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Phil Spencer is ‘making sure’ Destiny hits 1080p on Xbox One

Bungie have revealed that head of Xbox Phil Spencer wants them to make sure that their Xbox One version of Destiny hits a 1080p resolution.

Bungie’s director of production Jonty Barnes says “Phil Spencer is a great friend of ours, and has been putting great effort into making sure that the Xbox One edition of Destiny hits 1080p and is a great experience.”

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Community3627d ago
bunt-custardly3627d ago

What personally? What a guy. No seriously, at what expense though? This is the big issue trying to reach this media fuelled resolution.

Downgraded textures, less lighting and shadow effects. reduced frame rate?

PCBOX3627d ago

Believe me 1080p games looking much better than PS4 counter parts on XO I cant believe the people talking shit about XO which they never experienced before.

Ezz20133627d ago

i don't understand what you just said TBH

mikeslemonade3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

Lower the price and stop cutting corners. Price your system accordingly to the value of your system.

Should be $349.99 and I promise the bashing will be lessoned. A slightly weaker system that is cheaper makes a whole lot of sense.

Gazondaily3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

^Lmao at the murloc reference

Did the guy just say 1080p looks better on X1 than PS4? I dont even...

sonarus3626d ago

That's EXACTLY what he just said which confuses me because I could have sworn xbox 1 owners dnt care about graphics. No they want voice control and xbox tv integration.

Acadius3626d ago

I own both PS4 and Xbox One. From first hand experience, I can say, you're wrong. I owned Ghosts and Black Flag for both systems and I can say the PS4 looked better with better lighting and textures. Before you get all LOL at me owning two of the same games, I recieved both as gifts since the givers didn't know I already had them for PS4.
I'm not saying my X1 is garbage, I look forward to Halo and other exclusives but when it comes to multiplatform games, PS4 is my choice from PERSONAL experience.
Both systems serve their purpose but it irritates me when people claim there's no difference in displays when there is.

SpinalRemains1383626d ago

No way, better PS4 1080P is nicer because rather than Xbox One is not as good because trust me PS4 resolution.

Jesus, you sound like an encrypted email or prison kite.

4Sh0w3626d ago (Edited 3626d ago )

lol, Acadius really? uhm its says a lot about what kind of gamer your are since your first thought was to compare them rather than return that the 2nd copy(X1 version) if nothing else for money/store credit towards another ps4/X1 game? yeah OK, sure. It further doesn't make sense because unlike Destiny with both being 1080p, AC Black Flag has a higher res on ps4 anyway. lol

It's very hard to distinguish 900p vs 1080p, I follow games, seen my fair share of comparisons, many times if the labels were removed nobody would be making definitive statements about which "looks waaaaay better" and I'm betting folks who swear they know wouldn't put any money on it in a staged test. Sort of reminds me of the Killzone SF mess that was quickly swept away, go back and look at all those comments and the backtracking.

WHY DO PS FANS CARE IF X1 IMPROVES? The bottom line is Phil is doing a great job, he freed up resources and is more than willing to help devs get the most out of X1, that sounds like what a guy who cares about gamers on his platform should do.

choujij3626d ago (Edited 3626d ago )


He kept the games, it's his decision. It doesn't affect you, so don't no need for you being butthurt. And don''t say it's hard to tell the difference with a 40% increase, going from an upscaled image to a native one. Maybe it's hard for you, but I clearly saw a substantial difference on both versions of AC4 (A/B'ed them in person, not some compressed flash video online). Certainly enough for me to choose one over the other.

UltimateMaster3625d ago

It'll come at the cost of frame rate or graphical setting. Forever ruining the Xbox One.

I just want the best looking game there is, regardless of resolution.

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TimeSkipLuffy3627d ago

we don't know yet but he is really dedicated.
Nevertheless I am going with PS4 :)
I would like someone like Phil working for Sony. He would definitely try to get the most desired features to PS4 sooner than later or never. and we would have gotten TR as time exclusive as well :D

Gazondaily3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

"I would like someone like Phil working for Sony."

