
Driveclub: Update on PS Plus and Servers Coming Tomorrow, Bonus Cars and Mercedes AMG GT Fixed Soon

While Driveclub is still suffering from server problems, Game Director Paul Rustchynsky took to Twitter to give some more information on what you can expect for the immediate future.

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WalterWJR3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

"Server problems" that only plague the + edition sorry but this is not acceptable. Just because you couldn't backfire on the original + edition which were intended to sell ps4's at launch does not mean you can fool us, very dissapointing.

n4gusername3637d ago

Dont post that..got accused of wearing a tinfoil hat for it.

WalterWJR3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

I'm a big Sony fan they haven't put a foot wrong recently but this annoys me.

Arbial go and post this article on neogaf, oh wait your banned.. Don't talk to me about credibility it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what happened here.

Abriael3637d ago

@WalterWJR: enough to write something completely false, it seems.

Lightning Mr Bubbles3637d ago

I just want to know when you can play the free demo of this game.

n4gusername3637d ago

He is talking about server issues as the reason it can't be downloaded and played offline like the full version, versus online game servers.

Two days late doesn't make me shed tears. I, however, think that there is more to the story on why the plus version isn't up.

amiga-man3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

Well at least you guys can play the game it isn't out here till tomorrow, issues surrounding online will soon be fixed and forgotten so no big deal.

I'm looking forward to jumping into this game and if I have to put up with playing offline for a while no biggie at least i can hone my skills on the single player while they sort out things.

Just give me the game dammit!!!

donthate3637d ago

This is were properly implemented cloud would help!

You would just automatically provision more virtual servers.

Take a look at the Xbox One and their first party games and how they are all using Azure with rock solid performance.

Sony needs to up their game in the network infrastructure department or just partner with Amazon or Rackspace.

SojournUK3637d ago

@n4gusername That just made me lol so hard, Kudos my friend! (when I just laughed my missus asked me what I laughed at, when I explained to my missus she thinks I'm the one who needs 'the hat')

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3637d ago
lsujester3637d ago

Server problems plague every edition. I got it yesterday and haven't connected yet.

WalterWJR3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

Nobody has the plus edition. Server problems on either version is not the main issue here, the only issue is you can buy the game yet you can't download the promised day 1 + edition. Arbiael can spin it all he wants.

lsujester3637d ago

I'm aware of that, I bought the full game. And it hasn't connected the first time to the servers since I've had it.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3637d ago


Exactly. I have the physical copy and I haven't been able to access any online features at all, but I have been enjoying the single player mode and unlocking new cars.

Abriael3637d ago

""Server problems" that only plague the + edition"

i'm gonna let you finish, but people with the full retail version can't connect to the servers.

jhoward5853637d ago

Abriael you're a great journalist. keep doing what you love to do. negativity don't stop a man from reaching his goal.

OOMagnum3637d ago

I agree he shouldnt be deterred but great journalist, lulz.

spacedelete3637d ago

well thats because if they let people who have full retail copy to play online it will reveal their scam to prevent people playing the free "demo".

otherZinc3637d ago


All I hear from DualShockers & this Rustchynsky guy are excuses for Drive Club.

EVERYTHING is on the way...well that's what they said last year when Drive Club was a launch title. Releasing at 1080p 60fps with Weather & more cars than Forza Motorsport 5; whatever.

Sweep143637d ago

THey never advertised DriveClub @ 60 FPS with weather & more cars than Forza 5. People spreading such lies should be banned

dantesparda3637d ago

Oh otherzinc, is a big MS fanboy and thats what they do. The lie and distort and spread it around to each other like its the truth. Everybody esle knows, that never have they said that DC was going to be 60fps with more cars than Forza. But to his deluded mind, they did.

Kiddcarter3637d ago

Whats up with peoples reading comprehension on this site lately, They never said it was only the ps+ version having servers issue, and to say that doesnt even make sense, its the game period, people who bought the game retail and digital are having trouble logging in so they are withholding the plus version so that more people dont try to jump on the servers at this time, why is that so hard to understand?

But people like you will cry and whine regardless, if they would've put the plus version yesterday and you couldn't log in you would've ran to the internet and complained still

Stsonic3637d ago

Peoples reading is fine for the most part, the problem is trusting and believing what ever your being told. The way I see it is the + edition is part of the game there for should not be delayed.

fei-hung3637d ago

If there are trust issues then there is no point asking questions when you know you cannot trust the answers. Why even bother wasting time asking questions if people have trust issues?!

