
The Ugly Side of “Justice”; Total Biscuit denounced over Zoe Quinn Scandal Comments

The internet’s self professed “Game Commentator” and fellow Brit John Bain aka TotalBiscuit has been raked over the coals by a significant segment of the indie dev Community over his comments regarding the Zoe Quinn Scandal in the past 2 days.

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Rimgal3583d ago

Remember when gaming was about having fun? What was so wrong about that?

I miss those days.

When the hell death threats, wishing cancer upon someone, insults and violent outbursts have become the daily norm in this gaming community.

Galletto33583d ago

Its like that any where people can voice their opinion, and unfortunately those with the loudest voices often do not represent the majority.

But this is an issue that should not be shrugged off, I mean if we cant trust devs journalist to have a semblance of integrity in the industry, then the community is doomed

Mr Pumblechook3583d ago (Edited 3583d ago )

I love coming on to N4G and commenting on anything and everything!
I do absolutely believe gaming websites including this one should be a place to discuss impropriety in the industry because journalists need to be accountable. But this story is too murky in facts and I don't want to say anything that could be hurtful without justifiable evidence, so on this one I have to say "I'm out."

radler3583d ago

I've got a lot of respect for TotalBiscuit working to be more reputable than 99% of the gaming media as a whole, and I think it's sad that people are so blind that they're desperately trying to shrug off the current Zoe Quinn controversy rather than stopping to think about how it's just part of a very large issue plaguing the industry as a whole, in that the vast majority of media coverage on games is in no way impartial.

I'm also very disappointed to see old indie developers crawling out of the woodwork to throw insults and nastiness at TB who has quite frankly handled the whole issue and voiced his thoughts with maturity, and been well-spoken the entire time. Meanwhile Phil Fish and that Canabalt guy hurl insults and threaten legal action? It's pathetic.

Just goes to show how screwed-up the whole industry really is. There's hardly any impartial and straight coverage any more, just friends doing favors for friends and consumers blindly lapping it up.

Rimgal3583d ago

Yesterday N4G posted a story about this subject, and 90% of the comments were about she looks. Wtf do that kind of comments have anything to do with this story?


Yeah I know that she shouldn't have done what she did, but what some people are doing now, like calling her the most vile names that anyone can think of, hacking her accounts, posting her address on the internet, giving her death threats...

Wtf happened to human decency.

C'mon guys, enough is enough, this is just sad.

Concertoine3582d ago

Maybe im missing something, and i hate SJW and feminists, but what's the proof that she screwed her way to... wherever she is now. I mean there's supposedly an ex saying it right? But how do we know its real? I mean i've had some pretty nutty ex's... we all have.

Not trying to damage control, just curious if im missing anything.

Th4Freak3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

@Grumpy There was no such thing as a dox, hacking or death threads it was all made up by her.



But yeah when I look at people like Zoe Quinn I ask myself what happened to human decency too.

@Conceroine Well, you have this girl who claimed that she slept with her boyfriend: https://twitter.com/cvankee...

And also Wolf Wozniak said that Zoe was sexually harassing him in a wedding and when he was about to tell his story our friend Phil Phish insulted him and stopped him: http://i.imgur.com/5DDiW86....

garrettbobbyferguson3582d ago


There are videos/screenshots of the ex in question showing Zoe admitting everything she has done.

Trigger_War3582d ago

@Grumpy Now denounce Phil Fish for just calling Total Biscuit "gross" and saying "ewwwww" and similar childhood taunts.

Dee_913582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

4 of 45 comments = 90%? hmm
Where are these supposed "death threats" aside from her claiming that? Its well known she is a habitual liar and manipulator though...

@Concertoine There isn't actual proof that she slept with them for the sole purpose of getting her game good exposure, however its on document/screenshot one guy she slept with ( the Kotaku guy) was pushing for her game around the time they slept together. You take that plus someone that is obviously a manipulator you get this reaction.
The fact she is basically censoring the internet doesn't help either..The Kotaku guy also went on record to say that he never reviewed her game, which is true but nobody actually claimed he did.. He never apologized to the ex..

Bimkoblerutso3582d ago

The truly sad part about all these "controversies" and white knighting and SJW's and what have you, is that it paints everything exceedingly black and white.

It cannot even be argued that sexism does not exist in the industry, and yet when so many people like Zoe and Sarkeesian abuse the victim card so often, it creates this atmosphere of frustration and apathy amongst people that would otherwise have no problem supporting their cause.

So ironically, "feminists" like Zoe are more damaging to feminism than any misogynistic 4channer could ever be.

