
Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD - new high-res screenshots

Square Enix released new screenshots from Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, and in high resolution.

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DarkOcelet3649d ago

The Graphics looks unbelievably awesome . This game better last me more than a 100 hours . I dont want those 8 years of waiting just to end in 100 hours only .

Lightning Mr Bubbles3649d ago (Edited 3649d ago )

That blonde girl is pretty gorgeous but that's nothing new for Final Fantasy games.

I_am_Batman3649d ago

100 hours only? It's actually very easy too stretch the game length with repetative side missions (which has been proven by countless games). If the story is good and the side content isn't too repetative I'll be happy with <100 hours.

DarkOcelet3649d ago

Fallout 3 lasted me 250 hours lols , it only got boring because you hit lvl 30 very fast on very hard ( Thank God for mods ) . Maybe Fallout has spoiled me but honestly if its a 100 hours only , i will be a little disappointed . But Nomura always makes his games very addictive . I replayed kingdom hearts 2 final mix 3 times because of how awesome it was and i know he will deliver in this one .

Mankey3649d ago

I'm mostly concerned about Tabata comment stating that combat would be just one button. Concerned.

vishmarx3649d ago (Edited 3649d ago )

almost cg graphics so early on a half baked engine,
imagine what ND's last game on ps4 will look
type 0 looks like it could run on ps3 easily though,

" I dont want those 8 years of waiting just to end in 100 hours only"
good luck with that.

100 hrs is good enough for me.
wonder how long you expect last guardian and hl3 to be

DarkOcelet3649d ago

For TLG i know i will get a beautfiul story with amazing graphics and usually sad story that will last me over 20 hours and Half life 3 will have an excellent campaign and surely awesome online so i know it will be worth it . But when it comes to Final Fantasy , i get it for both the story , gameplay and longevity and most final fantasy games lasted me over a 100 hours except for Final fantasy 13-2 , 13-3 was short but the .NG+ was a nice idea but aside from those , most final fantasy games lasted me over a 100 hours and i hope one day i fall in love with a final fantasy that lasted me over a 1000 hours like Final fantasy 12 and i hope this surpass it in every way .

Malphite3649d ago (Edited 3649d ago )

1000 hours? Please no. I've other things to do than spending most of my free time on a single game for years.

If you want a game to last you 1000 hours get an MMORPG. Single player RPGs should conclude long before that point.

Edit: Also do you really think that Half Life 3 will still happen? Why would Valve do that? You see what is going on with overhyping games nowadays. Half Life 3 could never meet the expectations.

Paprika3649d ago (Edited 3649d ago )

A half baked engine? Cmon lol

Half baked cookie dough is legit bro!


He likely meant over multiple playthroughs. I put 5+ 80-100 hour saves in ff12. More still on ff10.

DarkOcelet3649d ago (Edited 3649d ago )

Yeah actually i did that on two playthroughs only hehe , my first was 300 hours but because i missed the Zodiac Spear i had to replay it again and my second playthrough was over 700 hours :D . Yeah i was kinda crazy in love with it :) . Rpg games are the best . I cant get enough and will start The Last Remnant soon :) . I wanted to get the international version but it was never sold in my country . I saw videos of people killing Yiazmat in less than 5 minutes doing 99999 damage . Had me wondering why we were locked with 9999 only but hey it was worth it . Vaan with Masamune , Fran with Zodiac Spear and Bashe with the Ultima blade . It was super awesome.

Paprika3649d ago (Edited 3649d ago )

I guess you opened "that treasure chest" at the beginning! FF12 was a great game though, my fave battle system. I'm so happy ffxv is rumored to play in a similar fashion with its customisable decks.

AsheXII3649d ago

Luminous engine is one of the most impressive engines around.

Paprika3649d ago

Boom boom.... satellites, are a great band!

On topic.

Boooooooom, epic images! Game looks sooooo good!


Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in the month of May, 2024.

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gold_drake158d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies158d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix158d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion158d ago (Edited 158d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled158d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Review – Zero Regrets

Gary Green said: After finally getting the long-overdue platinum trophies for Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and XV, I wondered if I could manage another. Despite a few blunders, it’s a franchise worth showing off in your collection. I had to find another game with a realistically achievable platinum, which sadly rules out quite a few. Fortunately, I didn’t have far to look as I dusted off Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, which was, in fact, my very first PS4 game, and one that’s aging surprisingly well.

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Final Fantasy XV Review – A Royal Road Trip

Gary Green said: With my fondness for (most) Final Fantasy games and my side goal of finishing off games in my collection with loose ends, a return to Final Fantasy XV seemed inevitable. It also serves as my third Final Fantasy platinum trophy after VII and VIII, a reasonable substitute since Final Fantasy IX is nigh on impossible to master.

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