
Battlefield 4 has more players on PS4 than on PC

PlayStation 4 has overtaken the PC as the lead platform in Battlefield 4.

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Codewow3585d ago

Doesn't surprise me. PC gets no optimization anymore.

pedrof933585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

Pc master race my ass.


"Yes. Because popularity says how good something is.

That is why Call of Duty and Wii Fitness are better games then The Last of Us and Alan Wake right?...

You disgust me."

What ?

venom063585d ago

this is a BULLSH%@ article... PC is STILL the lead platform for this game..everyone knows this, and YES, this game is incredibly fun and is worlds better from launch.

DoomeDx3585d ago Show
BiggerBoss3585d ago

@doomed. You need to calm down man. You take PC gaming way too seriously if his comment "disgusted" you so much.

OT: this is actually somewhat surprising to me, as Battlefield has always been a PC-in-the-lead kind of game. I guess this goes to show how popular Playstation is this gen. And no, this article doesn't state that more sales=better game

buttclown3585d ago

I haven't been into pc gaming for very long but I can tell you the people I do know don't play the same game for very long. Constantly switching to new games and steam sale games.

Also, I think the BF crowd would be 2x the size if it released with less bugs and glitches.

Irishguy953585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

Console gamers accept mediocrity more than PC gamers. That's the difference. BF4 is a letdown. Very simple. PC has many more FPS games than the Ps4. Many superior FPS than BF4. BF4 is the best shooter on Ps4 right now and it's a pretty meh shooter.

Vegamyster3585d ago

I quit playing BF4 on the PC to play other backlog games lol.


It's not like the game didn't have issues on the consoles, regardless of the platform this game has had many issues.

BitbyDeath3585d ago


Tell that to all the PC people who still play the horrid GTAIV, should have been buried long ago.

buttclown3585d ago

You do realize though the pc people are allowed to mod their games?

BitbyDeath3585d ago

@buttclown, never said they couldn't.
You said PC gamers never play old games, I proved you wrong. GTAIV is an old game.

Enemy3585d ago

This is pretty shocking if true. Battlefield made its name on PC. Battlefield 2 is still one of the greatest multiplayer games ever made.

darx3585d ago

Drop Origin and I'd bet there would be an increase.

kreate3585d ago


some games are allowed to be mod and some games not. but whether a game is allowed or not, ppl just mod it anyways.

BattleAxe3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

The reason why there are more players for BF4 on consoles, is because console gamers love buying DLC and other micro-transactions, while PC players just aren't falling for it anymore. Aside from that, most PC players wont pay $60.00 for a game within the first year of release.

PC gamers, alot of times, will wait a year or so before making a purchase. Buying a game a year or two after release on PC isn't a big deal, as the communities for most games last much longer than on consoles. Games like Bad Company 2 and Modern Warfare 2 are alive and well on PC, and pretty well completely dead on consoles. And then ther are games like Counter Strike.....

vishmarx3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )


not saying we should support dlc but your master race ass would rather pay $1500 for graphic cards than pay $5 for games right?
free games FTW.
you wait 2 years to buy a game till its down to a tenth of its original price,thereby in no way contributing to the gaming industry but rather pumping thousands of dollars into hardware. id like to see pc gaming strive on its own for once

badz1493585d ago

I am mainly a PS fan for the exclusives and trophies but I also constantly game on PC for cheap games I can get my hands on from Steam.

but the delusions/arrogance of elitist pc gamers in this thread really disgust me.

"Yes. Because popularity says how good something is."

"...I can tell you the people I do know don't play the same game for very long. Constantly switching to new games and steam sale games."

"Console gamers accept mediocrity more than PC gamers."

"Many superior FPS than BF4. BF4 is the best shooter on Ps4 right now and it's a pretty meh shooter."

"because console gamers love buying DLC and other micro-transactions, while PC players just aren't falling for it anymore. Aside from that, most PC players wont pay $60.00 for a game within the first year of release."

"Show me the ps4 that can run it as well as a PC. The $400 cap holds no water for people that can afford to spend more than $400."

"bf4 is just bf 3.5 with many bugs so they moved on. People on ps4 has nothing else to play."

