
The Tomorrow Children PS4 Exclusive: Promoting New World Order Agenda

Building A New World Order: One Thought, One World, One Government
From the opening intro of The Tomorrow Children, you are taken back by the subtle, yet very cryptic opening images and wordings that introducing us to Q-Games new PS4 Exclusive and while the idea of a world where you share the same consciousness may appear to be a good idea, if you delve much deeper into the images and video trailer from Q-Games Tomorrow Children you will soon uncover something far more sinister at play.

amyortega1313695d ago

Really liking the art style here. I have to say the music and theme of the game does feel mysteriously odd.

Enemy3694d ago

I had no idea Q Games could ever make a game that looks this damn good. Don't get me wrong, I've played every PixelJunk game and they're all gorgeous. But they're also 2D. This is completely 3D and is one of the better looking games of the new generation.

Destructoid wrote an amazing preview on it. http://www.destructoid.com/...

So hyped now.

SolidDuck3694d ago

Thank u for that link, it gives a much better understanding of what this games about. This game is so up my alley. Look I'm not here to start a fanboy war, xbox and Nintendo have some great games. But games like this alongside games like bloodborne, uncharted, lbp 3, and the last of us are why I'm loving the ps4. The pixeljunk games have been good, but this looks much more ambitious than what q games have done before.

Infamous2983694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

I am the only who thought about the russian communism propaganda when the music theme started playing, even the atmosphere of the game is similar to it lol.

BlackWolf123694d ago

Yeah this seemed very curious.

I mean, we don't even know what it's about, the trailer kind of confused me a bit.

It seemed a bit line Minecraft/DayZ style of gameplay to me.

danniellelewis3695d ago

Very cool. This reminds me of a sort of communist minecraft game but the NWO plot is very spot on. The image at end of the trailer does look a lot like Russia's Putin.

Frankskint3695d ago

Can you imagine a world where such a place existed, where all our consciousness was together. Sounds like a nightmare, can't imagine sharing an office cubicle with some of my work colleges not to talk of my mind.

lisamorgan43695d ago

I'd be scared to see whats in some people minds not to talk of them knowing whats in mine. No wonder the world never survived the first time around.

really like the way the author breaks down Dylan Cuthberts description of the game, didn't see this being a New World Order promo tool, but now i look at the trailer again its so blatantly obvious.

BattleAxe3694d ago

"No wonder the world never survived the first time around"

I'm not sure if this is what you were eluding to, but I have a feeling that we actually don't know our true history. It's possible that civilization has been around for much longer than what we have learned through main stream science and current historical references.

SilentNegotiator3694d ago

That would be horrible. People would discover my awfully specific fantasies, like John Stamos giving Scarlett Johansson a backrub with his feet, covered in deer ticks.

edit: Oops hey guis how do i delete tyhis

alvinmiller923695d ago

You gotta love that face. So this sounds like one of those games where random players will appear in my game kind of like Destiny?

EdnaJones973695d ago

Did anyone else see the sperms in the beginning of the trailer? After the miner had broken through the barrier wall. It was really fast but obviously there.

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The Tomorrow Children Ditches Free-To-Play Feature on Relaunch

The Tomorrow Children is going to be a one-time purchase game now after the decision of Q-Games goes through.

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Elda958d ago

No one is buying that tired game again.

Loktai958d ago

I'm glad to see it back. I was actually sad when it shut down

Eizhale957d ago (Edited 957d ago )

I enjoyed this game and was sad to see it go. It’s strange and satisfying all at once. I look forward to playing it again.


A second chance for The Tomorrow Children

From GI.biz: "Towards the tail end of 2021, Q-Games accomplished something very rare in this industry: it had reclaimed its intellectual property, specifically for PS4 exclusive The Tomorrow Children.

In the announcement tweet, the Japan-based company described it as "a historical move by Sony Interactive Entertainment" and it's hard to argue with that. The game was originally published as a second-party title, funded by PlayStation, and it's typical for the platform holder to retain the IP rights in such a partnership."

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Lost PS4 Exclusive The Tomorrow Children Confirmed to Return, Developer Regains Rights

Lost PlayStation exclusive The Tomorrow Children will return, after its developer regained the rights in a rare deal with Sony.

BiggCMan1050d ago

YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY I AMMMMMMM!!!! We are a small group, but we fans of TTC were so heartbroken when the game shut down. We always talk with them on Twitter about how much the game meant to us and how much we missed it. It really is a dream come true to have it come back, I absolutely cannot wait to be in the world again. I hope lots of new people join in on the weirdness and enjoy the incredible atmosphere of the game. Also praying for a PC version where I think it will really shine.

SullysCigar1050d ago

A friend of mine used to love this game. Might be time to see what the fuss was all about!

EvertonFC1050d ago

Colin moriarty, last stand media recently had a interview with TTC and mentioned about getting control back of the ip.
Good interview and worth the watch, TTC want to go f2p with MT which will support a hardcore fan base

GhostofHorizon1050d ago

I knew this was happening in the background but never thought it would actually happen. This is great news for the fans of the game.

It was a neat little game/experience.

Ethereal1050d ago

Very cool of Sony to relinquish the rights to the dev.

Father__Merrin1050d ago

This was an extremely unique game. Please make this on next gen with RT it will shine with that plastic pladough look

BiggCMan1050d ago

So it actually had an early form of ray tracing called voxel cone tracing, the developer calls it. I'm not a big tech guy so I don't exactly what it means but he's explained it a bit on twitter and the discord. And you can totally tell just by looking at the game and comparing it to the ray tracing games today, I just never really knew what ray tracing was at the time so I wouldn't have picked up on it. But now they at least have the chance to improve upon it, maybe add more advanced RT or something. Potentially make it 4k and HDR, 60fps etc. All the good stuff I hope to see!

jznrpg1050d ago

Cool I always wanted to play this but by the time end checked it out it was getting shut down . I’ll give it a fo this time around

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