrisy at its best. Also, yikes, calm down before writing a rebuttal. It was really difficult to follow what he was actually trying to say. I had to read it twice and I still don't know. Also I'll never get those minutes back in my life again.

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The evolution of women in video games continues at E3 2017

Feminist Frequency founder Anita Sarkeesian and managing editor Carolyn Petit break down the gender dynamics in all of the games revealed at E3 2017.

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Cy2553d ago

Imagine not only having this much free time but actually getting idiots to *pay* you to write about crap like this.

ZombieGamerMan2553d ago

I really hope that big nosed cunt and that butt ugly tranny fuck off from games forever

GameBoyColor2552d ago

I'm not a girl gamer, and this is my story. -New article coming winter 2017.

Please be excited and don't forget to crowd fund it so I can pocket that cash right after!

DivineAssault 2552d ago

Poison to the gaming industry..


Feminist Frequency paved the way for a playable female protagonist in Dishonored 2

"Arkane co-creative director Harvey Smith said that it was critic Anita Sarkeesian’s analysis of Dishonored, which she offered through her web series Feminist Frequency, which promoted the studio to re-evaluate how it portrayed women in the series."

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UCForce2557d ago (Edited 2557d ago )

This is something I will not agree with this. Anita started a gamergate in 2012 which was small, but until 2014 thing out of control fast when she completely succeeded created the conflict between both sides. I remember correctly she hate her dad because he voted who she hated the most (politics).

-Foxtrot2557d ago (Edited 2557d ago )

GamerGate wasn't created by Anita, it was started as a result for the shit Zoe Quinn had been doing which exposed the corrupt journalism and going ons within the industry. As people dug deeper they found new things out and when the heat was getting too hot the majority of game sites banded together and used Zoe Quinn as a victim to show how GamerGate was about abusing, attacking and mentally crippling women for no reason. Why? Because they didn't want any more snooping and would have rather made gamers in general look bad then accept any responsibility for what they did behind closed doors, they were afraid more things came to light if they dug any more. They thought making all gamers look like misogynistic, sexist, women hating pigs would be better then all their shady stuff coming to light and hurting their reputation, things which could cost them their jobs.

Then when things got going people like Brianna Wu and Anita latched onto it to promote their stuff. Anita to sell her kickstarter shit because she's a con artist and Wu because she probably got a lot of shit off people in her past being transgendered, possibly even being bullied as a child and decided she wanted to go on a mighty crusade to hurt all those evil Cis men.

UCForce2557d ago

Like I said, the whole gamergate have been out of control.

naruga2557d ago (Edited 2557d ago )

and who bought the dishonored 2 ??? with all these shoved to our throats diverse things inside ....i say nobody )i know it went bad in sales -and they blamed other games for it) .....the game proved to be completely forgettable and generic as hell...if you cannt develop a game ...is nt the lack of homosexuals or female protagonisst that hurt the game, is that you r by default incompetent ....also shoving things inside just because Anita says to , you make things worse

UCForce2557d ago (Edited 2557d ago )

Now people know why Dishonored 2 have female protagonist because of Anita Influence. I will say this again, she is the false feminist who doesn't belong to feminists community. She completely ruined their image and reputation.

annoyedgamer2557d ago

Anita is shadow developing alot of games, the new Uncharted and TLOU games come to mind. Something about an angry woman beating up a room full of men without getting so much as a scratch brings them joy. I would love to see their reactions if the genders were reversed.

Aenea2556d ago

Actually, of course that can bring one joy! Don't pretend you don't like the idea of kicking the shit out of people in games either, am sure you do! That's why we watch movies, read books and play games, don't we?

Gameseeker_Frampt2556d ago

and I bet you are all tears when playing as an angry man beating up a room full of men. "I'm sorry guys - this is hurting me more than it is you. This brings me no joy." sob, punch, sob, punch, punch....

-Foxtrot2556d ago

Yeah people like Nadine were a direct result of Neil loving Anita and wanting to please her

Adrian_v012556d ago

Because women can't beat up men?

meka26112556d ago

Not really, there are exceptions, but generally they are weaker than men. I remember seeing one time they had the world's strongest woman go to a bar to do some arm wrestling. She went up against average built guys and everyone of them beat her. It's just biology, and as I said, there are exceptions to the rule.

Adrian_v012556d ago (Edited 2556d ago )


I also remember the woman with world's biggest/heaviest boobs knocking a guy out while dancing on the dancefloor, with her boob. So that doesn't mean anything.

I'd pay to see average built guys fight female cage fighters. I'm really fascinated by the bubble some of u guys live in.

Noctis2556d ago (Edited 2556d ago )

Your username fits like the glass shoe fit Cinderella, just change "annoyed" to "annoying" Also, was your last sentence sarcasm because i'm pretty sure what you describe is really 99% of movies and games.

In my opinion I would like to see some roles reversed. Eg: Chris Redfield's gladiator skin in RE5 was total fanservice to those attracted to men, I would pay to see more DLC like this, a la Dead or Alive, but with men in skimpy outfits and big bulging pecs.

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