It makes perfect sense to me to delay the free version whilst they fix the paid version. People who have paid for the game should be prioritised. There is no guarantee the free version will work anymore than the retail one. Rather than having people complain even more since the free version doesn't work, it is possibly better to fix the Shit out first.

The reality is Evolution screwed up. There isn't a win for them in this scenario. They delayed it for a year and people are not happy about that, they are offering what would be considered a prologue edition for free (where as usually you pay £25-30 for a gt prologue) and people are complaining about it, unlike Bf4 they have put their hands up are trying to fix their problem straight away and people don't like that either.

Let's face it, nothing they can do will help. They did screw up, but I don't think they deserve half the hate they are getting for this.

cleft53637d ago

I have the full game and it isnt online either, all of the online features arent up.

uth113637d ago

no, it's not the +, those of us with the paid edition can't connect to the servers most of the time.

Caffo013637d ago

no,that's bullshit. the problems are for the digital upgrade and the disc too, the servers are down. If anyone can complain is the ppl like me that bought the game, not you that feel entitled to have a free game and whine for a 2 days delay. just shut up please

avengers19783637d ago

Exactly, I feel for those that paid money to play it and are not getting the full experience.... I'm not upset at all that I can't get it for free yet. It's free the least I can do is wait... I been enjoying Dust, it's a great free game.

jrshankill3637d ago

"PS4's Forza Killer"

Remember that?


Ka7be3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

Your comparing
This http://static1.gamespot.com...

To this?

Its like comparing GTAV cars to a racing game. Go left and right and explore. No need for breaks lol

Oh oh sorry i forgot you guys worship metacritic!

donthate3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )


What about comparing it to Forza Motorsport 5 that released at launch?

It managed 1080p at 60fps and no server issues with driveatar on the cloud!

Last time there was no metacritic for Destiny and I got $90 stolen by Bungie. Damn thieves!!!

smash10313637d ago Show
kenshiro1003637d ago


Is that why it's outselling the XB1?

-cricket chirp-

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3637d ago
mmcglasson3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

I'm a huge supporter of Sony and their games. However, I don't like what they did here. They are trying to get as many sales from the impatient people that originally planned on playing the PS+ version first.

However, I understand why the did this. Because a lot of people would just get the PS+ version and play it (that is my plan). Enjoy the gameplay, the graphics, and be done with it. Especially if they're not huge racing fans.

A few reasons I won't buy this game is because it's more of an arcade racer than a sim racer (GT/Forza), doesn't have full blow car customization, and finally because it's all European cars. I like my Japanese and American cars (I owned a 2011 STI and I currently own a 2014 BRZ). Would I give it a bad review because of these missing features that I want in a racing game? No. I know it's an arcade racer and I know it isn't about upgrading/customizing your car. Well I would probably knock it for only having European cars. I didn't know this until recently, except for the fact that I never saw anything besides them in all the videos.

According to the reviews and from what I've seen in videos, the game looks outstanding and plays very well. I look forward to trying this game out. Who knows, I might end up purchasing the game due to it being a well polished game. I don't like the fact that every review that knocks this game is due to it not being an open world racer... Really? That's not what racing games are about... I'm not playing Burnout, Grand Theft Auto (not a racing game but it's based off of cars), Smugglers Run, Need for Speed Underground, Midnight Club, or Forza Horizon.

Back-to-Back3637d ago

This game has been plagued with issues ever since it was announced. Clearly Evolution need to step up their game. Crazy that they are having so many issues when the Motorstorm games played great.

Sketchy_Galore3637d ago

It sounds a little iffy to me too. Of course server problems are keeping people from playing the retail version online but they're also somehow keeping people from downloading the free version from psn?

Still, you have no right to complain. I saw that car your dad bought you for your birthday Jr. You can always take a spin in that, what are the rest of us to do?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3637d ago
lsujester3637d ago

Hope it's fixed soon. I've been enjoying the game a lot so far, would love to actually put some of my times up and do some other's challenges.

metalgod883637d ago

I don't understand why people get upset because a shortened, FREE version is being released a few days later. Shouldn't you be happy its even a thing?

I can't wait to play it but am upset? NO. Why? BECAUSE ITS FREE.

CloudRap3637d ago

They have bragged about it repeatedly, and promised to have it on day1...... after being postponed for a year, its not acceptable. I wonder, do you get a tshirt for being such a fanboy?

Kiddcarter3637d ago

What does the delay have to do with anything?

CloudRap3637d ago

It has everything to do with it, how can you not fullfill the very simple act of providing a DEMO on launch minus the server issues it already has after a year long delay, open your eyes .

