
Winning Eleven 2015 Vs PES 2015 Demo Comparison

Katie from Gamerscore Whores writes "We had a number of comments stating that the Hong Kong Winning Eleven 2015 demo was better than the EU PES 2015 Demo. Which had us slightly baffled. We decided to play both of them one after the other, same settings for six consecutive matches to see if there really was a difference, or if the mind was playing tricks."

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Zizi3638d ago

It's the same, isn't it?

meatysausage3638d ago

Yeah same game. Only difference is Winning Eleven has licensed the J-league. PES doesnt have it

bouzebbal3638d ago

back in time Winning Eleven was better because it was running at 60hz compared to 50Hz for PES. Right now there is no difference in game speed. I still prefer WE because of the japanese speaker who is more "alive" and PESS speakers tend to say the same things all the time.

KingPin3638d ago (Edited 3638d ago )

he shouldve ended the video before the unnecessary swearing.

totalrecoilzz3638d ago

well i bought fifa this time for the 1st time in my life and all i can say is im addicted to the game its amazing i feel like im in a real game of football..the attention to detail is stunning and im loving the game play and all the modes especially fut mode i cannot stop playing it..and im also really amazed by the connection online i still havent had a laggy game yet..when i played the pes demo i felt it was nothing more than better dribbling than last years game i felt pes was going down the more sim route but this demo proved me wrong as its all arcadey with bad lighting and rubbish gfx and presentation.the action on the pitch is not very believable to what you see in a real game either and this is where fifa nails it..so fifa for me wins hands down i dont even think its a contest and this is coming from a PESNUT!!!

iceman063637d ago

Yeah.....NO!!! I could agree with you if you just stayed with the online aspect. However, graphics and lighting??? Really??? Most of the faces in PES look miles better than FIFA. The lighting is one of the shining aspects in the demo. I can understand if the gameplay isn't your cup of tea. I get it. But, to claim that PES is "arcadey" and less "sim" is ridiculous. The AI alone in PES runs circles around FIFA. Speaking of running in circles...how about those sideline to sideline runs that FIFA midfielders make too often...for no reason at all. Oh...and there is really no need to use the midfield in FIFA, except as a quick outlet for a lobbed through ball to goal.
In the end, I'm not hating of FIFA. I like the game for what it is. But, I'm not going to shower unearned praise on it. Each game is different and I respect anybodies choice in games. I just wholeheartedly disagree with your assessment of PES.

Masta Kaos3638d ago

@ totalrecoilzz.....You talking nonsense!!! You've never been a PES fan.....Who you fooling?


PES 2015 Championships to be held at UEFA Festival.

Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. today announced that the greatest Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 players from around the globe will gather at UEFA Festival as the grand final of the PES World Finals is held mere hours before the UEFA Champions League Final on June 6th.

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Data Pack 4 arrives March 12 - PES 2015

The free Data Pack 4 will be released globally on March 12. This update includes the latest rosters across all modes in the game, improves a number of player likenesses, adds new stadia and kits, and implements the latest boots and balls from a number of key suppliers.

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WESKER20153480d ago

very generous pack, cheers konami, pretty much changed all the boots, and added some nice new football styles

Stringerbell3480d ago

FINALLY! I'm pretty much done with MyClub this year, 700 plus ranking D3 (not to brag=p). And I've been waiting for a proper update so that I can start my ML!


PES 2015 free Data Pack 4 details and release date

Roster update, new stadium, boots, balls and visual upgrades incoming.