
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - PC Settings Unveiled, Ultra Textures Require 6GB Of VRAM

DSOGaming writes: "Things are quickly getting out of hand. NeoGAF’s member ‘Regret Truth’ has shared an image from Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor that shows the PC settings for it. What really surprised us, however, was the fact that: a) there will be an Ultra Texture Pack available for download in day-one and b) it will require 6GB of VRAM when these Ultra textures have been activated."

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Codey473652d ago (Edited 3652d ago )

That's 99% of the vibrant N4G community f%$ked then :P

Walk the walk boys and girls.....walk the walk.

Don't listen to the guys trying to make you buy mid range cards to better a PS4 or an Xbone and entice you into PCGaming... I class this as heinous advice. I've said this in the past on numerous occasions.
See the recommended settings on a game and quadruple it in terms of hardware. Because there's always a game on the horizon that'll need such power or you're gunna end up playing a slideshow.

Always go for the latest and greatest...if you can't afford it. Then don't get into PC Gaming it will bleed you dry trying to keep up with the Jones'

NovusTerminus3652d ago

I have 3gigs VRAM... I'm screwed...

zeal0us3652d ago

A lot of people are screwed. Though this makes me wonder is the game unoptimized or is this just a move help Nvidia new graphic cards.

blackmagic3652d ago (Edited 3652d ago )

I personally applaud them as loud and hard as I can! Here is a company that is giving the pc gaming community exactly what they want, a game that will push their hardware and let you see what it can actually do.

And nobody is 'f%$ked'. There's no rule that says you are forced to buy new hardware the moment any game comes out that requires you to move any setting to anything less than ultra.

Just like consoles, when you buy a pc you acquire a snapshot in time and if you buy a pc that outperforms the consoles today it will continue outperform those consoles for it's entire life even if it can't play games in ultra settings, it still plays them at a higher fidelity than those consoles.

If you built a pc 5 years ago that outperforms the ps3/360 then it still outperforms the ps3/360 today even if it can't play everything in 'ultra' anymore.

livininsin3652d ago

Actually, blackmagic, I built my computer 5 years ago and it still outperforms the ps4 by a large margin which was pretty surprising to me when the ps4 launched.

It's a good pc with dual 2GB 5850's, 3.2Ghz quad core X4 955 and 8 gigs of ram but at the time even AMD was building better parts like the 5870 and 965 not to mention that Intel and nVidia were making parts that even better than that.

Having said that, my 5 year old pc, that cost me about $1500 to build, has more than twice the GPU power of the ps4, about 4.3 TFLOPS. I mean, it's shocking to me that my 5 year old pc can play games at 1080p, 60fps while the ps4 can only muster up 30fps.

This is why I think this gen of consoles is screwed. Seriously, the consoles are having trouble breaking 1080p and 30fps at a time when UHD is hitting the mainstream.

Deividas3652d ago


ummm....a game that will push their hardware and see what it can actually do?

You do realize a game that actually requires those specs and a game that says they do because of very poor optimization (or like zeal0us stated for sales) are completely different right?

blackmagic3652d ago (Edited 3652d ago )

You're preaching to the choir livininsin, you are preaching to the choir! lol

Textures are just pictures applied to 3d objects and higher resolution pictures take up more space so more VRAM is needed. I can't think of how you would 'optimize' this.

Deividas3652d ago


Well lets see, the PS3 had 256mb of VRAM in its system yet it can pull of graphics like the Last of Us (yes not same quality but clearly developers found a way to optimize the game to use the most of it) which is a game from only a year ago by the way.

And then we have textures on the PC a year later that require 6GB of VRAM...now that is beyond a massive difference.

What Im trying to say is that because PC's have such a high amount of VRAM available at their disposal that developers would rather just throw high textures in and make people get better cards. If they wanted to and took the time they can sure as hell lower the 6GB VRAM requirement.

blackmagic3652d ago (Edited 3652d ago )

yeah, they 'optimized' it by using lower resolution textures, fewer different textures on screen at any one time, a narrow color gamut, lower bit count, etc because they only had 256MB to work with.

These guys are 'optimizing' this texture pack for PCs with large amounts of VRAM to accommodate people at the high end of gaming which I HIGHLY encourage and applaud.

You have 3Gb of VRAM? Then select the high texture setting which has been 'optimized' for PCs with 3Gb VRAM. Have 2Gb, then medium has been 'optimized' for you. 1Gb? Low is 'optimized' for you. Less than that? They don't have an ultra-low I guess. I think 2011 AMD made their last retail video card that featured less than 1GB of VRAM, the most powerful one being a whopping 0.7 TFLOPS. Today, AMD and nVidia no longer make a retail card with less than 1GB on it.

