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Destiny players are going to war over Xur: Agent of the Nine

GameZone: "There appears to be some unrest among Destiny players. With the latest update having fixed much of what was wrong with Destiny's loot system, the Cryptarch is no longer the most hated person in the Tower. No, no, that honor how belongs to Xur: Agent of Nine, who appears to be the cause of a Destiny's first Civil War between Guardians."

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lifesanrpg3645d ago
Neonridr3645d ago

lol, too funny.

Although as a fellow Warlock user myself, I agree, what's with the shaft on us Warlocks. I wanted an exotic chest piece myself...

Christopher3645d ago

I missed one weekend, but so far 3 out of at least 4 hunter exotics have been helmets.


jhhood3644d ago

At least they have been different

Gamer19823644d ago

might have been differnt but still helmets.. Need a weapon..

Christopher3644d ago

@jhhood: One was really just crap, otherwise just two helmets for focusing on each of the subclasses. If we get repeats in week 5, then I'm sensing a weakness with this game's itemization limitations.

joab7773645d ago

So did i, but b/c I didn't get it, something even better happened. I did the raid and got a chest piece. Now all I need is a raid helmet to get to 30.

I love seeing an mmo as big as Destiny b/c now the normal mmo complaints and arguments get a huge spotlight on them. Anyone who has played mmo's over the yrs knows all too well the forum arguments that never end. Casual vs. Hardcore players, how u obtain gear, etc. etc. It's an almost impossible task to make everyone happy b/c some play it 100 hrs a week and some on 10 or 15.

As far as xur is concerned, ppl hate that u can buy something they earned. Really? How did u earn it? B/c I bought mine w/ strange coins I got from Nightfall on level 28. We r all playing the same high level content, getting gear in various ways.

I do think for PvP, and I'm no good at it, skilled players should be able to obtain cosmetic items that set them apart though. Like the white shader for beating the raid. Though I've done it 2x and havnt gotten it.

Dynasty20213644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

Shaft on us Warlocks?

Dude, we've had Warlock gear the past 2 times. And Sunbreakers have been there every time so far.

They're no different to bounties. Bungie has said "these items are available for X scenario", and they're randomly plucked each time.

It's just the pool is so pathetically small that it annoys people.

Look at the Queen's Wrath bounties. "Headshot 200 fallen" and "kill 3 devil walkers" has been there almost every single day.

Neonridr3644d ago

we have had the Sunbreakers like 3 times and a helmet once for Warlocks. I even used 23 motes of light on the exotic helmet engram and got a Hunter helmet.. lol

I have 23 coins right now, so I am debating getting the sunbreakers and then having money left over or spending it all on Red Death...

decisions, decisions..

ABizzel13644d ago

As a Warlock as well, Yeah the shafting is real.

I have over 30 strange coins, because there's NEVER anything for me to buy. I bought the Sunbreakers when they first came out, then I bought the Helmet of Apo?? whatever it is, and I've been able to hold on to my coins for the last couple of weeks, because there's been nothing.

I got Suros Regime after an insane mission, then was a bit mad it went on sale, but better weapons for everyone means easier time in missions.

I bought an exotic engram and thankfully I got the helmet I wanted Light Beyond Nemesis.

Unfortunately my fellow Warlocks, I understand your pain, but I cannot go to war against Xur for he has been somewhat good to me, and I needed him for a couple of my Exotic weapon bounties.

Now the Cryptarch is fair game.

Neonridr3644d ago

@ABizzel1 - I took a chance with my motes of light last night on an exotic helmet engram.. and go figure, for a Hunter. I now have an exotic chest piece and helmet for a Hunter.. Might be time to make a backup character.. lol

I am debating spending my 23 strange coins on Red Death, but I don't know how good it is. I didn't have enough coins last week for Suros otherwise I would have bought it. Although I have Doctor Nope (legendary Auto) and it is actually quite good - 72 clip magazine and a high rate of fire means I can just simply unload on guys..

ABizzel13644d ago


LOL, I'm sorry for your loss.

