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The day the Vita scene imploded: more than 50 game exploits leaked

If you’ve followed the Vita hacking scene over the past 2 days, you’ve definitely noticed that “stuff” has been going on.

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Community3603d ago
jujubee883604d ago

Christmas has come early! :)

frenchtoast3602d ago

Should say explode, implode sounds like it was destroyed.

yewles13604d ago

Ladies and gentlemen, the REAL reason Sony abandoned AAA 1st party support on the Vita...

ABizzel13603d ago

And if the Vita is fully unlocked understandably so. No one has time or money to waste making games only for people to hack the system and let them be downloaded for free.

At the same time wasn't that the point of the new memory cards to make pirating harder, and if it becomes an open hack, they might as well start allowing microSD.

Imalwaysright3603d ago (Edited 3603d ago )

Then why make the device in the 1st place? It's Sony's system and of all the publishers in the world, they're the ones that have the responsibility to support it. They can't assume that everyone that bought their system is a pirate.

Also did anyone really believe that Sony's proprietary cards would stop the Vita from being hacked? If hackers want to hack any device, they'll eventually find a way to do it. It won't take long for all next gen consoles to be hacked too.

masterfox3603d ago

Isn't the 3ds hacked too ? and that thing sell pretty well ?

UltimateMaster3603d ago

There's also a better/simpler way to get these games on your Vita.
Buy them on your PS3, then copy them to your Vita.

All of them have a digital release too.

veegeeeffex3603d ago

Vita games are not affected and the Vita system itself still isn't vulnerable. Sony did not abandon the Vita because people can run PSP games and emulators on it, are you mad?

Patrick_pk443603d ago

This. The PSP can easily be hacked, which then allows one to download a .ISO of a video game on the platform and play it for free. Kernal exploits on the Vita allow one to also download a PSP .ISO on the Vita and play it for free, but it doesn't work for native PSVITA games.

DeadManMMX3603d ago

Booo this is not the reason at all. Psp was one of the most easily hacked systems ever but games kept coming because of sales. Vita is unfortunately not selling well it's a circle they don't makes games because it doesn't sell and it doesn't sell because they don't fully support it. This may take away but relative few use these exploits that only work with the psp side. I for one am not giving up playstation plus deals sales and Psn support for games I could have natively on my 50 dollar psp.

SilentNegotiator3603d ago

Yeah, it wasn't the crappy sales or anything....

RexDD3603d ago (Edited 3603d ago )

This doesn't allow Vita game piracy. You can only run homebrews on most of the exploits and the eCFW just allows PSP/PS1 ISOs. No Vita game piracy at all. Research before you talk mate.

360ICE3603d ago

Probably not, right? The real reason seems to be that it's not selling that much and that they have another console called the PS4. Still, though. I'd like to see more Sony support for the Vita.

jholden32493603d ago

Or any at all for that matter. After Natural Doctrine and Freedom Wars we're cashed out. Sony went MIA

360ICE3602d ago

Gravity Rush 2 is on its way. If it's not cancelled or being made for PS4, that is.

TimeSkipLuffy3603d ago

Actually this can boost hardware sales which the Vita desperately needs. Sony needs to sell Vitas first before devs are jumping on their handheld. If Sony is not supporting their device with AAA games then maybe hackers can boost its hardware sales...

Fireseed3603d ago

Yes because a leak that happened years after the Vita was launched is the TRUE reason the Vita was destined to have no support...

Salooh3603d ago (Edited 3603d ago )

Iphone have jailbreak . But did it fail ?. No , because the hardware is heavily supported in software.. This doesn't effect the vita even a little bit , in fact it bring more hardware sales. Apple are smart , they are taking advantage of the jailbreak. Jailbreak bring new innovative features and then they just steal it and put it in update. So if sony smart too they will do the same. It's their fault if the vita fail. They need to make some sacrifices if the sales isn't moving well. That's the only option.

If someone brought me an option to hack the vita i will do it, at least they will give me a reason to use my vita which i don't know where it is right now lol . Otherwise , small games ain't for me and the features are not enough because it have more promise then it's current state..

clouds53603d ago

You can't really compare a hacked console with jailbreak. Main goal of console hacking is pirating games. Main goal of jailbreaking has always been improving the os with more features and customizing. Not saying piracy is not a problem on smartphones but it's not the sole reason why jailbreaking exists.

UltimateMaster3603d ago

Are you high? Or simply didn't bother reading the article.

The PSP was hacked since like 2008 and there's been plenty of support for the system.

BTW; aren't people on PC claiming that people that hack games on PC below 10%? If that's the case, why would it different on a handheld?

We're just taking about mods for games, something possible on PC.