To you, 'optimizing' seems to mean that the best settings must be payable on the average PC. I couldn't be happier that this developer has a much more modern view.

mikeslemonade3652d ago

Shadows of Maurdaur doesn't even look that good. They say it's Assasins Creed like. Which I'm not a fan of AC. The games looks bland like Destiny.

This game is overhyped!

Feralkitsune3652d ago

Wait, not being able to max a game these days = screwed? Then fuck are you guys smoking? The only think that requires that much are if you use the uncompressed textures. Low-high will still look amazing, and ultra will only be useful at much higher res than 1080p. The 4k and above.

starchild3652d ago

I guarantee you don't need 6gb for textures equivalent to the console version. The ultra textures will look a lot better than those on the consoles.

So you're not screwed, you just have something better to look forward to in your PC version. :)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3652d ago
Irishguy953652d ago

**** it, I guess i'll be stuck at just above the consoles quality instead of obliterating it. Oh well.

Bdub20003648d ago

LOL, this is exactly what I was thinking. Sure, I can't hit Ultra, but it's still higher than any current Gen console. But I do have the option to do it, and the only way a console can hit ultra is by waiting for the next generation in 5-7 years. PC isn't "screwed", we just have the ability to get ultra detail at the expense of a very expensive GPU.

ShowGun9013652d ago

when people compare ps4 vs pc, they always leave out one important factor... price! i have a $1,200 pc (probably low ball estimate), and i cant touch that. my gtx 760 wont come close! and ive payed 3X the price of a ps4! if you game on pc to become part of the "master race", you'd better be able to pony-up about 2 grand... that, in a nutshell, is why the ps4 vs pc comparison is moot. sure your corvette can beat my honda civic, but you paid 3X for it! in this case, 3X isn't even enough!

brainfart3652d ago (Edited 3652d ago )

You dont have to download that 6gb hd texture pack, its manly for gpus with 6gb or more your gtx760 wil play at high or med with 60fps maybe, so your game will still play better than consoles!

HighResHero3652d ago

I do consoles and PC. I see no reason not to.
I don't like some of the PC DRM but love what it has to offer.
Steam sales for (mostly multiplayer games)
GOG.com and gog sales for amazing DRM free titles (growing library)
Consoles for the exclusives and physical copies of all the awesome titles.

SteamPowered3652d ago

Nobody leaves out price in PC comparisons guy, who are you kidding? Thats the first thing fanboys cry "Oh well at least I didnt have to spend $1200". Whoopdee doo! If price is such a point of contention then stick with your console. Dont bitch because PC blows consoles away and then cry out that its because Pc costs more. If you pay more for a superior product, then you should get superior results. End of story. Quit bitching, keep gaming.

AD7053652d ago

Yeah because buying all next gen consoles the ps4, xbox one, wiiu which costs over 1000 bucks just to play the exclusives across all 3 platforms. Paying for online on PSN or XBL and paying more for games is cheap right? I find it funny how console fanboys always leave out the fact that if you want the full console experience you need to own multiple consoles just to play all those console exclusives they brag about constantly. Don't tell me that I can play every console game just owning a PS4, or and 360, wii, PS1 etc etc... You need to pretty much have all those consoles because not one single console has every game. Besides a pc is much more than a gaming platform. Hell that 1000 pc can even make the games you like to play lol.

Bdub20003648d ago

It depends on how you look at it... My pc was $1200, but it's better than any current console as far as graphic capability... And honestly, it's only a $400 GPU away from being more powerful than the next Generation of consoles, but I can have that TODAY. If you are satisfied with the current graphical capability of current consoles and don't mind being stuck in that box for several years, then that is your choice, and you saved some money.

I, on the other hand, can afford a master race PC, so that's where I spend my money. So you can enjoy your civic, but don't pretend you don't like my corvette. =)

Also, consoles are awesome, that's not the point I'm trying to make, they get great exclusive content.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3648d ago
Volkama3652d ago

Eh? A mid range card will not run this ultra texture pack, but that doesn't make it worse than a console...

pompous3652d ago

So what if people want to buy a midrange card. It's all about perceived value, your preferences, if you can afford, or even if you can afford is that what you really want. The game will still look good on max settings without ultra textures. If high and medium textures use 3 and 2 GB then those textures alone will look better than most games ultra textures.. Please go screw off with the "always go for the latest and greatest and if you can't afford then don't get into pc gaming" Not everyone needs or wants the top of the line stuff. You don't need the latest and greatest. And even if you did buy a new nvidia 970 or 980 you will be set for this whole gen.. YOU also FAIL to realize that 6GB cards are in the extreme minority as far as what's available to buy. So please think about what you are going to say before you say it..

