
Marvel Reveals it First VR Videogame

VRFocus - Superheroes in virtual reality (VR) is an undeniably enticing concept, and something that VRFocus has written about in the past. Today sees the concept shift from dream to reality however as Marvel has announced its first VR videogame, coming to the Samsung Gear VR smartphone-based head-mounted display (HMD). That title is Marvel Superpowered, and is currently on display at Samsung's own showcase at the Unpacked event in Berlin.

CorndogBurglar3674d ago

Marvel should focus on making a good regular video game before worrying about VR.

We haven't had a decent Marvel game since the first Ultimate Alliance.

CloudRap3674d ago

If only their games held up to the standard of their movies

seppo913674d ago

MvsC4 anyone?

3rd person shooter The Punisher?

Arkham'ish Daredevil?

CorndogBurglar3674d ago

The only way I would be okay with MvC4 is if they fix the broken ass play style of MvC3. Whoever had the idea of making a fighting game where landing a single combo gains you a win needs to be fired. Aside from the graphics, MvC2 was far superior.

I would be cool with a cover based 3rd person shooter Punisher game. That would be awesome.

I would also like an open world Daredevil game.

You have good taste. Punisher and DD are two of my top 3 favorite characters.

I also wouldnt mind a first person shooter X-Men game. Tearing people up with Wolverine in first person would be sick. Or when you're Cyclops everything is tinted red like you're seeing through his visor. I know it would never happen' but one can dream...


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