Sony don't need someone like him. They have Shu

The pressure to get Destiny to run at 1080p is obvious; this is a game from Bungie, the outfit that made Halo which made the Xbox brand what it is today.

Imagine Destiny, a game by Bungie, running at an inferior resolution on the Xbox One? It would be a bit of a blow to the pride of those at Xbox HQ. To be honest, the fact that the game will run better on the PS4 is a bit of a blow as far as I'm concerned anyway, but a resolution disparity would just hammer the point home a lot more.

DevilOgreFish3627d ago

"Phil Spencer is ‘making sure’ Destiny hits 1080p on Xbox One"

good for them. it just means they care about how their multiplat games are being optimized.

URNightmare3626d ago


Sacrifices will be made! 😈

3626d ago
JeffGUNZ3626d ago

I thought Destiny already confirmed they will have the game at 1080p at launch and released a video of the game playing on the 1080p build which IGN released? I'm sure they will be able to do it with the 10% free up. I enjoyed the beta so much I wouldn't even care if that was the final build, just let me play this game now!!!

retro_3626d ago

It's all about MS saving face. Poor Phil, I wonder what goes on in MS towers behind closed doors, less smiling that's for sure.

larrysdirtydrawss3626d ago (Edited 3626d ago )

this shit is for PR and PR only.. ppl are heavily focusing on resolution at the moment,its the new hotness,and phil knows this. phil wants the xone to match the ps4 in res at the cost of ANYTHING. looks like textures/shading/lighting/ post processing(or other things like framerate) are all gonna have to take a hit to give the resources for the resolution number(1080p) to be reached.

phil knows nobody is focusing on the actual size of the textures,or how many shader ops are going into any scene at any given time,or how many lights are being used at once,,phil knows the biggest graphical effect/thing that ppl mention 99% of the time over anything else in the graphics world is the resolution.. he needs it to match for the PR... so phil is not doing it for the gamer,,he's doing it for perception and business towards the layman minds to make them think their box is atleast equal to the competition

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FanboyKilla3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

lol this res shizzle is a waste of time imho. i played the ps4 beta and xone beta. no difference. if there is, you need them side by side to tell, and even then if they didnt tell what res it was you wouldnt know.

now im all for a game being the best it can be, dont get me wrong. i like beautiful games, i wont say graphics, because im sure you know graphics and res is like apple and oranges. its the first impression, graphics or the look of the game. it is also the first thing you forget. if your game is any good. sure its nice for it to look good while you do it, but tis a game , the object is to play it, not watch it. if your game sucks, why would i want to see it?

look around at what you have created for yourselves. 1080p games, games focused on graphics, not story or gameplay. you, the consumer said res res 1080p. so hell yeah like stone cold, the people selling something, better be selling what you want. or they make no money. thats their job, to make money. so they sell you 1080p.

but uh oh, you like where is the gameplay? this looks boring, this looks terrible. lmfao that 1080p didnt make the game look better after all ha? if shi* could shine, it would still be shi*.

Budobear3627d ago

I'm completely missing your point, as your statement was a confusing mess.
I could agree with you saying its difficult to tell the two versions apart, as it would be but as for the rest of what you've written it fails to make any sense.
If you could try again but use a well constructed sentence and maybe try a little grammar too that would be great.

TFJWM3626d ago

Crytek proves you wrong, people don't just want good graphics...

HugoDrax3626d ago

"i played the ps4 beta and xone beta. no difference."

I played the alpha/beta on my PS4 using the same tv. I played the Xbox one beta using the same tv. The results? Identical, and I'll own both final build games in a few weeks since I have the ps4 Destiny bundle pre ordered, as well as a digital copy of Destiny for xb1.