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Jdoki3583d ago

Yeah, sad days when most of the gaming news has little to do with games.

Does anyone know any hidden coves of the internet where people actually chat about what makes the games they like great? And can have debate that doesn't devolve in to name calling?

I'm getting tired of the amount of negativity I'm seeing in the name of gaming, but is really just for generating clicks and noise.

Oh, but lets not forget... my gaming platform of choice is better than your gaming platform of choice! FACT!


SKnight133583d ago

Polygon.com alot of the time. The mods don't tolerate trolling and insults so people usually just don't do it.

Moe-Gunz3582d ago

Polygon is horrible. They're like the Fox News of gaming.

RiPPn3583d ago (Edited 3583d ago )

Games have always been social and involved debate and controversy. Whether it was about which arcade game was better in street fighter vs mortal kombat, or snes vs genesis, these debates went on back in the day just as much as they do now. The only difference is the internet has opened the conversations up to a much larger audience.

SilentNegotiator3582d ago

You can get off the internet and cover your ears at any time, but this stuff is important. People NEED to discuss corruption in the game industry.

Rimgal3582d ago

And someone else private life. That's important right?

People really love internet drama...

SilentNegotiator3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

Here we go, another person completely uninformed about the implications of the story.

It's not that she slept around, it's that she slept around with people who went on to praise the game and never disclosed that they had a relationship with the developer. It's called a "conflict of interest".

On top of that, she completely invented a "raid" against her from a site of people with social anxieties, knowing that people would instantly attack them as "virgins" and they wouldn't strike back.

Rimgal3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

Read through her Ex's side of the story, He said in a comment that he didn't think there was any Sex for Favors, etc. going on, and rather just garden-variety infidelity & sociopathic tendencies..

And kotaku already stated an article about this, even show the dates, that review never happened. You can read it here...


But I'm the uninformed right?

But if you think that Zoe Quinn case, is the debate that needs to be made, and what she did just goes to show how corrupt everything is, then more power to you, and fight that fight, I'm sure it will change nothing. Because what I see is just a bunch of people, acting like man child, and loving the drama.

Me I'm out, because I fuc$#ng hate internet drama

Oner3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

SHE is the cause of this internet drama because SHE did unethical things which includes her private life. So SHE (and others) should be held accountable for her/their actions.

Here's some more clarifying info on her actions ~ https://i.imgur.com/v5wriLI...

ZombieGamerMan3582d ago

@ Grumpy the rabbit hole goes deeper than that, she's used false claims of harassment because of her gender just to promote her own game. That's the really problem of this women along with the fact the way she lives life is opposite of what she publicly stands for. She wants to be seen as this righteous woman standing against social injustice but the truth is all that is just smoke & mirrors as she actually does the exact same she fights against to further her own agendas.

This woman's treachery needs to be out there so people know who the real Zoe is and discredit her.



Come on, no one here really gives two sh*ts about who's f*ing who... In fact, no one cares about Zoe Quinn, her game or her personal life. The reason people are interested in this here (on gaming discussion sites like N4G) is because it furthers the case on corruption of gaming journalism and because some indies and journalists are acting like a mob to censor and/or ridicule the discussion itself.

Unfortunatelly this came to light with an angry revenge-seeking ex-boyfriend and a cheating manipulative ex-girfriend bad break, so it indeed peeked a lot of attraction for the wrong reasons and is getting constantly derailed into that talk, but I don't see it being the main course for most. Sure we'll see everywhere (even here) some people freely insulting her for what she did much beyond what anyone deserves... But what would you expect? It's the freaking internet, the place all scumbags on the planet tend to flock towards, thanks to anonymity! Doesn't mean we can't discuss it or that everyone is like that.

And honestly... I'm already starting to double guess who's really derailing it. I mean, some people just want to insult. Other just want to say it's personal and stuff to protect her... But what really annoy me is that it further shields the supposed corruption case from being investigated as it ends up getting ostracized and ridiculed as pure gossip anyway.

And I'll say that: Karma is a bitch. Even is the whole discussion on corruption is fruitless as you say, it at least serves for many as an eye-opener on how much BS is going on with gaming media and industry regardless of corruption. I mean, these devs and journalists involved are well know for making (into) controversial and touchy headlines that aren't really gaming material... They feast on the undue curiosity of people instead of trying to enhance and get noticed by the quality of their work. Well, look at where undue curiosity got 'em now.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3582d ago
Godmars2903582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

This is more about the monetization of social media. People making a living off of you plays. Manipulating community reviews thereby effecting sales and company stocks.

Also all of the "artsy" BS. The need to insert complex story into FPS and general "Feels".

