
P.T. Is The Best Thing To Happen To Gaming In A Long Time

For a free playable teaser, P.T. succeeds on just about every front imaginable.

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Enemy3695d ago

There's just one thing I don't understand. As great as it was, or is, why did Sony publish the teaser? If Sony gave it a reveal at their conference, there's got to be some kind of deal going on for Silent Hills.

Seems that if it is going to be exclusive, they're waiting for TGS to confirm the announcement (Famitsu did hint a big 3rd party exclusive).

I can't see a game this huge, which came out of nowhere, being exclusive to PS4 unless Sony is helping with the development though.

This whole thing has been a mystery to me.

SIX3695d ago

Seeing as how it's just a teaser, perhaps they were strapped when it comes to resources. Developing for one console and exploiting it's strength is a lot easier than having to accommodate two consoles. Naturally, they would want to showcase the game the best they could so the PS4 would be a natural choice if you were to design for one or the other. I don't think Silent Hill will be exclusive nor would I want it to be. If Kojima is at the helm then everyone should have the chance to play it. The man is a genius and I'm tired of these fools that don't give him props.

ArchangelMike3695d ago

Well if the rumours have any weight, then Sony might be looking to Silent Hills to be their first big Project Morpheus horror game. It would then make sense for them to partner with Konami, and hence why they published the teaser. Just Imagine P.T on Morpheus, the media hype would be huge. It'd have to come with a severe health warning :)

Batzi3695d ago

I totally agree and Kojima is a genius! P.T. blew me away! Such a unique experience! Now give us a release date for The Phantom Pain!

BlackCountryBob3695d ago

I still haven't played it but it's downloaded and ready to go. Maybe I'll change my mind when I've played it but to say this is the best thing to happen for a log time seems hyperbole though.

My one thing to add to the conversation however is that I hope this is something we will see more games announced like, especially ubisoft should take note, no more pre rendered videos or pre scripted play throughs 3 years in advance of the game being released, either keep quiet until 6 months before it's released or a teaser to actually play so I can get an idea of how it plays, doesn't need to be long, but just something to communicate what your unique selling point is.

Ron_Danger3695d ago

Hopefully you have surround sound. I can't tell you how many times I made the character turn around cause of all the creepy breathing over my right shoulder.

ps5fanboy3695d ago

Think I'll have to restart , as it seems my game has crashed? I'm stuck , doors closed , tried the radio thing(no one behind me) the only door open (slightly) is the bathroom , which I've been in once and that was that , tried everything , looked in every corner and some freaky writing popped up on screen in the 3 places I did it...
Either crashed or I'm missing something?
Don't tell me though as I hate guides or tips.
Just tell me is there a actual end to the demo or is it you stuck in that hallway in hell forever....

patsrule3163695d ago

That happened to me, and I just quit and never came back. Thats kind of why I just don't see what others are seeing in P.T. I thought it was eerie and atmospheric when it started, but eventually I just got frustrated and bored with it.

ps5fanboy3695d ago

Didn't get bored , frustrated more like but not to the point I wouldn't try again with fresh head , I personally love challenging cryptic puzzles...when I beat them that is!

Ron_Danger3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

Wow, you quit early in the demo. Here's a clue: Did you look at the wall above the phone?

patsrule3163695d ago

Not that I recall, honestly.

patsrule3163695d ago

@Ron Danger,

I tried looking at the wall over the phone, and I hear the creepy breathing, but that is it. Tried another 20 minutes, but stuck in the hall. Once again, creepy and atmospheric became frustrating and bored.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3695d ago
BlakeA3695d ago

It can be beat. I didn't personally figure it out, but I have replicated it.

zsquaresoff3695d ago

I'm stuck in the exact same place as you are right now.

It seems there is a piece of picture that you need to find, in order to complete the photo in the frame.

BlakeA3695d ago

Yes, but as far as I have seen, you do NOT need to complete the picture to finish the demo.

LackTrue4K3695d ago

There is 1 part of the picture that is not hidden @ all in the hallways or rooms or any door for that madre..... ;)

That trick reminded me a little of Phycio Mantis in MGS.

sweendog3695d ago

I wont tell you how to get past that bit but you are on the right track. keep going at it

Omnisonne3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

yh think i remember that part, i actually resorted to google cause i was walking around for over an hour -_-

Anyway, you can get through. Just pay close attention to any odd pictures, and then look at your PS4 controller:)

patsrule3163695d ago

That finally got me by that part. Thanks!

achmetha3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

edit: nvm wrong part

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dkgshiz3695d ago

Eh, it wasn't scary by any means. That annoying baby whining kind of drove me nuts. I also couldn't figure out what to do after that meat freezer was hanging with the baby crying. Drove me nuts, So I just went on youtube and watched a walkthrough (More or less the same difference as "playing" this game/teaser). I'm excited though for Silent Hill. Hopefully its good.

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Vits336d ago

I mostly disagree with Downpour's position. Yeah, the game is not amazing by any stretch of the imagination but is much better than the HD Collection and Homecoming. The main issue is the performance, but that was mitigated by the patches, especially on the PS3. Personally, I put it a little behind Origins and The Room.

Having Restless Dreams as a different entry from Silent Hill 2 is also a choice.

bfrye26336d ago

Normally, we would not consider it a different game (Restless Dreams), but since it had a very different critical reception and had new content, it was allowed. As for Downpour, I would agree, but since that one is subjective, we let him make his case for the placement.

gold_drake336d ago

silent hill 2 is definitely the best one out of those.

for me personally, the whole ritual/cult stuff was always so weird to me in all the other games.

CrimsonWing69335d ago

No disrespect but I put SH2 over 1. 1 is fantastic, but 2 took it all up a level.

bfrye26335d ago

We agree, that is why the writer put it in top place!


Dataminer gets PT playable on a PlayStation 5 via hacked emulator

From Eurogamer: "Konami horror project P.T. has been made playable on a PlayStation 5, via a hacked PS4 emulator.

Streamer and dataminer Lance McDonald has managed to get the game working on a non-jailbroken PS5 console.

Essentially, a legitimate copy of P.T. is required as well as an active PSN account on both a jailbroken PS5 and a normal, fully updated PS5. The emulator is then transferred from one to the other."

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MIDGETonSTILTS17709d ago

Hopefully the October 19 Silent Hill announcement makes it so that I don’t need to fret with eBay and all of this emulator nonsense to enjoy a 10 minutes demo for Halloween….

How does Konami not appreciate how much they spite their face when they tarnish Kojima’a legacy?

MrBaskerville709d ago

While we'll surely get several SH projects in the coming years, expecting anything related to P.T. is setting yourself up for dissapointment. Sadly.

MIDGETonSTILTS17709d ago

Yeah I get the sense that Kojima might’ve literally shat on his boss’ desk before leaving