Funantic13627d ago

If Destiny for X1 is well optimized and coded it won't lose the textures, lighting, and all that which you said. There are always short cuts to coding to get the same amount of data with less algorithms. That's just good coding. But MS is sending in programmers who really understand the X1 to help Bungie optimize Destiny more efficiently.

purp13m0nk3y3626d ago

Wow. So you have zero idea what your talking about.

Same amount of data with less algorithms... what!? Not trying to be a prick, but your comment would have held more weight if you didn't try and sound all technical and fail.

That being said. I understand what you're trying to say. But sadly no amount of coding wizardry will make up that 40% difference in raw GPU grunt.

For the Xbox1 to hit 1080p some sacrifices will need to be made. If they are smart and choose the right things to sacrifice, the differences will be hard to spot. But they will be there.

JeffGUNZ3626d ago

@ Purp13monkey

Depends on the developer and the demands of the game. A lot of developers are hitting the 1080p mark solely from the 10% free up Kinect was restricting. A lot of people here keep thinking MS is shuffeling magic beans in the console to get 1080p, ie, cutting back on FPS to hit it. That's ultimately false. X1 is senidng out their tech team to developers to help reach the 1080 with the spaced they have recently made available through the 10% kinect issue. This game isn't locked at 30FPS on either console, according to all the articles reviewing the beta. Either way, the frame drops were so insignificant I never encountered any on the X1 nor did I hear anyone complaining who played the beta on the PS4.

The PS4 will have the edge overall, but unless they are side by side and you're LOOKING for it, you'll never notice it independently.

Magicite3627d ago

To achieve one, You must always sacrifice another.

3626d ago
5eriously3626d ago

On the console of forced compromises? Anything is possible at a cost!

calis3626d ago

heh, I bet this is how the conversation went:

Bungie: We can't make Destiny 1080p

MS: How much money to make it 1080p?

Bungie: You don't understand, we literally cannot do it.

MS: want more money? How's $50 million?

Bungie: No, no. Listen. We. Cannot. Do. It.

MS: Ok ok, I get it. *drops suitcase on the table* Oh, who left this suitcase with $100 million on the table? I'll just turn around and if the suitcase happens to be not there, so be it.

Bungie: *sigh*

donthate3626d ago

Except, 1080p on Xbox One for Destiny confirmed!!!

AND all we hear is the cry from fangirls!

Everyone else just games on their platform of choice as if nothing happened.

calis3626d ago

You take life way too seriously.

Gunstar753626d ago

Quite an imagination you have there. Shame it wasn't funny or accurate.

MS sent there own engineers in to achieve something Bungle couldn't.

I love, love, love Halo, but it want until 343i got their hands on the franchise that it became beautiful.

gamer78043626d ago

Uhh no, bungie said for a while now the final builds on both will be 1080p

otherZinc3626d ago

You Clowns can't even see 1080p vs 900p; if so, you would've noticed Killzone Shadow Fall wasn't 1080p through the entire game.

Where Bungie HAS failed it's XBOX loyal fan base, is making Destiny WITHOUT Same System Campaign Co-op: For the first time since the Great Halo CE released in 2001.

All Bungie Halo Games were Couch Campaign Co-op! Now, all of a sudden No Couch Campaign Co-op in Destiny. What's the change? Can the PS4 & PS3 not do Couch Campaign Co-op? Ok, if it can, show us. Killzone Shadow Fall didn't do it, why?

Those are the questions you Clowns should be asking Bungie, because you can't see 1080p!

Features are sacrificed to reach 1080p:see the featureless Drive Club & Killzone Shadow Fall compared to their counterparts Forza Horizon 2 & Halo Master Chief Collection.

Someone ask Bungie about the omission of Couch Campaign Co-op.

gamertk4213626d ago

Yeah, the Killzone thing seemed to get hushed up real quick, even with the lawsuit. But it doesn't help further the pro-Sony/anti-MS agenda, and therefore was swept under quite swiftly.


