
Heroes of the Storm Preview [Player Attack]

Player Attack: Heroes of the Storm is many things. It is Blizzard venturing again into the world of free to play, and it is the studio's attempt to somewhat belatedly stake a claim in the MOBA genre, amid giants like Dota 2 and League of Legends. It seems odd that Blizzard should now decide to recreate a mod originally created with its own tools, but such is the popularity of the genre.
Pages have already been written about the many things HotS is. But what about some of the things it is not?

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Heroes of The Storm Gets Another New PTR Patch Notes: Is It Alive?

There's a spark of life coming from Heroes of The Storm.


10 Best Video Games That Started As Mods

Enterprising modders have changed the face of video games forever. Some mods have even gone on to become fantastic fully-fledged titles.

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Heroes of the Storm in 2021: The Casual’s League of Legends

Heroes of the Storm, while not seen as great in its infancy, had a lot to offer for the casual community. Let's talk about why you should give it a try, several years after its launch.

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