I got an exotic engram from a strike, and it turned out to be a Hunter's Arm, so not quite as bad as losing motes of light, but still disappointing. We shall both be Hunters on our next character XD

I found 2 Doctor Nopes, and had to get rid of one for some Ascended Energy.

As for Red Death I don't know either. 23 strange coins is a bit high (although I have it), and for some reason I just don't like buying weapons, I guess since I'm doing just fine with what I have.

Primary: Suros Regime *Exotic* / Doctor Nope (Back Up)
Secondary: Sniper??? (Legendary) / Pocket Infinity *Exotic* (Back Up)
Heavy: Machine Gun??? (Legendary) / Super Good Advice *Exotic* (Back Up)

But getting back on topic, Xur has been good to me, so my fellow Warlock Brothers and Sisters, please don't go to war. Instead Praise the Sun for a better weekend offering XD lol

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Panthers3644d ago

As a Sunslinger, the gloves are incredible so I dont mind. You can only have one exotic piece of gear equipped so Im ok not getting any others.

Neonridr3644d ago

I want the Heart of Praxis Fire or whatever it is (chest piece for Warlock).

I am contemplating getting the Sunbreakers as they look pretty cool, and I will still have 10 coins left over to save up for next week's item.

ABizzel13644d ago

There are better ones as well.

The Helmets are all good and very different.

Apotheosis Viel: Is all about survival, it keeps you health extremely high.

Light Beyond Nemesis: Is all about support and a HUGE HUGE HUGE help for Nightfall missions and Vault of Glass.

Skull of Dire Ahamkara: Is all about Grenades, and gaining great boost with Grenade kills.

It sucks you can only use 1 exotic armor (my guess is they'll patch that later, to reach level 40 you have to have all exotic armor maxed out), but it's always great to have options depending on the situation.

The Chest plates are good too, but I don't have those yet.

admiralvic3644d ago

@ Abizzel1

"The Helmets are all good and very different. "

Not that it matters, but helmets are typically the best exotic armor piece to have. There also aren't as many arms and I believe legs (in fact I only recall two exotic boots existing) as there are helmets.

"Light Beyond Nemesis: Is all about support and a HUGE HUGE HUGE help for Nightfall missions and Vault of Glass. "

While I originally thought Keeper of the Pack was a useful upgrade, it's quite honestly the worst exotic power. The issue is that every strike so far has had an "easy" way to do it. Prime had that small room to the left and another thing I never did, Phogoth could be killed from that room behind where you start to fight him / where you respawn / where the shrieker spawns or just popping between the rooms, The nexus mind was the easiest because he could be killed where you spawn and the only threat up there was a minotaur that you could just keep aggroed away from the damage dealers making it virtually impossible to fail, heck even the current strike has the boxes in the top left (you're practically immune to damage back there and have a number of cracks to pick off adds and damage the boss). Plus a lot of people have realized that you can simply go to orbit and will respawn in the nightfall / strike with some ammo ready to kill the boss.

As for the raid, I would say it's equally worthless. Most sections of the raid you're in a fairly confined and small area fighting off enemies and you have at least 30 seconds to figure out how you're reviving that person before you can even make it happen. At most, this ability might help you revive someone and survive a supplicant attack, but thats like trading "extremely high health" and "grenade skills" for a move that might, in theory, help during a single section of the raid. With this being said, the helmet is garbage on the hard raid because you can't revive people in general.

So the only real perk it adds are the orb drops, though most of these skills are not particularly useful in high-level PVE. Outside of Ward of Dawn and Sunsingers revive (forget the name), there really isn't any super that would be advisable outside of maybe golden guns during Atheon, though Times Vengeance takes care of any super problems you might be having.

"It sucks you can only use 1 exotic armor (my guess is they'll patch that later, to reach level 40 you have to have all exotic armor maxed out), but it's always great to have options depending on the situation. "

Not only does that make no sense, it ignores what exotics are suppose to be. For starters, a maxed exotic gives 30 light versus 27 for a legendary. So we're talking 9 light that is suppose to give 10 levels (lol?). Even then, raid gear also gives 30 light and thats how you get to level 30 instead of just 29. So full exotic or full raid or 1 exotic and 3 raid is going to be level 30 regardless. Bungie would need to implement new equipment to hit a new cap, which I am not completely certain they will do. This really doesn't need to be further detailed though.

