
Square Enix Want To Bring Dragon Quest VII For 3DS To The West, But Aren’t Sure If It’ll Sell Enough

"At PAX Prime, Siliconera caught up with Dragon Quest mobile producer Noriyoshi Fujimoto, and asked whether Square Enix were interested in publishing the Dragon Quest VII remake for the Nintendo 3DS in North America."

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MrSwankSinatra3679d ago (Edited 3679d ago )

Well then let Nintendo publish like what you did with bravely default. The only reason this situation exists is because the quality of JRPG's has dropped significantly. I blame japanese developers who would rather make borderline hentai rpgs for anime nuts than REAL JRPG's like DQVII.

Summons753679d ago

To add to that whenever we do get a great JRPG the anime nuts (as you put it and I quite agree) complain about it and don't buy it making us suffer on the next game.

NewMonday3679d ago


they make good games but the crazy thing is that they don't want to publish them west or let any 3rd party do it.

user55757083678d ago

its all money. if its cost efficient to do it they will but i assume they would need to move over 100,000 units for it to be worth it.

DrakeVan3679d ago

I would like to speak for us 'Anime Nuts' that its not like we want some of those games they bring over. I'd rather have DQ 7 anyday (especially considering when the game Monster Monpiece exists)

levian3679d ago (Edited 3679d ago )

Well said. I loved Bravely Default, best classic JRPG I've played in years. People say the Vita is great and has a lot of RPGs but most are the type of games you pointed out, borderline hentai RPGs.

Also, didn't they say the EXACT same thing about Bravely Default, among other games? I saw an article some time in the past few months saying they realize the Western JRPG audience is larger than they thought it was. Did they not learn at all?

3678d ago
3-4-53679d ago

OMG Square.

How out of touch with reality can you possibly be ?

I mean how clueless are they ?

Literally topics daily about how much we want Dragon Quest 7 3DS to be released in the US.

* It's like they really are that dumb.

It will sell a million easily, like....what are they thinking?

Are they thinking at all ?

3-4-53679d ago

All the non-boob pervy games never end up heading over to the west.

Tons of normal traditional RPG's stuck in Japan because for some reason they think we don't want them.

Japan, we love normal RPG's too, it's just that you don't make enough of them.

We can't buy something that isn't available to be purchased.

3678d ago
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Kamikaze1353679d ago

I really wish developers would use Kickstarter (or something like it) to figure out whether they should develop a game or not. Once they hit a certain goal, they could go on with localizing the game and send out copies for the supporters that paid x amount of money. This way they're guaranteed a profit from the start and don't have to worry.

mikel10153679d ago

You'll never know until you try. If Bravely Default sold well, then take a chance with another franchise like this. Also bring Dragon Quest 10 for Wii U and 3DS over, too :3

Relientk773679d ago


Bring it to the West

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Do We Need More Ugly Game Heroes?

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ZombieGamerMan2919d ago

Man you can always count on fat ugly women to be the ones to always bitch that the media doesn't cater to them. To that I say stick to character creation games you fat ugly piece of shit because the rest of us want to play as attractive people and ugly fatties like yourself

PhoenixUp2918d ago

I really don't care how my character looks as long as it's a great game

Kyosuke_Sanada2917d ago (Edited 2917d ago )

If the art direction of the game revolves around "beautiful" or "ugly" characters then let it be so. I don't think either should be forced in if it's against a development's team original vision. Besides, I doubt anyone who had a big dose of reality truly believes that beauty determines the strength of their character.

But In some cases such as myself, I did have my vidya heroes and admiring them drove me to exercise at a young age which I definitely don't regret now.

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Dragon Quest VII Fragments of the Forgotten Past Review | Hardcore Gamer

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Fist4achin2919d ago

Awesome review. I wish my Vita got some love from this game. 3ds fans enjoy it

3-4-52919d ago

DQ 7 is awesome so far....I'm really not that far in but I love RPGs like this game.


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