Sy_Wolf3582d ago

You're actively choosing to look in to the BS in the industry and not just have fun playing games. Don't like it, don't come here.

CryofSilence3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

Totally on totalbiscuit's side. Many indie devs have become self-entitled babies (see Phil Fish's juvenile dribble for reference).

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3582d ago
beepbopadoobop3583d ago ShowReplies(1)
comradestalin3583d ago (Edited 3583d ago )

I find the fact that people in the industry who have spoken on it don't see the issue at hand, and see it as an issue of sexuality EXTREMELY problematic. Forget about the sex. Whether or not sex was used as currency isn't the issue. It's that people with influence had an inappropriate relationship with Quinn (sexual or friendly) that give the impression of cronyism or favoritism, rather than recusing themselves like they should have.

"I have a previous personal relationship with this person and I probably shouldn't chair the award they're up for."

"I have a previous/current personal relationship with this person and may not be objective in this post on this large well-known website."

Also, much is being raised about how Zoe is being targeted and asking why we're not going after the men. Why aren't THEY going after the men? THEY'RE the ones in the industry! The actions of these man make THEM look bad! It gives the impression they are unable to keep their own house clean, so to speak, and may need outside help of some sort of nationalized association or federal regulation.

And NOBODY wants that.

Jdoki3583d ago (Edited 3583d ago )

This is hardly unusual for the industry, and many entertainment industries.

How many reviews are biased by marketing money.

How many reviewers / journalists act like they are more interested in being pals with the superstar devs than actually reporting real news

How many developers have switched their publisher based on money exchanging hands.

How many press events are put on by publishers, and attending journalists given loot (remember MS giving away a 360 to every journalist who attended E3 2010 iirc)

How many times have we heard about actresses in the film industry and 'casting couches'

IF this story is true, it boils down to the same thing - someone trying to get a favourable response by giving something away, and is no different to some of the things I mention above.. What's grotesque is the reaction, because it may involve sex and a woman - and no one stopped to question why they were starting this hate campaign, and whether the original source was genuine.

EDIT: I'm not saying any of the above is right, simply that the reaction of the internet to this particular case of crony-ism has been disproportionate

maine90013583d ago (Edited 3583d ago )

The reaction can only be considered disproportionate if you only consider this event in a vacuum. In the past 1-2 years there have been multiple cases of corruption that gamers discovered but the press censored, and people get more and more angry about it the more this crap happens.

Also, it's not like people are reacting this furiously because she is a woman who used sex for personal gain, people are furious because she is a woman who used sex for personal gain WHILE boasting about her supposed purity, ruining lives, craping all over the supposed thing she says defend, sending her minions without brain to insult and mock anyone who says something bad about a woman, even when they deserve it.

Of course people are going to vomit vitriol the moment they see a chance, they have been treated like trash constantly by these morons.

Jdoki3583d ago (Edited 3583d ago )

No matter how horrible she may be, and guilty of exploiting the system. No one deserves to have their personal details posted online, or naked pictures (no matter how stupid it is to take them in the first place) and be harassed like this.

Also, if this wasn't about sex and her being a woman - then why are we seeing so little vitriol aimed at the people she supposedly influenced?

The act of sex doesn't automatically make someone write good things in a review or force them to give her any benefits - the journalists and industry people had to choose to react that way.

There's no winners in this, but as TB said - people need to calm down.

How many broken heart stories do people post on the internet... How many of them have lead to this level of abuse? I'd suggest very few, and a lot of why this one has flared up is due to it being linked with the video games industry.

Trigger_War3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

"Also, if this wasn't about sex and her being a woman - then why are we seeing so little vitriol aimed at the people she supposedly influenced?"

1. For people mad about cheating: some of those guys weren't cheating and those guys that were only cheated with one person.

2. You should hate on the boss and reporter more then too. I know I hate on them plenty. Just also admit that Zoe deserves blame.

3. Zoe Quinn is a shitty person. She promoted her games with lies and destroyed the Fine Young Capitalists feminist game for charity. She is a sociopathic attention hungry narcissist while pretending to be a moral authority like so many SJWs.

donwel3583d ago

"It gives the impression they are unable to keep their own house clean, so to speak, and may need outside help of some sort of nationalized association or federal regulation."

I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday, this whole thing has gotten much larger than I think any of us thought it would, so I think at this point some kind of national watchdog/regulator is looking increasingly inevitable.

mo2413583d ago

haha indie developers lol
That's why they only make kiddie games.
There only a handfull of real talented indie's and those will get there time to shine. The rest of them will just be a couple of kids and curse at each other.

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