...and more!

WTF? it's like their buttcracks are itching to spread BS over things as puny as this! so the PS4 is leading in player counts in BF4 for some months now but so what? why is that FACT bothers some guys so much? Insecurity much? Some console gamers are bad too for taunting over this but for all those "PC MASTER RACE" talks around N4G all these times, you guys sure are a sensitive wuss to even get worked out over something this stupid!

andibandit3585d ago

Played BF4 to death on PC already(level 56 yeah not much, but im slow), kinda still play it, but there are soooo many other games in my catalog I havent even touched yet

Clown_Syndr0me3585d ago

In the eyes of devs/pubs, popularity = money.
So expect to see more CoD and Wii Fit and less TLOU and Alan Wake. Its business.

XB1_PS43584d ago

BF4 isn't that good. That's why my master race brethren aren't playing it. We have thousands of FPS games to choose from. PS4 just has a few, so it's obvious that the majority of the people playing FPS games will play the best one on that platform.

UnwanteDreams3584d ago

What I get from this comment section is this. If a game is doing better on a console than PC then it means , console has no games, or the game sucks. Stay classy PC gamers.

Wizard_King3584d ago

This doesn't surprise me one bit, PS4 has hardly any games so people play BF4 alot on PS4. PC has a shiz tonne of games on offer, seeing as BF4 has been such a mess a lot of PC gamers just moved on to the greener pastures of other games.

Let the Sony fans think this means something important lol. It's just a reflection of a lack of decent online shooters available on "next gen" consoles.

Xbox fanboys are always funny, but PS4 fans are scary stupid sometimes on here.

Big_Game_Hunters3584d ago

Makes sense. BF4 had a lot of problems and PC gamers have Sooooo many options so they can just play something better instead, meanwhile PS4 owners only have COD and KZ:SF for online FPS so their best bet is stick with bf4

SilentNegotiator3584d ago

The PC gaming community needs an attitude adjustment. Being antisocial, insecure, unfriendly elitists won't bring any new players to PC. PC gaming is the most open platform...why can't we be just as inviting as the platform itself?

papashango3584d ago

probably because pc gamers aren't fooled by Battlefield...

Paprika3584d ago

@ battleaxe

Uh, PC gamers don't fall for it? So console gamers are dumb? I can play battlefield on my 60" TV and regardless of how higher PC can display its resolution beyond 1080p it still looks epic... I also have the satisfaction my console does NOT look massively inferior at all.

Buy a car for 5k compare it to one which costs multiple times more to notice major differences. Modders on PC are open platform, allow consoles to do this I can promise you GTA 4 could be improved on ps3... let alone ps4 which is proven close to high end PC.

This console vs PC shit is so annoying... I know PC is more powerful. Consoles are not able to be upgraded like PC's.... the whole point of consoles are affordable high end gaming.... and uncharted 4 says my $300 console is worth my money more than your "modified cus I got more powaaaaa now" GTA 4 or.... just about any missed game.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3584d ago
Chrischi19883585d ago

More like a too small library on PS4. PC has a huge library.

mysteryraz113585d ago

a huge library full of crappy nes looking indies and flash games, so thats the equivalent of bragging about tons of crap vs god level games ps4 is getting

Vegamyster3585d ago


"bragging about tons of crap vs god level games ps4 is getting"

The PC has an entire library made up of AAA titles from the past few console gens that can be revisited, every Steam sale or Humble Bundle i find games i missed the first around that are good.

andrewer3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

@mysteryraz11 What's the problem with nes looking indies?

tee_bag2423585d ago

Truth is there's so many other games to be playing on PC. I have BF4 and have only played it for about 4 hours since its release.

TardcoreGamer3584d ago

Reason for this is simple. More FPS's competing for players' attention on PC.

How many FPS multiplayer games are currently available on PS4 for those $10 million gamers to choose from? 5? maybe 6 games?

Take a quick look at the player count for Couter Strike:GO on Steam today. It exceeds BF4 players on all platforms combined!!!

