
Wii U version of Bayonetta 1 makes a small change to Jeanne’s model

There are a few differences in the Wii U version of Bayonetta 1 compared to the original PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 games. There’s off-TV play and touchscreen support on the GamePad. A few Nintendo costumes are also included. As it turns out, PlatinumGames also made a change to Jeanne’s model.

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SG1_dapunisherX3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

I didn't get the chance to play bayonetta to busy playing god of war series king of h&s masterpiece

Roccetarius3555d ago

I hope you're being sarcastic, but it makes sense since GoW is one of the most simple games made.

SG1_dapunisherX3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

you're being sarcastic if you think gow is simple game to play. play in higher difficulty and you will see the game is not simple. gow is better series get it over. doesn't mean baynotta is lame i just miss out hopefully i get the chance to play again & this time beat it and platinum it like i alway do to all games i buy if not to annoy to get..

Yokan3555d ago

Bayonetta is the best "stylish action" game ever along with DMC4. Hands fu**ing down!

Neckbear3555d ago

It's kind of sad that there are actually people who think like this...

Big_Game_Hunters3555d ago

Bayonetta isn't a H&S though. There is a clear difference between character actions games and H&S.
Character action games have deep combat, while H&S games have simple and basic combat.

Where do you think the name Hack and Slash came from? literally you just hack and slash, nothing more to it.

Yokan3555d ago

I think the Japanese categorized them as stylish action.

Chrischi19883555d ago

Look, I am not disagreeing, that Bayo is worse than GoW, but I am disagreeing with it being the best H&S^^ Not by far! But whatever, that is subjective, but only fanboys would go so far.

mydyingparadiselost3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

Strange, I was so busy playing Bayonetta, the Queen of deep meaningful combat action, that I didn't get a chance to play GoW. And I don't feel like I missed much, but I think you missed a LOT.

d3nworth13555d ago

That comparison was completely unnecessary.

deafdani3554d ago

If you didn't play Bayo, you have no criteria to judge which series is better.

I have played Bayo, and all of the GoW games. I love them for different reasons.

GoW has better graphics and better story (which isn't saying much, lol), and is more spectacular visually because it's a very cinematic experience. My favorite is GoW 3.

Bayonetta has better combat and better controls.

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Yi-Long3555d ago

"We fixed Jeanne’s chest size."

"Kamiya wasn’t happy with the original model (chest was too big), so we made it smaller, like the concept art. :)"

... well, I guess now we know why so few Japanese players bothered to pick it up ;) :P

MasterCornholio3555d ago

Did they make it smaller or did Nintendo make it smaller?

Serious question.

Metallox3555d ago

"Kamiya wasn’t happy with the original model (chest was too big), so we made it smaller, like the concept art. :)"


MaxwellBuddha3553d ago

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."

-Joseph Addison

DevilOgreFish3555d ago

A Japanese that doesn't like big breasts.......that's a first.

RedDeadLB3555d ago

Why didn't they fix her ridiculously small head?

Roccetarius3555d ago (Edited 3555d ago )

Sounds like a completely unnecessary change, but it's a good thing i have the original game. Having seen their models in Bayonetta 2 compared to 1, i definitely prefer the first game.

DrRobotnik3555d ago

So they pulled a "Tomb Raider" update. Hope it helps with sells...it won't.

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jznrpg460d ago

I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal460d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.


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