AndrewLB3603d ago

And if PC hacking was nearly as huge as the console people claim, why is it that PC games generate more annual revenue than console games??
People have this habit of looking at the physical game sales on Vgchartz and other sources when the fact is roughly 92% of PC game sales are digital.



Not to disagree with you, but PC gaming generates more money because it have way more titles, many of which are small free games supported by ads.

If you go comparing a multiplat, consoles generally are responsible for more copies sold than PC (although there are exceptions).

And VGChartz? Anyone who takes that seriously is a morom, period.

SojournUK3603d ago

Vita has only been exploited to play old psp/ps one games. This has been the case for a long time. No vita game backups are playable so how does this have anything to do with 'abandoned AAA 1st party support on the Vita'?

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WeAreLegion3603d ago

Oh, cool! Please make articles about it and draw attention!

Silly gameAr3603d ago

Oh, and they should up the heat to make it get even more attention. It's so obvious when articles like this just get approved and in like 15 minutes, it's up to 200 degrees.

Fullmetalevolust3603d ago

What is this exploit for anyway? To get psp games running for free on the Vita?
Any Vita games being exploited?

Deep-throat3603d ago

Emulators + PS1 and PSP piracy.

Patrick_pk443603d ago

Basically what @Deep-Throat said. Which isn't that bad, since one can easily do this on a PSP, or on their PC by downloading a PSP emulator. PSVITA games cannot be exploited yet.

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Community7h ago
Sonyslave323h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6027h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro246h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro246h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Fragment’s Note+, Fragment’s Note+ AfterStory, and Fragment’s Note 2+ coming to PC on August 2

Ullucus Heaven will release romance visual novels Fragment’s Note+, Fragment’s Note+ AfterStory, and Fragment’s Note 2+ for PC via Steam on August 2, the developer announced.

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Community4d ago

PlayStation Plus Just Quietly Released the Most Overlooked Tactical RPG Of All Time

Jeanne d'Arc is a brilliant hidden gem that released on the PSP in 2007, and now the tactical RPG is finally available again through PlayStation Plus.

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Community9d ago
OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

One of my favorite PSP titles of all time. This is probably my favorite Classic title to hit the PS Catalog yet. I had already bought it on Vita though as part of the PSP store, so I got it for free here to keep. That was quite generous of them, considering the HD overhaul and trophy addition. It would have been worth buying again. Every jrpg fan should try this out on PS+ catalog.

solideagle9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

can we not buy it separately? it seems its only for premium

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

No? It shows up on mine as owned "Free" bc I bought it years ago.

If you have a Vita, I suppose you could still buy it, if it's still on the store there?

*edit - yep it's still there! $9.99 is a steal for this remaster. (of course free on PS+ catalog is amazing too! This is one I like owning though) You should be able to buy it there on that link on your PC.

Here's a reddit post about it:

shinoff21839d ago

It's 10 bucks. Go over to the ... on the game page. It should let you buy it

9d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic9d ago

You can buy it separately, I had to use the PS app to find it on the store (the web store is so dysfunctional), I thought the game had skipped the aussie store, lol.

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BinaryMind9d ago

@OtterX - Yes you can buy this game without owning a Vita (like pretty much every other PS classic on PS4/PS5). I bought it yesterday on PS5. It also costed 10 USD.

BinaryMind9d ago

Yep, you get both the PS4 and PS5 versions if you buy it too.

jznrpg9d ago

Its a great one and I’m going to play it via the Portal. Summoner PS2 also got trophies which is cool

MeteorPanda9d ago

Nothing beats ff tactics: war of the lions in my heart.

gold_drake9d ago

nothin beats Shinging Force 2, i mean, no contest haha xD

shinoff21839d ago

Shining force 2 was the first tactic game I ever played. Loved that turtle.

Lionsguard9d ago

Shining Force 1 had the more memorable characters imo.

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Yes! Final Fantasy Tactics is still my favorite tactical jrpg of them all!

TheColbertinator9d ago

Valkyria Chronicles is my #1 always

gold_drake9d ago

its rly good, playing right now actually ha.

Einhander19729d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I am playing this too, it's my first time. I really enjoy games like this and I'm having fun.

They also added Summoner which I do know quite a bit about it's also really good.

Great month for PS+ all round.

Edit: I hope Sony sees the popularity of this style of game because i have for years (since PS3) been wanting and saying they should make spin off games of their popular series but in different genres.

I have always wanted a tactical game from games like Uncharted, TLoU or Horizon (or any franchise really, I also think they could make a cool card battler Slay the Spire type game.

And they could make games like this quick and cheap compared to what they normally make.

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