Chrischi19883584d ago

The disagrees I got, wonderfully represent the delusion and flood of PS4 fanboys on this site. It is a logic thing. If you dont have to many games to choose from, it is normal, that those available get played. If there is a bigger library, the install base will divide further onto different games. Hate it or love it, I dont care.

You get disagrees on this site, not for having a different opinion, just for a comment, that doesnt worship their beloved console. We are talking about PCs and consoles here, no need to get personally offended here...

"I like my PS4, he says something that is not saying the PS4 can do everything better, I GOT TO DISAGREE" I love that behaviour, especially because PS4 fanboys call everyone deluded, but who is really the deluded one here?

Vegamyster3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )



Opinion > Fact

here lol.

Spotie3583d ago

Is that why the last two games sold better on PC? Because PC had a too small library, and there was more to play on consoles?

It's not a logic thing, as logic would have included the information I've stated above. It would also mean the XB1 should have higher Battlefield sales, too.

If your comment is logical and/or factual, then logic/fact is a joke.

What's really sad about this site is how people like you can get away with passing off fanboy bias as anything but.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3583d ago
MelvinTheGreat3585d ago

And yet PC game still look better...

InTheLab3585d ago

Show me a $400 rig that handles BF4 like PS4...

Volkama3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

Show me the ps4 that can run it as well as a PC. The $400 cap holds no water for people that can afford to spend more than $400.

Back on topic, I'm quite surprised to see the ps4 version oust the PC version over time. But then I hear bf3 is still very active in the PC front, as a lot of the core audience prefer it.

Npugz73585d ago

Actually they look exactly the same but keep telling yourself that!!!

johndoe112113585d ago


He siad: "Show me a $400 rig that handles BF4 like PS4..."

You reply: "Show me the ps4 that can run it as well as a PC. The $400 cap holds no water for people that can afford to spend more than $400."

You do realize that your response actually proves his point right?

MaxwellBuddha3585d ago


Sure, just as soon as you show me a console that can do everything my PC can.

buttclown3585d ago

The problem with it is the people that play on pc, or the ones I know personally, are spending more than $400 to game. Anybody spending $400 or less on a pc isn't looking to play games on it in my opinion.

ImmortalCarrot3585d ago

It really depends on ones ability to purchase the rig to produce high end graphics. For starters, consoles aim for stability and ease of playing, while the pc counterpart focuses on raw power (provided with the ability to purchase the parts).

it also depends on the developers time and effort on optimizing on each platform.

Daniel_Potter3585d ago

Battlefield 4 runs at 1600x900
Meanwhile, R9 270 which costs just 200$ runs it at 1080p60fps. There been tons of videos using that video card as an example of a 400$ gaming pc.

Consoldtobots3585d ago

anyone that thinks they are building a $400 pc using a $200 GPU has never built a pc before.

dredgewalker3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

Ok then try playing this game on a $200 video card.......just the the video card alone without the other components. $400 dollars alone ain't enough for a decent gaming rig.

Volkama3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

@JohnDoe affirmative, I validate his point and reduce it to insignificance within the space of that comment. I would not attempt to build a PC for $400, I would buy a console. But that is an artificial victory, as I am not restricted to $400.

It is tiresome when people insist that we only discuss that budget purely because they want to claim fanboy points.

The game looks best on a good PC. The PS4 is a good option for $400. I don't see why anyone would try to dispute either claim.

Daniel_Potter3584d ago

The upcoming steam machine by Cyberpower at the price of 500$ offers
R9 270, AMD A6-6400K 3.90 GHz, 8 GB RAM and 500 GB HDD. As well as an OS, a controller and all that in a small compact case.
No monthly subscription required. And every weekend steam puts up 2-3 games on sale and lets people play them for free for the next 72 hours. Recent one was Dishonored and if you played that one you probably know that it ain't that long, about ~15 hrs. Still think PS+/XBL Gold isn't a rip off?

Evilsnuggle3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )


Are you serious why are some pc enthusiast so delusional . Some of these pc enthusiast are just plain old insecure or jealous of the popularity of game console.