Kiddcarter3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

Well for one it's not a demo, its the actually game minus some tracks and cars, in the plus version you can still take part in events against people with full game, earns trophies, create challenges for friends to attempt, etc.. so before you cry about opening my eyes, how about you brush up on your product knowledge and know what your talking about, second, since its not a demo and it's actually the game its running off the same servers as the full retail and full digital game, so once again know what your talking about, third, plenty of games regardless years in development or delays have had and will have server issues, so once more WHAT DOES THE DELAY HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING, everyone not just a freeloader like you had to wait a year for the game, so quit crying about the delay like it only affected you

Sweep143637d ago

Show us a quote from them explicitly promising it (Hint : There were no promises made at all)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3637d ago
Muzikguy3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

Well.... I'm upset. So much so I think I'm just going to skip this game altogether now. This is just ridiculous. Multiple delays then the game STILL can't get released on time? If they're really having server issues why weren't they tested earlier? Like in the summer or something? This is inexcusable. This entire generation has been loaded with disappointments. Can't even get excited for a game anymore...

I'm just tired of all the lies. Why can't the ps+ version be made available so we can test it offline like the people that bought the game?! I'm tired of being led to believe one thing when it's a lie in the end. Sony needs to up their game badly, this is bullsh** IMO

I've been wanting this game since I got my PS4. Went through all the delays like everyone else, the "post launch weather patch", the season pass, and now a release that isn't here yet! <facepalm> Just tell us when. I hope nothing happens to my game next week

Aussiebeachbabe3637d ago

It's the sony arrogance from the ps2 days revisited. Servers down. Meanwhile sony says" just shut up already and just buy our delayed unfinished game".

Mkai283637d ago

Well, this is what happends when a company focuses on graphics.. Guess they haven't learned from Crytek.

uth113637d ago

well it was hard enough waiting for the paid version. If I was told I had to wait another day, another day for the version I was hoping to get, I'd probably be a little cranky too.

I hope they resolve it soon. I managed to get online long enough today to join a club. but didn't get to do anything else.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3637d ago


Agreed. People complaining about something they aren't "entitled" to have in the first place is asinine. If someone was giving away free PS4's on Thursday, then delayed the give-away until Saturday because the shipment hasn't arrived would you whine like a spoiled brat or leave and come back on Saturday?

Some people really need a reality check.

Torque_CS_Lewith3637d ago

Not entitled to? Pretty sure part of the PS+ deal is a "free" game. So if this month's game for the service which you PAY for is delayed then I'd say you are very much entitled to complain.

avengers19783637d ago

There are still 2 other games for PS4 PSPlus that you can download. Dust is pretty good.

SonyWarrior3637d ago

the other games this month arn't worth a download... good releases on ps3 though. I ended up just buying the physical copy today used (lol thats right they had a used one only a day old) because i refuse to support this studio and sony should fire them all off and close it down like they did zipper interactive

Muzikguy3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

This isn't about a shipment not arriving. People that bought the game can play, but the ps+ version is unavailable. They've had plenty of time to get this ready. I'm not entitled to this game, aside from the free plus version that was promised since LAUNCH. I was told over and over when it would be here and it isn't. Like dangling money in my face for 11 months and they say now I can't have it! Not to mention the network will be down on Monday... Game probably won't be out until NEXT Tuesday now. Well, they done f*cked up. I'll be playing the Evil Within at that time. Project Cars here I come

If you want the studio to close how are you going to play online?

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3637d ago


People are complaining about a FREE game. Just wait. Is that so difficult to do or does it make you feel better to complain? The PS plus version of DriveClub isn't going to come out any faster because people are complaining about it. It's free! You can download it ANYTIME! Those of you who are complaining about not receiving your free version of DriveClub should just explain exactly why you're complaining about not getting something for nothing; Impatient, spoiled, and self-absorbed. The rest of the world isn't allowed to have problems when "YOU," (Those of you who are complaining) can't get what you want. Some of you have even concocted the ridiculous idea that the PS plus version was purposely delayed to push people into buying a physical copy. If those of you who are complaining were actually paying for the game, then your complaints would be completely justified. In the eyes of sensible people, logical people, rational people, none of you who are complaining have any legal or moral legs to stand on.

Muzikguy3637d ago

Ok I will explain this some more. Nowhere do I feel like I'm impatient, spoiled, or self absorbed. I buy my games when I can, when I like them.... And I've never b**ched about getting free games on PS+. You won't find me whining about getting a discount (unless the game really isn't worth it) so we can just throw those few wonderfully descriptive words out the window. I understand the game is free. Did you not read what I said above? "Like dangling money in front of my face for 11 months then telling me I can't have it". So what you're telling me is that all this time we shouldn't have even cared about the game? They screwed up! How is that my fault?! It was said to be out, delayed multiple times, and still not out.