Anyway, the point of exotics are that they're suppose to be a "capper" to finalize your speciality. They're suppose to offer 1 ability that can be considered huge to the point of game changing (LOL!) that allows you to excel in the area that you choose to go. They're not intended to be a group of items used to make your character extremely imbalanced.

Ozmoses3644d ago

Should of bought an Exotic chest armor from him when he was selling Gallajhorn...

That's how I got my Voidfang Vestments...

Luckily I got an armor for Warlocks... this week I bought the Exotic Helm engram and got Light Beyond Nemesis (Warlock)

Ozmoses3644d ago

hahaha disagree all you want... you're just jealous because I got the good stuff

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brbobcat3645d ago

This is would be a better story than the actual campaign

OmegaShen3645d ago

Not even close, but how would you know know? Have you played the dlc? Because if not, then you don't know the full story.

Kevlar0093645d ago

I'd hate a generation where every game is a DLC puzzle piece. "Spend $60 now so you can spend another $30 later to get the content and story that should've been there in the first place".

FullmetalRoyale3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

That's what I play stories for. For dlc.


Deividas3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

Wow. And its because of people like you that they can get away with this kind of stuff. Good job.

irokster3645d ago

Im sure youre ready to give up another $30 for that DLC but I'm sure as hell not.

OmegaShen3645d ago Show
Scatpants3645d ago

I would be OK with the DLC if the main game felt like it had any story whatsoever. Your basically just walking your ghost to an assortment of computers. The main game feels like it doesnt even have a story so if the story is all in the DLC then im done with this game. I'm already pretty much completely bored of it anyway.

DonkeyWalrus3645d ago

If Destiny is an MMO, then it's the worst MMO I've ever played. I don't know if you've played other MMOs, but they generally have a shit ton of content even when first released. Future DLC expansions are absolutely no excuse to not have a complete story at launch. If they charge a full $60, then they need to release a full game.

slappy5083645d ago

If anyone thinks it's okay for a company to cut 12 missions from the disc then release it in future and call it "DLC" you need to get your head checked. As much as i enjoyed destiny's gameplay, Bungie and Activision can suck it!

TheSaint3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

@ Omegashen: Learn what a joke is.

thereapersson3644d ago

Haha, poor OmegaShen... not even one single agree at the time of this posting.

You dun goofed, bro.

DragonKnight3644d ago

All that needs to be said about Destiny is in its Honest Trailer.

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AtariFanboy3645d ago

Hunters aren't doing any better, we keep getting exotic helms with exotic helm engrams.

ABizzel13644d ago

The Exotic helms are the best armors for the Hunter though.

I'm a Warlock as well, but Xur has been good to me as I've needed him for Weapon Bounties, I got Sunbreakers + Apotheosis Veil from him, and took a chance on an Exotic Engram and it turned out to be Light of Nemesis helm (YEZZZZZZZ)

So I can't support this war, but I understand my fellow Warlock's pain. Hunters and Titans put down your arms, and let us converse among one another. #PraisetheSun

TreMillz3645d ago

Quite hilarious to be honest Lmao

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Destiny Mobile spin-off will reportedly be revealed very soon

The long-rumoured Destiny Mobile game from NetEase may finally be ready for reveal according to multiple leakers.

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Xbox Passed On Destiny & Guitar Hero According To Phil Spencer

Phil Spencer talks candidly about missing out on both Destiny and Guitar Hero

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Embed the Story Time video here, since it's mentioned in the article and the source of the information
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danno_omen23d ago
anast23d ago

He paid billions for Starfield. This should be the real story.

23d ago Replies(1)
Sciurus_vulgaris23d ago

Microsoft bought all of Zenimax Media for 7 billion, while Sony paid 4 billion for Bungie. I think Microsoft got the better deal due to acquiring Fallout, ElderScrolls and Doom.