user56695103652d ago (Edited 3652d ago )

ah mid and high is still going to look better than consoles sorry to tell you buddy. i doubt this is true seeing how every req is exaggerated. wasnt people saying this about a ton of multiplats then push came to shove the console version was running more like mid to mid high. i doubt this game is running on high let alone max on consoles. nice try tho. better luck next time on your agenda.

also they could be future proofing the game like crysis did when it first came out. that game can still go head to toe with next gen games. but i doubt it seeing as in the pic he has a 570 and everything is on high except textures. soooooooo yea. try harder


i also find it funny that you are trying to shun the people with weaker gfx cards, because they cant play on max. do you shun ps3 or xb360 players because they can still play this or shun people thats playing tlou on ps3. what about next gen only games that can be play on old rigs would you consider that a lost seeing how yall would have to buy a new console while the pc gamers with a rig from a few years wont have to buy anything.

console fanboys = no logic behind comments.

_-EDMIX-_3652d ago


Sooooo nope. This isn't unoptimized, its merely a next gen title.

Have you guys seen what PS4 and XONE specs are? Well...those will be 2X to meet on PC.

Volkama3652d ago

I'm running somewhere around 10tflops at the moment, and depending on how you measure the VRAM, I do not meet the 6gb requirement.

In hardware terms I have 8gb VRAM, but typically when discussing actual usage that amounts to 4gb, because of the duplication necessary for a dual card setup.

tee_bag2423652d ago (Edited 3652d ago )

Same here. I have 2 x 4GB GPU's. Lol apparently not enough but we'll see. I have trouble believing a game that looks as mediocre as this wants 6gb RAM for Ultra as it's the highest requirement ever in the history of gaming.

Psychotica3652d ago

The 6GB requirement is for 4k gaming. It says in the screenshot that the Ultra HD texture pack has to be installed for the Ultra.

aquamala3652d ago

I don't get it. if you're happy with graphics on consoles why do you feel you have to max out settings on PC? consoles won't have this optional Ultra textures download.

Corpser3652d ago

Why do you have to keep up with the jones onPC? A mid range GPU is more than enough to play games in better or equal console settings. Consoles are not playing this game in Ultra PC settings

Magicite3652d ago

6GB?????? So even GTX980 is too low? ROFL!

Dynasty20213652d ago

"See the recommended settings on a game and quadruple it in terms of hardware."

Proof you know ***k all about PC gaming.

No PC game in history has EVER actually required the recommended specs to get over 60 FPS on max settings.


If the game requires anything more than 2GB VRAM, it's a rubbish port or the devs are terrible at coding.

In this and Watch Dog's case - rubbish port due to lazy devs.

6GB of VRAM is an insane requirement and a complete and utter joke, considering there are only a few cards in EXISTENCE that have 6GB of VRAM on them.

Now go back to your 900p ~30FPS world in the basement.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3648d ago
Software_Lover3652d ago

6gb of vram? WTF is going on. Its like they skipped right over the 3gb cards lol.

I will need to see the difference between this ultra texture pack and the standard highest settings. Not that I'm gonna go out and buy a 6gb card, but it will be interesting.

Volkama3652d ago (Edited 3652d ago )

3gb cards at least had a brief moment with Titanfall, but nVidia's flagship cards released a week ago with 4gb.

Could be that they're referring to crossfire/SLI configs though. VRAM requirements and quantities get a bit muddy in multi-card configurations (take the "8gb" 295x for example).

I'd be surprised if they have a texture pack that targets beyond the flagship cards and into the extreme enthusiast bracket (Titans, Sapphire's 8gb 290x etc). Surprised and impressed. It's great when PC devs think about future hardware, adds some legs to the game imo.

BrianG3652d ago

The only problem with multi GPU configs, like SLI/Crossfire or even 2 in cards, like the r295x2, is the memory is not shared.

So if I have 2 3GB cards in SLI, I only have 3GB of VRAM, not 6GB. Reason is each card in the system has to render the image so the VRAM is not added together.

This patch seems like it's aimed at only the most enthusiast systems.

Volkama3652d ago

Yes, exactly that. But they're some would consider it 8gb because in hardware terms that's what it is (see 295x listings, it's just an 8gb card on every store).

So it isn't actually obvious what kind of configuration they are referring to with the "user friendly" tip on the menu.

We'll know soon enough when people get playing.

zugdar3652d ago

Calm down. This is Ultra settings for a PC (much higher than any console). As long as it looks great on any setting on my 3 Gb card I'll be happy. As tech improves so do the requirements needed to get that performance.

zsquaresoff3652d ago

This is why I chose ps4 over pc.

No matter what the specs, I can just pop the disc into my ps4 and start playing, instead of worrying about my graphic card.

What pc gamers save on steam sales, they spend on video cards and other updates.