Well the Beta was pre june sdk so we might not see much if any downgrade in visuals, especially not textures since both systems run 8gb RAM and there should NEVER be a texture difference on Multiplat games. Lighting and shadows though could be downgraded since those are GPU extensive task.

700p3626d ago

The comments that im seeing here. First its bad that xbox cant run 1080p that they are..its still bad? what.

Azzanation3626d ago

There wont be any downgrades. The console just needs more time to optimise. All 1080p games on X1 and PS4 look the same. If anything its what have they downgraded on both consoles to hit 1080p? There's always a catch when making games at high res on limited hardware

DoubleM703626d ago

and this click bait because of what Phil said this week by saying he's not forcing Devs into make sure they hit 1080P. They were going to hit anyway with the new sdk and 10% more power.

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TheEternalGamer3627d ago

by "making sure" he means downgrading the PS4 version of Destiny to make it look the same on Xbox One.

3627d ago Replies(3)
ps5fanboy3627d ago

Surely this is proof that some devs just CBA taking the hard route with Xbox one game production?

This story wouldn't make me happy if I was a Xbox owner , I'd be like wtf , what about other titles at lower resolution?

Pricey3627d ago

What utter BS, its about resources and how you apply it. Why should one platform get more attention than another when the issue isn't a game breaker.

If you want more resources go exclusive. Your expectations of multi-platform developers are childish.

FITgamer3627d ago

I thought it was already confirmed to be 1080p for both systems?

MasterCornholio3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

It is but Phil is helping them upgrade it from 900P (the beta).

OT: I'm hoping they don't have to sacrifice framerate to get to 1080P with this game.

Utalkin2me3627d ago

Sacrifices will have to be made. But the game is going to be good regardless.

Madderz3626d ago Show
MasterCornholio3626d ago (Edited 3626d ago )


Well your the only one spreading BS here. The beta on the Xbox One ran in 900P. There's also nothing wrong with wishing that the resolution upgrade doesn't have a negative impact on framerate.

Who in their right mind would want an increase in resolution for crappy framerate? If they can upgrade the resolution without hurting the framerate what's wrong with that?

P.S I dont even bother reading your comments. I just see your user name and know how to respond to your comments.

PsylentKiller3626d ago

I don't really care much about the resolution issue. It's the other things like framerate, AA, lighting, dynamic systems that I don't want to be affected or left out all together.
I already have my preorder down for the digital PS4 version. I played the beta on both systems. The reason why I'm choosing g PS4 for this game is the trackpad. I was willing to ignore the resolution difference but For some reason, calling up the ghost seemed better hitting the track pad than hitting the button with the two squares doing the nasty.
I was also worried about not having as many friends on PS4 but most of my Xbox friends aren't getting Destiny anyways. So, my decision was a bit easier to make. Also, I just got a Titan One. So, if I want to use my XBO controller on my PS4, I can do that rather easily as long as the trackpad and options button serve the same function. Admittedly, the DS4 on xbox works much better. I have yet to try M&K, though.

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Ex Destiny and Halo Producer Says Live Service Is 'Better for Developers and Players'

A former Halo and Destiny executive producer has said the live service model is "so much better for developers and players" than the one-off $60 purchase model.

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OtterX30d ago
Christopher30d ago

Typically the best games of each year say otherwise.

Christopher30d ago

Alan Wake 2, BG3, Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring, GoW Ragnarok, Hades, Returnal, Fallout 4, Dishonored, It Takes Two, Untitled Goose Game, Breath of the Wild, both of The Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, Psychonauts 2, Control, Celeste, Super Mario Odyssey, Bloodborne, The Outer Wilds, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Cocoon, The Dredge, and more and more and more.

Up against Overwatch and Destiny as far as critical acclaim and recognition as 'better' for players.