Volkama and other pc fanboys you can't build a PC at the same level a PS4 for $400 . This has been proven by GameSpot.com. GameSpot built a budget pc to match a PS4. With everything you need to game on a pc OS, mouse and keyboard excetera at $560 .Volkama@ and the pc enthusiast and fanboys just can't seem to comprehend that most people in the mainstream are not willing to pay $2,000-5000 for a high end PC to play games. That is why game consoles will always be more popular than pc gaming. Because of it's of the price point and price for preformance of game console vs pc. I am slightly interested in gaming on pc but at a low price point. I'm fine with the quality of PS4 I would like better preformance than The PS4 but not at a much higher cost. I have a wife children and I'm a homeowner . I have other priorities other than gaming . Console gaming is fine at the are price. I would never pay over a thousand for a pc it not worth it to me .Michael Pachter said that 85% of AAA games sales come from consoles . Yes pc gaming worldwide is larger than consoles. But worldwide most pc gamers just play MMO's. Game consoles are king of AAA games and are the major source of income for the gaming industry.


Secondly pc enthusiast and fanboys are constantly spewing off how superior pc is to consoles. Pc fanboys miss the point that console is far superior to pc when playing online multi player competitive games. Pc is plagued by hackers and cheaters . You get what you pay for with PSN and xbox live. Sony and Microsoft police there online multi player competitive games. Pc is free to play online games and you get horrible service full of hackers and cheaters.



Volkama3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

Evilsnuggle, I'll quote myself. It will save you actually reading the whole comment you are replying to.

"I would not attempt to build a PC for $400, I would buy a console."

The PS4 is good value for $400. I can comprehend and appreciate that the price point appeals to a wider audience. I can also appreciate there are other advantages consoles have over PCs. Personally I play both.

But that doesn't contradict the initial statement you are replying to, which was that the PC version is the best looking. You're arguing against it without actually providing any argument.

dredgewalker3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

Ok now that's a more reasonable hardware. But I still prefer gaming on different platforms. There are games that I can't play on pc and consoles. As for PSN plus, I don't feel too ripped off cause I get some free games as long as I have the subscription though steam makes the best deals.

Daniel_Potter3584d ago

Call of Duty 4 on PS3
Hacker free you say?
What about this game?

Consoles doesn't stop people from hacking, i actually doubt they even punish people from hacking

MysticStrummer3584d ago

"The $400 cap holds no water for people that can afford to spend more than $400."

I always imagined the master race as being more intelligent. What a meaningless response.

OT - Bad Company 2 is still where it's at.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3584d ago
Magicite3585d ago

so new platform with 10m install base now leads over everything else? Impressive.

kingduqc3585d ago

With no other games to play*

bf3 bfbc2 and bf2 had more players on pc because they where good games. bf4 is just bf 3.5 with many bugs so they moved on. People on ps4 has nothing else to play.

Clown_Syndr0me3585d ago

I love BF4 but to be fair there isn't much else on offer in terms of FPS.
CoD, which many of us are bored to death of and Killzone which I personally dislike.
For many, BF4 is their first BF experience so for these people its fresh.

TheGreatAndPowerful3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

Yeah that's not true...they get optimization tweaks and patches even before consoles do.

Patrick_pk443585d ago

It still receives optimization and improvements, it isn't the best but they are still working on improving the game.

Of course there are more people playing it on consoles. As a PC user, the backlogs of games is extraordinarily huge, and I stopped playing it after all these summer sales and better video games. The only first person shooter I play is Counter Strike Global Offensive, the rest tend to be garbage, and nothing is as competitive.

mmcglasson3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

Well I have an extremely large backlog of PS3 games so what's your point? Some of them I could play on PS4 through PSNow if I thought that service was worth it, but it's not. At least with their current pricing model. If it was subscription based then sure. For the mean time, I have my PS4 hooked up right next to my two PS3's (with my original 60GB sitting on my shelf in its' box). I actually just beat The Last of Us on PS4 and I've had it on PS3 since the day it came out. I need to beat GoWIII but before that I still need to beat GoWII... So basically I still have PS2 games I have a backlog of. When EverQuest Next comes out... I doubt I will get a lot of those games played.