And that "ridiculous" idea isn't at all that ridiculous when you think about it. The game is out, the Plus version is the full game minus tracks and cars. There's no reason the full version is out but the "gimped" one isn't... So I can agree with those that came up with that reasoning. Not to mention, they've been mum on the whole thing since. I have 2 very strong legs to stand on and a big mouth to back up what I believe in. This is trash what is happening right now. Even if I bought the game is be complaining because I can't play online, and this is supposed to be one of Sony's "big guns". Back in the day the PS+ version of DC was touted as a selling point for the system and for Plus. We all have merit behind our words.

All of this is just my opinion of course and not meant to be a personal attack or anything

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3637d ago
LackTrue4K3637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

I'm a payed plus member, 10 cars or 50 cars...it doesn't matter. I payed for this over a year ago... And the 5hit is still not out?!?!

The people here defending Sony, lol. The way I see it. It's like getting charged for itsomething on your receipt and you knowenly don't say nothing...and until you get home and complain! Lol....

I'm salty, I'm glad the game is getting Medicore reviews, and it's online is not working for there payed customers...."now that's funny"

Hopping for better results for PlantSide 2.

1Victor3637d ago

Hey on your sister back since when you have a PS4? Go back to your xbone and play forza or something. We pay for PS+ so it isn't free planet side is free YOU DON'T PAY ANYTHING I was promised this 11 months ago and wadle through all the BS and now I get hit by this we should have been playing offline if the servers was having issues and everyone would be happy , I don't want anything else but what is own to me non more no less

3637d ago
swishersweets200313637d ago (Edited 3637d ago )

technically it isn't free. you paid for the demo through having a plus subscription. once your plus subscription goes you do not have access to any of those "free" games.

So in reality, everyone who wants the plus edition demo paid for it. Same with some of that plus money pays for the multiplayer aspect. if you want to complain about the service considering people do pay for it, they have the right to voice their discrepancy.

Godz Kastro3637d ago

I dont understand how people are up in arms about the people complaining. What the heck? You are paying for it as part of PS + so stop with the its free stuff. If you didnt have PS plus you wouldnbt be getting this game.

Just because they are going for free version doesnt mean they should be any less excited for the game than those who ran out and bought it or any less upset. Who are you to say why someone should be upset or not. Its part of a service they pay for!

metalgod883636d ago

I honestly didn't mean to start a war here, but there are obviously two sides to this coin. To clear up my personal thoughts, no, nothing is free. We get this version for free if we have a playstation plus membership, which obviously isn't free. But in retrospect, I have PS+ to play online. A "light" version of a new game for no charge is a win.

We're all disappointed the PS+ version isn't out yet, but I understand why it isn't quite yet. If the game is having server issues, why release the PS+ version and only cause more damage and anger even more people because they have it but can't play it. That's just trolling just to troll.

Lastly, the game looks amazing and like a lot of fun. Despite a poor start, I'm still looking forward to it. Just want to try the PS+ version before I go and spend $60 on the full game like most of us here.

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60FPS on PS5: Unofficial PS5 'FPS Boost' mods are radically improving PS4 back compat

Digital Foundry : Whether it's via FPS Boost or bespoke software upgrades, backwards compatibility on the current-gen consoles delivered an unexpected delight - the ability to liberate older console games from their 30fps limits, running them at 60 frames per second or even higher. FPS Boost did the business for Xbox Series consoles on an impressive range of titles, but there was always the sense that PS5 could do more. It's a hunch that checks out as a range of frame-rate unlocks are available for PS5, covering many must-have games - the major caveat being that only exploitable consoles running on older firmwares are invited to the party.

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darthv72255d ago

you love to see new life being breathed into older titles but damn the process to get there. It should be automatic that these work for everyone... not just those who exploit their systems. Really wish Sony and MS would keep this program going officially.

Psychonaut85255d ago

Damn this sucks. I want this shit so bad, but I’m not jailbreaking my console. And frankly I shouldn’t have to. I’m not a tech person, but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate? Or would that have to be a large patch?

dveio255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

"but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate?"

I guess it's not.

But it has become a profitable business if you do so.

So no one would pay for only the framerate patched to being unlocked. So studios need to offer more than that.

But this would take more time, polishing and would cost more money. So they shy away, but won't unlock the framerate, either.

That's just my personal assumption. But from what I can comprehend technically, it shouldn't be difficult to unlock framerates via a patch for older games.

... if it hadn't became a business.