And, let me be honest, even 'for developers' is a lie. Want to know why? Because it's only good for people who can pump out graphics constantly and not overall quest designers, coders, engine devs, etc.

What this guy means is "we can give a lot of cosmetic content to players, who we think players like more because people spend money on it, and it's best for us because we don't have to pay for a full team to create a new game and just the people to pump out new graphics from one season to another." In no way is his comment a true reflection of what is 'better for players' let alone 'better for the industry stability over longer periods of time.'

This is more investor mindset focusing on maximizing profits by getting consumers to buy less for more while they spend less making it. That's it.

You know what's best for players? Newer, better, and more content that is good and not just cosmetic. Live service isn't that unless you pay $60 a year to them to add more for it (like Destiny and CoD do). Then you might get some improvements and new content. Even then? Not usually.

just_looken29d ago

In terms of player feedback/awards yes but the list you made are all nothing in terms of profit.

Call of duty mobile alone laughs at that list that game is a billion dollar money making machine.

Toss in your apex/mmo/rivals/fortnight/robl ox/minecraft monoploy go or back to console with elder scrolls fallout 76.

Basically there is alot more live service style games that hit or go above the billion dollar mark than your list and that is what the people at top want cold hard cash. Heck alot fo them make a billion + a year

Gta 5 single player profit vs gtao profit as a example now that ps5/series has gtao as a free standalone with gta + there printing cash like its going out of style over there.

Christopher29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Being more profitable isn't better for the consumer or developers. That's better for executives in suits.

just_looken29d ago


Umm exactly who do you think pay's the bill's and hands out the games budgets?

They have 0 care about a games award's/feedback its all profit driven some use to care like sony back in the day now its profit first.

0 likes shows how many are still on copium thinking the big publishers care about them

aaronaton30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Well the Poll on the website is suggesting he is massively wrong and out of touch.
A big majority of the vote going to "I prefer one off purchases with paid expansions"

Couldn't agree more.

Inverno30d ago

I'll always think the concept is awesome. Back during the PS3 era I pictured a Spider-Man game that would be the traditional open world swinging playground that they typically are but every comic issue would be turned into dlc. It'd be the entirety of the Amazing line, 2 to 3 issues at a time, turnt to dlc until the entire Amazing line is told in form of a game. That concept eventually made it to the industry and they have consistently fk'd it up with every game that has been made as a "service".

jznrpg30d ago

There is nothing like sitting down , popping in a great single player game and blocking out the world.

OtterX30d ago

Sometimes I like to log into Fortnite and Call of Duty and just sit and listen to 12 years call me a n*****, f**, m***** f***** just so I can remember why I like to play single player games.

GhostScholar30d ago

Not for players over the age of 12

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IGN Instructed & Offered Prizes for Crowd to Cheer During Phil Spencer and Other Live Interviews

During the IGN Live interview with Phil Spencer, the crowd cheered even if the topic was about closures, and its because they were told to.

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GaboonViper43d ago ShowReplies(15)
Snookies1243d ago

Just reading this headline alone made me feel grimy. Disgusting, all around. Haven't trusted IGN since over a decade ago, so this isn't really surprising to hear.

Leeroyw43d ago

IGN lost a lot of credibility a long time ago. Now they're running on fumes.

MrDead42d ago

MS are buying up the industry so you need a compliant media to tell you how awesome consolidation and mass layoffs are... and they know MS is IP hunting too, they will be cut off from review copies of some of gaming's biggest IP's if they don't play ball.

peppeaccardo42d ago

The only way they can rise excitement in a crowd is paying for it. LAMENESS is MIcrosoft best product to date.

Skuletor43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

I think that kind of thing night be standard. I once was in the audience for Wheel of Fortune and there was a guy that briefed us before the show on his hand signals, when we were supposed to react/applaud and stuff like that and we were told to check under our seats because one of them had a prize underneath it.

Edit: Okay, read the article, this was definitely some slimy behaviour by IGN and it sounds like it wasn't just on the behalf of Xbox either.

