
Final Fantasy VII G-Bike Will Have Materia, New Weapons, And Characters From FFVII

Square Enix provided a good look at Final Fantasy VII G-Bike at this year’s TGS. Here are all the details.

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Paprika3648d ago

Firaga materia, only $0.99!

NukaCola3648d ago

Man SE sucks. They did this with Cloud's Snowboard ride as well. Quit milking people on iOS!

Mankey3648d ago

Hope they put this on PS4/Vita Without the Micro-transactions.

3-4-53648d ago

If people stop buying this BS on ios, they will stop making it.

KingKelloggTheWH3648d ago

Just bring it to the PlayStation 4 and earn tons of friggen money.

LightDiego3648d ago

Nah dude, Square-Enix and IOS are perfect for each other.

gangsta_red3648d ago

Quit with the foreplay and just give us a remake or a proper sequel to 7!

porkChop3648d ago

I don't want a remake, and we already have a sequel in the form of Advent Children. What I would like is a new game set in FF7's universe, that takes place in a huge open world version of FF7's world, but maybe set before FF7's events and not tied to those characters or that story. So basically a whole new story with all new characters, maybe some FF7 characters could make cameos or be NPCs or something though. I think that would be a great way to allow players to experience that world again, but in a fresh way and from a different perspective.

gangsta_red3648d ago

I'll take that also! Anything that has to do with 7 I'll take but if there was ever a game that needed a remake or re-master it would be FF7.

hkgamer3648d ago

why not just make a brand new game if you just taking the world which isnt the greatest and not including any of the old cast.

i rather have a ffvii where G is the final villian set after dirge of cerberus.

DevilOgreFish3648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

A nice looking mobile game, But really false to the original story. there were no beasts and Tifa was in the driver seat driving some sort of buggy. I hope they don't mess up the remake, if they plan on doing one.

N4GDgAPc3648d ago

FFVII G bike actually looks like good bathroom material fun! To bad it isn't for vita though. I'll still get it for android phone though. Isn't it free to play?

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Final Fantasy VII G-Bike to end service in December

Final Fantasy VII G-Bike will end service on December 15 at 23:59 Japan time, Square Enix announced.

In the announcement, the company said: “Although we were pushing forward with discussions until now, we’ve come to the conclusion that from here it will be difficult to provide a service that will satisfy our users, so today we have decided to end service.”

Money-based sales of the in-game “Gem” currency will end on October 13, but you’ll still be able to use any gems you have until the game officially ends service on December 15.

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Final Fantasy VII G-Bike’s Latest Event Adds Phoenix And A New Bike

Final Fantasy VII G-Bike is a smartphone game based on the Final Fantasy VII mini-game, except you get to pull off Limit Breaks and Materia magic. The latest event for the game brings in Phoenix, and a special bike based on the summon as a reward.

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New Final Fantasy VII G-Bike Trailer Released

Square Enix has just released a new trailer for Final Fantasy VII G-Bike at Jump Festa.

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-Foxtrot3562d ago

Goes nicely along that lovely FF7 re-release trailer /s

NukaCola3562d ago

I hate you Square. Milking FF VII mini games. When will you make what your consumers want?

FriedGoat3562d ago

This minigame is gonna look 300x better than that PC port.

3562d ago
GdaTyler3562d ago

Square Enix -The World's most out of touch developer of all time.

arbitor3653562d ago

What I am getting from this is that square hates us and wants us to hate them.

Why?? why square??? what turned you into this monster????

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