RaidenBlack255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

frame-rate unlock should be free ...
We've seen many devs offer free patches and updates to pretty old PC titles, even bonuses ... so why can't devs offer the frame unlock patch for free (in consultation with the platform-producers) for a title from just a generation earlier?

Einhander1972254d ago


"frame-rate unlock should be free ..."

Obviously the result of that thinking is that developers aren't even going to do it.

If they had been allowed to charge $5-10 you would see incentivized developers doing it way more often.

People just always want everything for free, but it's not free to make the patch, people have to code it then other people have to test it, and there will always be other costs involved.

If people want dollar store gaming then expect to get what you pay for.

shinoff2183254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

Raiden I might be wrong but last I thought it cost money to put patches out on consoles.

As far as me paying for it, I'm not all that interested tbh. Not enough to pay for it with older games, and newer games have been pretty decent about it for the most part.

dumahim254d ago

Sounds like the modder has to go in to make changes to unlock it on a game by game basis. "Simple" enough to do it unofficially, but to have it done officially, they need someone to go in a make that change, put out a patch and put it through certification, which I believe is not necessarily a cheap thing to do. It's questionable if going through this would then give them enough sales to make it worthwhile.

Inverno254d ago

Many games still have physics tied to framerate, i think it's cause they wouldn't want to go in and do anything extra. Then there's the 10 dollar upgrades they rather charge. The problem is that there's no compromise, cause if I could mod my PS4 and all I'd lose is online play then id jailbreak it immediately. Mods have done so much for PC games and they could do the same for consoles, but manufacturers hafto be willing to compromise.

shinoff2183254d ago

It's not to hard to do and there's youtube videos that break it down really well. ANyway most of us here arent able to break are console anyway due to being up to date on firmware from playing

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 254d ago
Chocoburger254d ago

Yep, this sucks having to require a jailbreak for something that should be standard in our industry by now. I learned my lesson when PS4 was jailbroken and I didn't keep a console on low firmware for years, but now I'm holding onto two low firmware PS5s specifically because there are features I'll be able to do that you can't do on official firmware, so this will pay off for me soon enough.

Jin_Sakai254d ago

It should be a sin to let these games sit and be stuck at 30fps.

EazyC254d ago

RDR 2 not getting a 60FPS patch for PS5 was a crime.


Driveclub - Brutal Backlog

Driveclub was a headline game at the start of the PS4’s life. A fabulous game – eventually - but what now, with the servers turned off? Is it worth your time? JDR starts its engines in today’s Brutal Backlog.

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Abear21936d ago

Bikes expansion might be one of the most underrated games of last gen. Incredible driver and bike animations + DC weather is craze.


DriveClub director confirms he’ll reveal his next game this year

Paul Rustchynsky, who was additionally lead designer on several MotorStorm titles at Sony‘s Evolution Studios, is currently working on an unannounced project as part of Avalanche Studios’ new Liverpool development team, which was formed last summer.

deleted994d ago

Nice. I really like Avalanche's Apex system, it can make some pretty stunning environments. Hopefully it'll translate well into a racing game! (assuming that's what he's working on)

Magog994d ago

He specifically says it won't be a racing game of any kind.

deleted994d ago

Yea, I see he posted a different tweet clarifying that now, but that was not posted in this original tweet or any of the replies. I apologize for not scrolling through all of his Twitter account.Thanks.

Magog993d ago

@OtterX It's in the credit URL actual story. No need to get upset.

MIDGETonSTILTS17994d ago

Motorstorm 2 deserves a remaster.

The balanced monster trucks vs dirt bikes.

chicken_in_the_corn993d ago

Why a remaster? A new game would be so much better

MIDGETonSTILTS17993d ago

Because it’s been designed already…

Azfargh993d ago

I would be happy with just that at 60fps... but... if it were a new game with course maker, 50 cars racing at the same time, focusing on Pacific Rift and Monument Valley... I would feel way better

MIDGETonSTILTS17991d ago

That sounds like alotta extra work for content nobody is clamoring for.

Classic maps for me please. I actually want the game to release.

MaximusPrime_994d ago

"To set some expectations, I'm not working on a racing game.
So sorry, no DRIVECLUB sequel, MotorStorm successor or ONRUSH offshoot.
This is something very different to anything I've worked on before"
So it will not be a racing game. That's a shame. :(

moriarty1889994d ago

Agreed. Driveclub and Motorstorm were great games and deserve sequels. Onrush was fun for me as well. I wonder what type of game he will unveil when the time comes.

Mr_Luke994d ago

Damn, i hoped a DC or Motorstorm sequel... :( let's see what they can pull out from the hat.

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