Also, since IGN bought Humble Bundle years ago, they stopped occasionally giving a game away for free during certain big sales events etc, screw IGN.

Profchaos43d ago

It is for say a game show or similar shows for entertainment purposes but a interview not really.

Petebloodyonion43d ago

Bruno Rodriguez confirmed that his statement applied to the entire three-day Fanfest event, not solely Phil Spencer's interview. Regrettably, this part of his response is absent from the article, which raises questions about its omission.
Here is the complete explanation

DarXyde43d ago


It is an odd omission. While I do believe IGN has some problematic biases, one can't really say it's done for Spencer in light of this information.

Good follow up.

Inverno43d ago

IGN not being trustworthy? Yeah we've been knowing that.

GaboonViper43d ago

I remember when they gave Alien Isolation a bad review because the alien AI acted like a actual Xenomorph which was free to do what it wanted and hunt you down, and docked Days Gone points because it had a white female as Deacons Girl, oh and they have one of the worst fanboys in Dustin, he has no shame whatsoever.

Inverno43d ago

Don't forget "too much water". It's like they hate hire people that hate their jobs. This is a people problem, when people aren't humbled they become full of themselves. IGN and other news publishers have been given too much sway, and too much preferential treatment. They forget they're meant to inform the people, and have instead become a tool to sell an image these companies want to portray. Perception of power and authority and influence corrupts people.

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Former PlayStation CEO Shawn Layden Was Baited to Mock Xbox Boss Phil Spencer

Former PlayStation CEO Shawn Layden mocked Xbox Chief Phil Spencer on Twitter over his comments in a recent interview, though it seems the former PlayStation boss didn't see the entire interview before reacting.

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Sonic188143d ago (Edited 43d ago )

Must be a slow news day 🙄 😴 We're talking about a former ceo that doesn't even work for Sony anymore

VenomUK43d ago’s Ibrahim Kabir is so invested in the format wars that when Shawn Layden called out Phil Spencer for his hypocritical stance on Call of Duty exclusivity, Ibrahim got upset at the mocking of Spencer. So now he’s written a useless article to say Phil Spencer deliberately said that because IT WAS A TRAP?!!

Please stop this nonsense, just stop it. Write about news, not this crap.

DarXyde43d ago

The Heart Part 7 is even worse than Part 6 somehow. 🤭

neomahi43d ago

And not a very good one either. Jacky T!!! Now that guy

ArmrdChaos43d ago

Just more senseless crap in attempts to distract us away from all the DEI BS the industry is trying to pull.

derek43d ago

He wasn't baited, it was a stupid hypocritical comment from one Phillip Spencer which is par for the course for him.

Reaper22_43d ago

What was stupid about what he said?

CrimsonWing6943d ago

Yea I was trying to figure that out, too.

VersusDMC43d ago

Well he saying he didn't want to do slimy tactics because he wants it to go to everyone like he's a saint...but we know Starfield still isn't on PS and the call of duty parity is due to a 10 year contract they signed to help get the Activision buy out to go through.

He also complained that he couldn't advertize COD on their showcase because of the Marketing deal Sony had with COD when they had one with Cyberpunk and currently have one with all the Atlus games. It's just hypocrisy all around.

Giga_Gaia43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

@VersusDMC they're also the ones who did those deals first on the 360. You'd also bet if they were market leader, they'd be doing the same thing because Microsoft are a bunch of hypocrites.

Also, Phil Spencer is far from a saint. I've never seen such a despicable and worthless human being in my entire life. Plus his stupid smile, clearly evil and I just want to punch him in the face as hard as I can.

Gamepass is good for gamers, but the worst thing for developers and you can bet if it takes off even more, the monthly fee will skyrocket. Not that it will, the subscriptions aren't increasing and I seriously doubt they will, they've reach their peak already.

