OtakuStudy3517d ago

Agreed! I am personally ecstatic that there won't be a several-week to several-month long wait to pick it up Down Under!

jcnba283517d ago

Ok well that practically means it's coming worldwide eventually.

Snookies123517d ago (Edited 3517d ago )

I wouldn't have doubted it being released worldwide. Though, I'm still a little ticked off at Nintendo about this system... It's what the original 3DS should have been. I don't mind buying a system knowing there will be minor upgrades down the line. However, when they make hardware changes that change the specs, to the point where you'll have to buy a new one just to play some newer games... That's what makes me mad as someone who's purchased both the original and XL 3DS systems. :\

Metallox3517d ago

I bet those "exclusive" games for New 3DS, or the majority of them, are just a bunch of ports from Wii or GameCube. I think that's how the move from Nintendo should be. Putting very exclusive games in this platform and not in the original 3DS models, like a Pikmin game (just an example) would be stupid.

higgins783517d ago

Seriously, don't be soft. Its what the original 3DS should have been!? First day adopters always, always get screwed - that is the price we pay, either with hardware alterations or massive price drops. I personally cannot wait...pure evolution.

TongkatAli3517d ago (Edited 3517d ago )

It mind blows me how how this crowd complains about Vita memory cards being expensive, but they buy multiple 3DS, damn, you guys are so full of shit, I'm sorry.

Of course you guys will justify as to why and how and what you want, but really stop with the lies you guys want Sony dead, the signs point to that.

I give Nintendo fans a hard time because they agenda is just sick man, we might be on the verge of losing one of the greatest companies that brought us really great gaming platforms, but you guys are still soooo hardcore supporting anything Nintendo.

You bought one 3DS fine, then a second, now a third, but those memory cards are too expensive, sigh. Idk maybe if you guys bought one of the competition hardware they would get more support, but why would you wanna support the enemy, just sick man.

Metallox3517d ago

The New 3DS should be for those who haven't purchased this Nintendo handheld yet.

TongkatAli3517d ago (Edited 3517d ago )

I know a dude who has three 3DS and he is going to get a fourth being this, sorry for my grammar errors, but Sony done for, Nintendo fanboys are on a whole nother level, we can't compete with them.

thehobbyist3517d ago

Or people who want a better 3DS experience. And you know what isn't a better 3DS experience? Lugging around a 3DS XL with a CPP on it because of Monster Hunter.

wonderfulmonkeyman3517d ago

As an early adopter, I've had 3 full glorious years with my 3DS.
I don't feel screwed at all and I'm eagerly awaiting the new one.

marloc_x3517d ago

Several in my house for local multi-player.

Mine is a 3DS and will not get a new one till I see something quite different,(I do appreciate the power upgrades and am looking forward to more Wii U connectivity).

I sure don't want Sony to die, I really liked their Walkman!

wonderfulmonkeyman3517d ago

There's more reasons to justify buying a new system over a new memory card.
Just saying.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3517d ago
Locknuts3517d ago

No AC adaptor included? LAWL!!!!

wonderfulmonkeyman3517d ago

Saves us a buck since we've already got one from our old 3DS's.
Would be nice to have one included, though, since it'll be confusing for first-time owners.

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Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic12d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


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