UnwanteDreams3584d ago

Yep I see this argument all the time but I too have a backlog of PS3 titles. This PS4 has no games will continue for another year or two. Then they will move on to another excuse to explain why PC is the best and PS4 sucks. Wait it out like they wait it out. Az

TonyPT3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

I agree with what many people said here about how pc has many more fps games and lots of bugs. Those issues let down many gamers to the point of giving up. Apart from that, many sill refuse to use Origin.

On the other hand, that graph refers just to live players and I'm sure pc has a lot more buys than ps4.

Forgot to mention that myself, never really consider buying the game due to that awesome browser plugin that is required to play the game. I'm a programmer myself and there a few other much better options then this one.

Razputin3585d ago

This game was extremely optimized.

I ran this game full settings 150% scaling 200% dropped my frames under 60.

With that being said, this game is just a huge POS.

I love all the Battlefield games, but this is Call of Duty with vehicles.

Why is it since Bad Company 2 the destruction - realtime, has become non existent?

I know quite a few people that stopped playing BF4, and are going to skip Hardline as well.

Look at the popularity of all the other PC games.

UnwanteDreams3584d ago

Like MOBAs? Minecraft? Facebook games?

starchild3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

This is a very popular thing for console fanboys to say lately, but it's simply not true. I've gamed on the PC since the 80s and by and large the optimization of PC games is better today than at any other time in the past. Things like Mantle and DirectX12 will enhance that trend.

Battlefield 4 runs great on any decent PC. On my GTX 770 BF4's visuals significantly outpace the PS4 version.

Another very popular idea among console fanboys right now is this implication that if a certain game has more people playing it or buying it on console it suddenly means the PC version isn't superior. The failure in reasoning here should be obvious.

It doesn't matter how many people buy a Ford Focus, it will never outperform a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, for example.

I don't care how many other people own Lancer Evos or how the numbers compare to ownership of any other model of car, it doesn't change in the slightest how much I enjoy my Evo.

Likewise, am I supposed to enjoy Battlefield 4 less or pretend the graphics aren't better on PC the second it's reported that more people are currently playing it on a console?

truegamerkt3585d ago

What does all that have to do with more bf4 players on ps4?

Michiel19893585d ago

You live in your own world or something? Why are u talking about stuff not even connected to the article.

I know that you are afraid your posessions arent considered the best but let it go.

Your reasoning is completely flawed urself. You are saying the pc version of any game is always the best. If i buy Rogue Legacy for ps4 then i get ghe exact same version. Do stop scting like the pc is das dritte reich. Pc gaming is cool just like all other forms of gaming. No point in spreading bullshit for the sake of argueing.

Also some games have extra content vompated to the pc. I would rather call those the supreme versions, no matter the amount of pixels on pc. More content --> more pixels. If u think otherwise go watch pixar movies all day

JsonHenry3585d ago

Probably because most PC players won't play a crap game with bad netcode. When your options are very limited as to what you will be playing on a new system this sort of thing happens.

MRMagoo1233585d ago

If only that where true, because there are loads of ppl playing day z and thats wayyyyyyyy worse than bf4.

Are_The_MaDNess3585d ago

20 ticks per sec is NOT enough.

120 ticks should be standard by now as the web have expanded so much...... heck old CS and Quake had higher tickrate than what BF3-4 has.

tickrate, stable servers and a stable framerate in-game. is that so damn hard?

UnwanteDreams3584d ago

Total -BS and you know it. Json.

JsonHenry3584d ago

It isn't BS. I quit playing BF4 because of the problems. Instead I play better games like Red Orchestra 2 or the like.

And if PS4 players had more choices at the moment I doubt they'd be playing BF4 in the same numbers that they are.

When hardline launches and the PS4 crowd has a whole lot of options you watch, Hardline will be played as much.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3584d ago
Qrphe3585d ago

PC only got optimization back in the 90s when games were developed exclusively for it.

starchild3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

That's so untrue. Optimization was definitely worse back then in general. Hell it was during this era that the whole myth was born about having to upgrade your PC every few months. An exaggeration to be sure, but it was based on a core kernel of truth.