Eiffel3652d ago (Edited 3652d ago )

The relevancy of this comment is mute considering these are settings to completely max the game, settings your PS4 is incapable of matching. To play this game at the same settings or higher with all the performance perks is nothing to worry about.

Patrick_pk443652d ago

6GB of VRAM is needed for Ultra, which has better visuals then PS4 and Xbone. But it it's easy as hell to run the game on high, which will be almost identical to PS4, or have slightly better visuals, since PC have more setting to adjust when it comes to graphics. You're trying to make it sound like everyone needs to upgrade their PC on a yearly basis, which is incorrect. Plus the new GTX 970 which can run 99% of current games on Ultra at 60fps+ for $330, which is basically 5 console games that one could get during the Steam sale for under 100. You'll save more money in the long run when you buy a PC, and this is coming from a Sony fanboy.

3652d ago
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10 Open-World Games That Feel Empty After Just A Few Hours

Unfortunately, the open worlds in games like Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, Halo Infinite, and the original Assassin's Creed do more harm than good.

MadLad450d ago

I legitimately loved Halo's switch to open world. They made traversal of the map entertaining, and everything involved just tied into the (what I consider) awesome gunplay.
The entire time I really felt the slow takeover of the map, and all the little steps forward felt satisfying.

I don't know what more people really want there, considering the setting and story. A handful of soldiers hunkered down on enemy territory; slowly trying to win the battle.

giovonni449d ago

I agree I liked the switch to the open world, it was large with beautiful land scapes. However, it did feel a bit empty, and wasn’t as action packed as I would have liked. A lot of the bases felt like fillers instead of something of wonder. Let’s see what 343 under new management does from here cause Halo needs some updating

archibold449d ago (Edited 449d ago )

I'm surprised they scrapped the Slipspace engine. I thought the graphics looked great, the sandbox physics were as good as ever, and the AI worked well. Clearly a lot of work went into it and it appears to have been optimized for the new generation of GPUs. The only issue I had with it was the lack of environments, would have been cool to have different biomes on the ring to explore. A bit more variety in missions would have been nice, maybe some timed events where you have to manuever a banshee through forerunner architecture or some mongoose speedruns would have spiced things up.

CrimsonWing69449d ago

I think R* are the only ones who have made compelling open worlds. I can’t stomach most open world games and how boring they are with busy world. It’s like a flex to make this massive environment, but it’s extremely boring to traverse and play in. GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2 blew me away with how incredible their worlds were. Elden Ring was the only other game to give me that sense of awe.

giovonni449d ago

GTA V and unfortunately, Saints Row the original have had some of the most aggressive open world features where the world doesn’t feel so bland. To me what makes GTA V so special is the way the characters react to the world around them vs how the world reacts to them. For example, in GTA when you switch to Franklin and he walked past an attractive female he responded “ damn you fine” or in Saints row you can run up in the pawn shop flash a gun and watch them respond by raising their hands in the air, or they press the silent alarm making you have to run away from the cops. Halo infinite doesn’t have those kind of moments that make you feel apart of the world it just feels like it’s there.

bloop448d ago

Trevor talking to random vegan npc: "You suck c*ck, but you don't eat meat.... It don't make sense to me "

Classic. Such a shame we won't get that humour again now that R* have gone all in on virtue.

Abear21449d ago

AC Odyssey with the next gen patch is pretty incredible, especially if you like a sea shantie. Lol.

Abear21449d ago

I’m back on an open world kick after Horizon. I don’t know what clicked in me but exploring the map and seeing the detail work has me loving open worlds again. Playing AC Odyssey on hard and really enjoying it and the map. Reinstalling RDR2 tonight because damn, that map is just incredible for sightseeing.

Sonic1881449d ago

Halo Infinite felt off. It's like the developers didn't know what they really wanted to do

Demetrius449d ago

Depends on which open world titles u play, most of em are shitty AF, but I honestly admire open world genre, sometimes to just take a break from fighting and missions you explore n see details you haven't noticed before cause you were too busy body at first, then boom finding some dope equipment or things to sale

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10 Mediocre Bosses in Great Games

GF365: "Most games are not perfect and that may be because of a character or an enemy. Here are 10 mediocre bosses in great games."

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Chriswheeler22597d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87596d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


Best Games Based on Movies

GF365: "These are the best games based on movies. Every entry on this list will be a great video game adaptation of popular movies."

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HeliosHex625d ago

Best game based on two movies that were never made goes to robocop vs terminator.

Owlbert624d ago

Did you play RoboCop Vs terminator... pretty sure it was on the mega drive) genisis.

HeliosHex624d ago

Yes played it on genesis for the blood. Snes had a version but I think the blood was censored not sure. I just remember genesis being the go to system for games with blood.

Owlbert624d ago

Alien isolation...ftw,it is definitely one of my top games,I played it again a few months ago ✌️