23d ago
anast23d ago

This can't be true. They only bought Starfield...

InUrFoxHole23d ago

Should've thought that one out buddy, lol.

anast23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

Yeah, I thought it out. I'm not sure you did. But since we are buddy's now, you're welcome.

22d ago
anast22d ago

"Clearly your parents didn't teach you"

You know you lost, when you have to resort to this tactic.

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Profchaos23d ago

So you're saying that Microsoft has missed out on so many huge gaming franchise in the last 25 years from GTA exclusivity to guitar hero and destiny it's just laughable they had so many misses

Reaper22_23d ago

Yea, but they're still 100 times more wealthy than Sony. I would say it worked out well.

Gamingsince198123d ago

Xbox is dead all that money doesn't help.

Hypertension14023d ago

What has work out well? It sure as hell had nothing to do with Xbox.

andy8523d ago

That isn't because of Xbox though. This is a gaming page, not an I get supplemented by father Windows page

Bathyj22d ago

Microsoft's money has nothing to do with Xbox.
Xbox is a money pit to them they would love to ditch but are after some ROI first.

Let's face it, Xbox is like a red headed stepchild that steals from you to buy drugs.

Hofstaderman22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

MIicrosoft is NOT XBOX. The current situation illustrates this. And Microsoft wants its ROI.

@Bathyj and daddy Satya has just force admitted Phil to rehab.

gold_drake22d ago

you know why MS has so much money, and it aint cause of the gaming xbox branch.

so lets not kid ourselves.

PhillyDonJawn22d ago

Xbox was shown to be more profitable than ps

jznrpg22d ago

@PhillyDownJawn not more profitable. More revenue with ABK acquisition but them going multiplat shows they are not making much profit

ocelot0722d ago

That's great for Xbox gamers ain't it that Microsoft are more wealthy than Sony. Is that really a argument use are using now lol?

Imagine me in my job. Arguing with a fellow security guard at another company. Hahah well the company I work for is worth £800m the one you work for is only work £600m!

ZoboomafooFan22d ago

Microsoft has succeeded in spite of the Xbox brand, not because of it

Knightofelemia22d ago

Microsoft may have more money but Sony has the talented studios and the games to back up those studios.

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Chevalier22d ago

Plus turning down Marvel too. Spiderman is only exclusive to Playstation because of that

Hedstrom22d ago

Best deal deal in gaming must be when Sony bought Insomniac for 229 million dollars. They made over 800 millions on Spiderman for the ps4 alone. Thats just crazy!

XBManiac22d ago

More in the 1.000 million now.

gold_drake22d ago

another Interview?

how is he the only one who loves the spotlight as much as he does lol

Futureshark22d ago

Let's not forget he also famously passed on Spider-man, Genshin Impact and GTA3.

However it's almost kind of cute how he can keep that sh1t-eating grin and say he's a 'no regrets' kind of guy, especially when you think how much just these 5 titles could have swung the world in Xbox's favour instead of Sonys.

How he's kept his job I don't know, he must sure be keeping Papa Nadella's shaft warm somehow.

"But, but Gamepass, he introduced that!!!"

Yes he did, and now look at Xbox, all it's exclusives are coming to Playstation now rendering the platform obsolete.

DarXyde22d ago

Honestly, with that kind of track record, you can't convince me Spencer hasn't eaten it from the back in the name of self preservation. Probably unwashed...and at least twice.

That aside, my interpretation of everything here is Xbox has been mismanaged a bit too much and Nadella came down from his throne. The way it is now, I don't believe for a minute the multiplatform move was Spencer's idea. I don't even think the acquisitions was Spencer's work. At this point, I reckon he's got as much power in his role as Hunter Biden at a Ukrainian energy company.

DivineHand12522d ago

You can never tell how things will turn out if he had said yes to those games. Xbox already has access to some great IPs, however, they hardly do anything with them or fail to deliver. It's also possible their presentation wasn't good at the time, and they made sure the next presentation was better.

I believe that part of being successful is releasing things in the right place at the right time.