Back then your PC might play one game perfectly fine, while another game that didn't really look any better would run very poorly and you'd have to upgrade to be able to play it with decent performance. Or you'd have the wrong brand of graphics card to get good performance in a particular game and you'd have to choose which games you wanted to run well. This was pretty common back then.

Sure, we see the occasional example of that on PC nowadays, but the vast majority of games run like butter on any decently up-to-date gaming PC, whether running AMD or Nvidia graphics hardware.

Even the games that aren't well optimized and/or are very demanding can still be enjoyed these days thanks to the ability to properly sync the framerate at 30fps using programs like RadeonPro and Nvidia Inspector. We didn't have that ability back then. Using an external framerate limiter does not accomplish the same thing.

Getting a solid, vsynced 30fps on PC isn't an ideal goal for most PC gamers, but if we're comparing to the alternative of getting an inferior looking console version that also only runs at 30fps (but with more framerate drops) we can see that even the few poorly optimized games still offer a superior experience on PC. Or you can choose to run them with a higher, unlocked framerate if the framerate swings don't bother you.

bumnut3584d ago

What are you smoking? PC has plenty of exclusives.

aquamala3584d ago

and PS4 version is so optimized at 900p

bmf73643585d ago

@Venom PC is the lead platform for Battlefield development, yes. But as far as marketing goes and popularity goes, it's best to be seen frontrunning as a PS4 game at this stage. Sledgehammer said that the PS4 is the lead platform for Advanced Warfare and that'll probably continue with Treyarch and Infinity Ward, but CoD will continue to be advertised for Xbox.

Sony's opinion on EA Access won't change any kind of agreements EA and Sony made now or will make in the future because it's best for business. If Battlefield will continue to be advertised for PS4, then it will be so.

tee_bag2423585d ago

When it comes to multiplatforms it seems consoles get no optimisation either. Its not as if this game ran well on consoles. Just the PC community dropped it like a hot potato.

ITPython3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

I am not at all surprised by this, when it comes to multiplat games consoles usually always dominate PC sales, typically by a significantly massive margin (I'm talking a sales difference of 200k on PC to several million on a SINGLE console.)

Bottom line is consoles are where the money is at, PC gamers are few and far between in the grand scope of things, and add insult to injury when the PC version of the game releases $20-$30 cheaper than the console game... yet still gets outsold by millions of copies.

I'm actually surprised developers even consider the PC as a primary gaming platform anymore. Not only are PC games unoptimized and inefficient as heck (requires a beast of a PC to brute-force decent graphics and performance), but the sales are pitiful when comparing to console sales of the very same game.

papashango3584d ago

I remember this argument.

Back in 2007

Corpser3584d ago

You would only think that if you use sources like npd or vgchartz that don't even count digital sales, you see vgchartz says Diablo 3 pc sold 3 million, blizzard already said it sold more than 12 million

BigOleTroll3585d ago

It really comes down to those people living in poverty, and those who can afford nice things.

I see people gloating "show me a $400 PC that can run BF4 as well as PS4" and this makes me sad for the poor people. If you could actually afford a $1500+ PC there's no logic in not doing so as the PC is better than console in every single aspect of gaming. Better titles, graphics, communities, gameplay and the list goes on.

All these statistics show is that more poor people are switching from xbox to ps4 as this is all they can afford and is the better console of the two.

Think I speak for everybody when I say PS4 and PC aren't in the same league, and comparing the two is like comparing a Galaxy S5 to a Nokia 3210.

Future_20153584d ago

Many PC gamers have a lot of games to choose from when its comes to PC games and Battlefield 4 is only on Origin which a lot of people don't use because they don't want it or they don't know about it, if it came to Steam a hell of a lot more people would buy it

Parasyte3584d ago

I don't know if this is an indication of how popular the PS4 is this gen, and it is, but rather how incompetent DICE has become when it comes to updating the PC version properly.

aquamala3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

damn, PC has 130k players at launch? but you can see from the graph the PC player count have been going from 130k to now 40-60k, which is actually the peak player count for PS4

3584d ago
Reefskye3584d ago (Edited 3584d ago )

A lot of people who played BF4 don't play it on PC no more it was a buggy mess for ages and most people got sick of it and left for other games. All my friends who bought it don't play it at all, in fact most PC gamers think BF2 was the best in the series. We are not limited by games we can and cant play unlike consoles, we switch game a lot more often. I own a PS4/PS3/vita and haven't been on any of them for 5 month. I game on many different games everyday on my PC.

