
Kotaku: Civilization Revolution Review: Compromise, Or Compromised?

Kotaku writes: "Trying to shoehorn an RTS like Command & Conquer onto a console is one thing, but Civilization? The fanciest bottle of good booze on PC strategy gaming's top shelf? It's an impossible task, some will say. Or one that even if it is possible, just shouldn't be done. Under any circumstances. Lest the ensuing offspring (see Civ II on the PS1) be such a crime of nature, such an abomination, that the good Lord himself descend from the heavens and strike down all involved in its creation.

That's what die-hard, myopic fans of the PC series will tell you, at any rate. And as one of those myself - having lost what must be thousands of hours to the series over the years – when a copy of Civilization Revolution for the PlayStation 3 turned up at my door, I greeted it with not just a signature, but a healthy dose of scepticism."

Silogon5842d ago

This is the level of profesionalism we're dealing with over at Kotaku

"Seems to me, though, that as the most technically sophisticated handheld on the market, it's no compliment at all for the PSP if one of its mainstay UK developers is comparing it to a last-gen console."

Yes, this is what one of their main contributors had to say about the PSP overall success. Notice that they're are comparing it to the PS2 and not the Gameboy color, which would be the real system the PSP would be going head to head against, if we are to believe anything She/he said. However, they were being totally serious and they actually didn't bother to correct it. Their stupidity is amazing to me over there. It really is. Luke, Ashcroft, Alexander all of them are like Monkeys with hall passes.

for the reccord a handheld should never be held to the standard of running Ps3 or xbox360 graphics this generation. She's an idiot and a C*nt Punt!


5 Criminally Underplayed Games That Need More Love

Dorkly: "History is written by the winners, and that applies to games, too. While we hold up our post-apocalyptic wasteland adventures, period piece assassinations and Liberty City crime sprees on a pedestal, we would do well to remember the little guys. These underseen, criminally underplayed games didn't do well critically or commercially, but they were still wonderful experiences. Here's a small list of recommendations of unsung heroes of the PS3/Xbox 360/Wii era."

SaveFerris3410d ago

Alpha Protocol had so much potential. I'd really like to see another spy rpg.

Tex1173410d ago

Alpha Protocol has some fantastic ideas in its conversation and story progression due to choices. I really enjoyed my time with it.

A spy rpg can be done with amazing results if handled correctly.

InMyOpinion3410d ago

I would add 007: Bloodstone to the list. That game was criminally underrated.

WizzroSupreme3410d ago

Okami, Beyond Good and Evil, Chibi-Robo!, and Pikmin should be among these.

TWB3410d ago

God Hand

Partly because I just recently discovered it and its insane.

What a gold nugget.

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'Civilization': A brief history of just one more turn

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