DivineHand12543d ago

@Giga_Gaia I don't know what's worse the comment or the people who liked your comment.
"Phil Spencer is far from a saint. I've never seen such a despicable and worthless human being in my entire life. Plus his stupid smile, clearly evil and I just want to punch him in the face as hard as I can."

He is the CEO of a video game company. I can think of a hundred other people who deserve that level of hatred.

You failed to mention what vile act was done by Phil Spenser but I suspect the main thing he is really guilty of is that he is Sony's main competitor. Xbox in the 360 days is much different than the Xbox of today so whatever was done back then doesn't apply to how Xbox is being run today. Had Xbox continued with that style of management, they would likely have remained the market leader by a significant margin as they would purposely outbid Sony on every deal. Except what we are hearing Phil Spenser say is that Sony is making all these deals which are detrimental to Xbox which is odd because he has more money than PlayStation. This leads me to believe that his style of leadership is much different from what we know Xbox was back in the 360 days.
Leave this console war nonsense behind. They are just pieces of plastic for your entertainment. Start thinking like a consumer and show no loyalty to either side.

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Lightning7743d ago ShowReplies(3)
Lightning7743d ago

"And Microsoft absolutely ripped Hifi rush, redfall and Starfield off playstation as they had PS5 versions in development."

Big difference between knowing the back room politics of what we found out and those games not being formerly announced to be on PS in the first place, vs a game like Stellar Blade that was announced to the world that its coming to Xbox only years later no longer coming to Xbox. Again those games weren't announced to be on PS. Plus, just like COD they own those games which means they can do what they please with those games. Hi FI made it on PS5 eventually.

Unlike Final Fantasy remakes, keeping a 3rd party IP off other platforms. IP Sony doesn't own. You're right MS was very slimy mainly during the 360 days and early X1 days. As of late in the past 8+ years or so Sony has been doing more 3rd party deals and having timed exclusive things compared to MS. Again I go where the facts are, as you know.

shinoff218343d ago (Edited 43d ago )

Ms hasn't had many 3rd party exclusives games cause all the 3rd party games their paying for day 1 on gamepass. Idk how tf yall can't see that. They can't pay for both. Well won't pay for both. So what do you want. Day 1 3rd party or 3rd party exclusives

Also come on we already know game sales just aren't there

VersusDMC43d ago

So if Sony bought Square and every Square game was exclusive to playstation it would be fine but 3 Square games exclusive to PS5 and several on other consoles is worse?

And Microsoft is slimy for not releasing Indiana Jones on PS5 because it is IP Microsoft doesn't own, right?

Lightning7743d ago ShowReplies(1)
Lightning7743d ago (Edited 43d ago )

"So if Sony bought Square and every Square game was exclusive to playstation it would be fine but 3 Square games exclusive to PS5 and several on other consoles is worse?"

Yeah since they would own them. They can do as they please. If the roles were reversed you would be real mad at MS for keeping those games to themselves instead of investing in new IP MS would poach 3rd party constantly, like they use to do. Everyone would hate MS for making the remakes only on Xbox, I mean everyone. Let's not pretend ppl won't.

From a PR standpoint Phil won't mention all the slimy stuff he used to do constantly. Like the entire 360 generation and early x1 days until fans and media blasted him when it came to TR. That's just common sense he won't talk about that.

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MrBeatdown43d ago

Everyone knows exactly what Phil was doing.

Hofstaderman43d ago

Misdirecting, lying, projecting....the list can go on and on.

anast43d ago

These are two professional sleaze bags. They know what they are doing when it comes to lying, being slimy and turning a profit. They might be okay outside of work, but while they are playing out their drama for a paycheck, their characters are the moustache twirling bad guy.

Reaper22_43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

I think most people knew that was just click bait stuff meant to get a rise out of sony fans. Unfortunately, some fell for it. Phil wasn't taking a shot at sony or anyone else. All he meant was we are giving you a choice.

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