Many major corporations have a story similar to passing on successful business ideas. Let us look at Sony Pictures for example. Back when Marvel went bankrupt, they had the opportunity to buy the entire Marvel for only $25 Million but turned them down. An unnamed big shot at Sony reportedly claimed that “nobody gives a shit about any of the other Marvel characters,”. They ended up taking Spiderman for $10 Million instead.

Fast forward to today, we can see what the Marvel brand has done for Disney. Is it possible the same success would have been possible had Sony acquired those IPs. We can't say that for sure and it is possible most of those IPs that are successful today may not have been used.

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Ex Destiny and Halo Producer Says Live Service Is 'Better for Developers and Players'

A former Halo and Destiny executive producer has said the live service model is "so much better for developers and players" than the one-off $60 purchase model.

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Christopher91d ago

Typically the best games of each year say otherwise.

Christopher91d ago

Alan Wake 2, BG3, Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring, GoW Ragnarok, Hades, Returnal, Fallout 4, Dishonored, It Takes Two, Untitled Goose Game, Breath of the Wild, both of The Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, Psychonauts 2, Control, Celeste, Super Mario Odyssey, Bloodborne, The Outer Wilds, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Cocoon, The Dredge, and more and more and more.

Up against Overwatch and Destiny as far as critical acclaim and recognition as 'better' for players.

And, let me be honest, even 'for developers' is a lie. Want to know why? Because it's only good for people who can pump out graphics constantly and not overall quest designers, coders, engine devs, etc.

What this guy means is "we can give a lot of cosmetic content to players, who we think players like more because people spend money on it, and it's best for us because we don't have to pay for a full team to create a new game and just the people to pump out new graphics from one season to another." In no way is his comment a true reflection of what is 'better for players' let alone 'better for the industry stability over longer periods of time.'

This is more investor mindset focusing on maximizing profits by getting consumers to buy less for more while they spend less making it. That's it.

You know what's best for players? Newer, better, and more content that is good and not just cosmetic. Live service isn't that unless you pay $60 a year to them to add more for it (like Destiny and CoD do). Then you might get some improvements and new content. Even then? Not usually.

just_looken90d ago

In terms of player feedback/awards yes but the list you made are all nothing in terms of profit.

Call of duty mobile alone laughs at that list that game is a billion dollar money making machine.

Toss in your apex/mmo/rivals/fortnight/robl ox/minecraft monoploy go or back to console with elder scrolls fallout 76.

Basically there is alot more live service style games that hit or go above the billion dollar mark than your list and that is what the people at top want cold hard cash. Heck alot fo them make a billion + a year

Gta 5 single player profit vs gtao profit as a example now that ps5/series has gtao as a free standalone with gta + there printing cash like its going out of style over there.

Christopher90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Being more profitable isn't better for the consumer or developers. That's better for executives in suits.

just_looken90d ago


Umm exactly who do you think pay's the bill's and hands out the games budgets?

They have 0 care about a games award's/feedback its all profit driven some use to care like sony back in the day now its profit first.

0 likes shows how many are still on copium thinking the big publishers care about them

aaronaton91d ago (Edited 91d ago )

Well the Poll on the website is suggesting he is massively wrong and out of touch.
A big majority of the vote going to "I prefer one off purchases with paid expansions"

Couldn't agree more.

Inverno91d ago

I'll always think the concept is awesome. Back during the PS3 era I pictured a Spider-Man game that would be the traditional open world swinging playground that they typically are but every comic issue would be turned into dlc. It'd be the entirety of the Amazing line, 2 to 3 issues at a time, turnt to dlc until the entire Amazing line is told in form of a game. That concept eventually made it to the industry and they have consistently fk'd it up with every game that has been made as a "service".

jznrpg91d ago

There is nothing like sitting down , popping in a great single player game and blocking out the world.

OtterX91d ago

Sometimes I like to log into Fortnite and Call of Duty and just sit and listen to 12 years call me a n*****, f**, m***** f***** just so I can remember why I like to play single player games.

GhostScholar91d ago

Not for players over the age of 12

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