Plus if I can buy the same game at half the cost on PC than Playstation I may as well buy it on PC. I bought Playstation for their exclusives nothing more.

*Edit* Tell a lie last game I played on PS4 was P.T

FlameBaitGod3584d ago

"your master race ass would rather pay $1500 for graphic cards than pay $5 for games right? "

Um what ? I though i was the troll. The sad part is it has agrees on it, that just shows how lil people know about PC.

PCpower3584d ago

Tell how does this comment of yours has ANYTHING to do with Battlefield 4? Are you an idiot?

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3583d ago
dazzrazz3585d ago

It's still a POS game unless the nxt month patch changes something

SoapShoes3585d ago

Yeah and Hardline still has the exact same glitches. I really loved Battlefield but I think I will skip Hardline, it feels exactly the same similar to how MW3 was so similar to MW2.

ImmortalCarrot3585d ago

I don't see anything interesting with Hardline. For a game for cops and robbers, it's just too massive and unrealistic. But I'm really looking forward with what Ubisoft is offering with Rainbow Six. That game looks hot.

hennessey863585d ago

runs fine for me and i have far from the best PC in the world

bumnut3584d ago

You can't have been playing since release day then, it was barely playable.

kassler3585d ago

The game is running fine, at least on my PS4.

truegamerkt3585d ago

The game has been running great for me along time now.

Godmars2903585d ago

Haven't consoles always been more populated by COD type gamers over PC?

Neixus3585d ago

Nah, it seems like it because the cod sales are what gets the most attention.

Minecraft for example, have sold like 54million copies on consoles alone. which surpasses all the cod titles. Not added together,ofcourse.

3585d ago
ThatOneGuyThere3585d ago

if you remove "type gamers" from your sentence, it might be somewhat accurate.

Godmars2903585d ago

Everything at this point is FPS, whether many know or even accept such. COD and Battlefield being the most generally popular, while Halo and Killzone coming in second if not third on their respective consoles. PC have far more, Planetside for instance, but their numbers don't equal what COD and Battlefield.

TheBurger293585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

Whats wrong with COD type gamers? Its true they pretty much only buy CoD and play the shiz out of it and thats about it.

ThatOneGuyThere3584d ago

No. There are FPS games, yes. FPS games are still just a category. Games are pretty evenly split, except RPGs for the moment. If all you see is FPS, I would suggest its the people you hang out with, or the ads you see.

Kavorklestein3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )

Yes, they have, I owned copies of Call Of Duty Black ops 2, Battlefield 3, and Battlefield Bad Company 2 at launch on PC and Xbox 360, and the lobbies were ALWAYS more full on the 360 versions of the game.

Even NOW, the lobbies would be more full on 360 than the PC for the majority of games.

What that article FAILED to show is any data about the xbox 360 version.

The dark blue line isn't even ON the graph because it typically has WAY more users than ANY of the other platforms/consoles. Right now, the PS4 is beating the PS4, but the graph is showing incomplete data, so don't go thinking the PS4 version has always been the most popular version.
The 360 version has slumped lately, and that's happening for a number of reasons.

Right now, the PS4 does have more users than the PC version, but so do ALL FOUR of the other consoles.

You go here: http://bf4stats.com/ and see for yourself.

This isn't some large feat, like "the PS4 being glorious" and amazing- it's due to the fact that PC gamers may have Shinier graphics, and have and less players to play with, IN GENERAL, at all times.

PaleMoonDeath3585d ago

Wow, that's a little random, good news though right?

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot814d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250813d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface812d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop813d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno813d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel814d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps813d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888813d ago (Edited 813d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33813d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888813d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH813d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad828d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


5 Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess

KeenGamer: "Sometimes a game starts out as a buggy mess and we all just stop and think, “that definitely could have spent a bit more time in the oven”. This is the case for these 5 games which infamously marked their place in recent game memory."

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KingofBandits920d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"